


2022-03-21 20:47:41 | 商事法務
〇 日本には、多くの外資系企業がありますね。その会社の中には、設立後に増資、即ち募集株式の発行を行います。非公開会社の場合は、通常は株主割当増資が多いでしょう。従い、海外の親会社と、予め増資の概要を伝えお金の用意を頼んでから、総会決議等会社法所定の要件を満たすことが行われますね。

〇 会社法199条1項の募集事項に加え、202条では「株主に株式の割当てを受ける権利を与える場合」(right issue)の事が規定されています。3項では、定款の定めによって取締役の決定、取締役会の決議、あるいは株主総会の決議によって定めることができる旨規定されています。また、4項では、数人の株主がいる前提で、株式引受申込期日の2週間前までに、株主に対し、1)募集事項、2)株主が割当てを受ける募集株式の数 及び3) 申込期日を通知しなければなりません。でも、増資の際は、事前に株主・会社間で合意が出来ているケースが多く、別に2週間の期間を置く必要もないでしょう。この場合は、全株主からといっても1人が多いと思いますが、202条4項の期間は短縮してOKですよという期間短縮同意書が必要ですね。

〇 ということで、募集事項、株式申込証、期間短縮同意書の一例を日英文で記載して見ましょう。
This is the issuance of 1,000 common shares of J-Yen50,000 per share aggregating to J-Yen50,000,000 to the existing shareholder of the Company on right basis in the ratio of 1 share for every 1 share held by the shareholder of the Company on June 1, pursuant to the resolution passed in its general shareholders meeting held on June 1, 2022.

この文章は、株主割当の結論ですね。しかし実際は、日本では当然、発行済株式総数や資本金の額の登記が必要ですので、もう少し詳細を書きます。株主は、株式割り当てを受ける権利(right issue)を与えられますが、別にこの権利を行使するか、放棄(renounce)するか自由ですが、一般的には、事前に話がついているケースが多いと思いますね。

募集株式の募集/Solicitation of Subscribing Shares

商号/Company Name  : ABC Japan株式会社/ ABC Japan Co. , Ltd.
本店住所/Head Office Address : 東京都千代田区丸の外1丁目2番3号 
2-3, Marunosoto 1-chome, Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo
【募集事項/ Subscription Requirements】
募集株式の数/ Number of Shares for Subscription 普通株式1,000株/ Common Shares 1,000 shares   
募集株式1株の払込金額/ Amount to be paid in per share 金50,000円/株/ J-Yen 50,000 per Share
払込金額の総額/ Total Amount of being paid in    金50,000,000円/ J-Yen50,000,000.-

申込証拠金振込日(当会社の銀行口座への入金日)     令和4年6月8日(水)迄に
Advances on Subscription (to be reached to the Company’s Bank Account) by June 8, 2022

払込期日/ The day to be paid in      令和4年6月9日(木)/ June 9, 2022 (Thu. )

Matters concerning increased Capital & Capital Reserve:
J-Yen 25,000 per Share to be capitalized and J-Yen25,000 to be apportioned into capital reserve.
申込方法: 募集株式申込証を申込期日迄に提出して申し込む。
Method of the Subscription:
Application Form of Subscribing Shares shall be submitted by Application Form Deadline   
申込期日/Application Form Deadline 令和4年6月7日(火)/June 7, 2022 (Tue.)

申込先/ Application Destination ABC Japan株式会社/ ABC Japan Co., Ltd.

発行可能株式総数/Total Number of Authorized Shares  5,000株/5,000 shares
現在の発行済株式総数/ Present issued number of shares 普通株式1,000株 Common Shares 1,000 shares
現在の資本金の額/ Present capital stock     金5,000万円/ J-Yen50,000,000

Transfer Restriction of Shares:
The acquisition of the shares of the Company by transfer requires the approval of the Company for new acquirers.

払込方法  令和4年6月7日までに申込証拠金を払込受入銀行口座に振込み、払込期日に割当を受けた株式に対する払込金に振替え充当する。
Method of Payment   Advances on subscription to be reached to the Company’s Bank Account) by June 7, 2022, and the Advances will be transferred and applied to the payment for the shares allocated on the day to be paid in.
払込受入銀行口座/Bank A/C to receive the payment
口座名義人/A/C holder ABC Japan (カ /ABC Japan Co. , Ltd.
  落目銀行(0000)あほ山支店(000)/ Ochime Bank Ahoyama Branch(000)
普通預金/Ordinary Account 口座番号/A/C Number 123456
Swift Code /BIC: xxxJPxx
その他     その他株式の発行に必要な事項は、代表取締役が決定する。
Others  Other matters necessary for the issuance of shares will be decided by the Representative Director.

以上/As above

Application Form of Subscribing Shares

引き受けようとする募集株式の数等/Subscriptions for Solicited Shares
ABC Japan株式会社/ ABC Japan Co. , Ltd.
普通株式/Common Shares   1,000株/ 1,000 Shares

(1)引受価額(1株につき)/ Amount of Subscription price (per share) 金/J-Y 50,000円 
(2)払込金/ The amount to be paid in         金/J-Y 50,000,000円
(3)申込証拠金/ Advances on subscription 金/J-Y 50,000,000円

After acknowledging your company's Articles of Incorporation, the contents of the Solicitation of subscribing shares, and the matters of this Application Form, we hereby apply for the shares herein. In addition, we duly acknowledge that the Advance payment will be transferred to the amount to be paid in on the payment date without interest.

                  令和4年6月 7日/June 7 , 2022

住所/Address: xxxx, USA
株式申込人/ Applicant: ABC USA Corporation

Tagosaku John, CEO and Director

ABC Japan株式会社/ABC Japan Co. , Ltd.
代表取締役/Representative Director 毛 あかん/Mao Akan  殿

【期間短縮の同意書/ Consent to Shortening the Period】

As sole shareholder who owns all of your issued shares, the Company consents and agrees to proceed with the issuance of the above offered shares without the notice period stipulated in Article 202, Paragraph 4 of the Companies Act.

令和4年6月1日/June 1, 2022
住所/Address: xxxx, USA
株式申込人/ Applicant: ABC USA Corporation

Tagosaku John, CEO and Director


2022-02-19 14:25:54 | 商事法務
1~25枚まで 110円 26~50枚 まで220円、51~100枚までは330円ですね。他の銀行でも、枚数によって手数料を取っていますね。






2021-11-08 21:31:53 | 商事法務

〇 日本の会社組織形態(機関)の硬直性・つぎはぎ結果の複雑性:

米国の模範事業会社法§ 8.25. COMMITTEESでは以下のように規定しています。
(a) Unless this Act, the articles of incorporation or the bylaws provide otherwise, a board of directors may create one or more committees and appoint one or more members of the board of directors to serve on any such committee.

米国やドイツでは経営の執行と監督は分離されていますね。ドイツでは監査役会が機能しています。米国では、取締役会が監督機能を担っています。取締役会は、重要な経営事項は自ら決定しなければなりませんが、かなりの経営事項は委員会に権限を委譲しています。委員会は、通常複数の取締役から構成される、監査委員会、指名委員会、報酬委員会、財務委員会、執行委員会等がありますね。これら委員会は、日本(404条等)と異なり会社法で組成を義務づけられている訳ではないですが、慣行的に出来たわけですね(上記模範事業会社法§ 8.25参照)。業務の執行は、DirectorではなくOfficerが行います。取締役を兼任する場合もありますが(1人は兼任多いですが)、OfficerのトップがCEO(Chief Executive Officer)であり、COO (Chief Operating Officer)等で他にはSecretaryやTreasurer などがいますね。英米では、日常業務はCEO/COOが行いますが、これらOfficeを決めていなければ、Directorが行いますね。英国法を引き継いでいる香港などでは、「Director」が行います。

日本では、代表取締役社長という言い方が一般的ですね。Representative Directorですね。しかし、私は海外でRepresentative Directorという言葉は見たことないですね。オランダ系の会社法を引き継いでいるインドネシアでは、President Directorというのがありますけどね。日本的な感覚で言えば、これが代表取締役社長でしょうか。社長という名称は別に法定されているわけではなく、業務執行者という意味でしょうか。定款で定まれば良いですね。ですから代表取締役社長でなくても、代表取締役隊長でも組長でも良いかもしれません。株式会社山口組なら、山口組組長ですね。


取締役の上に、代表取締役という制度を作った矛盾でしょうか?世界の会社の組織形態としては、1)英米型の取締役・取締役会と取締役会の委任を受けた米国の委員会制度、2)取締役会と監査役会が同レベルの国、3)ドイツのような取締役会の上部組織としての監査役会制度を持つ国(ドイツ・インドネシア等)の3つでしょうね。ただ、インドネシア会社法のBoard of Commissioners(=コミサリス(Komisaris)会)がどの程度機能しているか、あまり知りません。

これと異なり、株式を発行し、株金の払込は全額ではなく、25%以上でもよいという制度もありますね。そういった制度の国の人と話していたら、発行株式の全額払込をするという意識が無く、会社設立のときに、資本金(日本でも半分まで資本準備昆可能)の半分ぐらいしかお金を用意していなかった例もあります。また、残り3/4は取締役会がCapital Callするんですね。この場合も、英文では、「the increase of issued and paid up capital to be at least 25% (twenty five percent) of the authorized capital shall be conducted within a period no later than 6 (six) months」という風に、授権資本= authorized capitalという言い方をしますので、同じ言葉を使っていても、相手とこちらの認識が違うということもおこりますね。

また、海外では、Capital Callしたものは、全て資本金になるのでしょうか。ここがよくわかりません。日本では、法445条2項「前項の払込み又は給付に係る額の二分の一を超えない額は、資本金として計上しないことができる」として、資本準備金として計上しますね。
こういったCapital Reserveも、海外と日本の認識の差がでる部分ではないでしょうか。

ソフトウェアライセンス契約 その4 

2021-10-05 12:49:56 | 商事法務





Exhibit A - – Maintenance and Support

General Terms and Conditions for Maintenance and Support of the Software Packages.

This Exhibit sets forth the terms and conditions under which Licensor will provide maintenance and support (collectively called “Support”) to Licensee. All terms not otherwise defined herein have the meanings given them in the applicable license agreement.

1 Definitions
1.1 "Patch" shall mean a fix to a program Error.

1.2 “Error” shall mean a demonstrable instance of adverse and incorrect operation of the Software Packages that impacts Licensee’s ability to use a functionality described in the Documentation.

1.3 “Error Resolution” shall mean the following:
1.3.1 a solution has been generated in the form of a Patch, or a revised version of the Software Packages corrects the Error, neither of which create additional problems; or
1.3.2 the origin of the Error lies in the Documentation and the appropriate Documentation has been clarified.

2 Changes to Support Terms

Licensor can change, from time to time, its standard Support terms and conditions subject to the prior consent of Licensee. Any change to the Support terms and conditions will not materially reduce the level of Support set forth herein.

3 Description of Support
3.1 Licensor will use commercially reasonable efforts to provide Error Resolution to Errors reported and submitted by Licensee, pursuant to the response times detailed below.

◎ Severity Level:Critical. The Error is having a critical impact on Licensee's ability to conduct business. This means that the Software Package is down, or not functioning, and no procedural workaround exists.
Licensor Response Time:1 hour, work commenced immediately
Status Updates:Once every day

◎ Severity Level: Severe. The Error is having a severe impact on Licensee's business in which Licensee's operations are disrupted, but there is a capacity to maintain necessary business operations.
Licensor Response Time: 6 hours, work commenced within the same business day
Status Updates: Once every other business day

◎ Severity Level:Minor. The Error is having a medium-to-low impact on Licensee's business that involves partial, non-critical functionality loss. Licensee's operations are impaired but functioning.
Licensor Response Time:1 day, work commenced within one business day
Status Updates:Once every 5 business days

3.2 General usage questions will be responded to within two business days and treated with a lower priority.

3.3 “Hours” and “days” are counted within regular operation hours for the Licensor support center to which Licensee has been assigned, excluding any holidays specified by Licensor and public holidays. If an Error is reported on a day that is a public holiday or on a Saturday or Sunday, the Response Times indicated above will commence as of the first business day that Licensor received the report of the Error. All critical requests should be confirmed by phone.

3.4 New Versions
Licensor will make each New Version of the Software Packages that Licensor releases available to Licensee.

"Version" means that release identification scheme generally in the form of X.Y, where X represents a major release or a change of base level, and Y represents a minor release level. A version can have several maintenance releases identified by a third digit such as Z in X.YZ ("Maintenance Release").

X = A major release or a change of base level: New features and/or new functionality is added to prior version and customer can identify the improvement easily.
Y = A minor release level: Minor improvement, modification of existing features and functionality.
Z = Maintenance Release: Error Resolution, issuance of Patch

“New Version” shall mean that new release of the Software Packages. Examples: if v6.3 replaced v6.2, then v6.3 is the New Version; if v6.0 replaced v5.0, then v6.0 is the New Version. This does not include Maintenance Releases.

4 Exclusions
4.1 Support does not cover resolution of Errors which result from (i) any non-Licensor modification to the Software Packages, or (ii) unless otherwise approved by Licensor in writing, use of the Software Packages by Licensee which is not in accordance with the Documentation.

4.2 Support does not cover modifications to the Software Packages, except for bug-fix and provision of patch, to work around the dysfunction or limitation of third party software or hardware.

4.3 Support does not cover source code supplied by Licensor to Licensee as part of a consulting engagement.

4.4 Support includes troubleshooting or determination of the origin of whether the Error is attributable to the Software Packages.

5 Additional Services
5.1 Training and on-site support are additional free-services and can be made available to Licensee upon request of Licensee, provided that such training is no more than one time in any half-year period. The terms for all such services shall be subject to mutual agreement of Parties.

6 Escalation
Either Party may initiate escalation procedures if the normal avenues for Error resolution have been exhausted.

7 Other Terms
All other terms of the applicable license agreement, including but not limited to the sections related to the license grants, title and general contractual provisions, are hereby incorporated herein by reference. In the event of any inconsistency between the terms of the applicable license agreement and the terms of this Support Agreement, the terms of this Support Agreement shall control only with respect to determining Licensor’s obligations with respect to providing Support. In all other cases, the applicable license agreement shall prevail.

ソフトウェアライセンス契約 その3

2021-09-12 20:23:06 | 商事法務

〇 Liability
1) Each Party is responsible only for any actual direct loss or damage of the other Party arising in connection with this Agreement, which shall be no more than the amount that Licensee has paid Licensor for the latest twelve (12) months as License and support fees, except that this limitation will not apply to (a) Licensor's indemnity obligation under the next Section (Licensorが、第三者の権利侵害をしていた場合), (b) claims based upon gross negligence or willful misconduct, (c) claims for breach of the Section (LicensorのRepresentation & Warranty違反の場合) or (d) Licensee’s obligation to pay any unpaid License fees and support fees otherwise due and payable under this Agreement.

2) Parties further agree that neither Party will ever be responsible to the other or to any third party for special, incidental, exemplary or consequential damages (including but not limited to lost profits or savings) even if Party is informed of their possibility and regardless of the basis or legal theory on which damages may be claimed.

3) Under no circumstances (except as required by law) will Licensor be liable for third-party claims relating to the Service against Licensee for losses or damages other than those arising out of an alleged infringement claim of the Software Packages. Licensor shall also not be responsible for loss of, or damage to, Licensee’s records or data obtained from providing the Service to User.

4) If Licensor receives notice of an alleged infringement claim or determines that such claim is likely, Licensor may, at its option, (i) obtain the right for Licensee to continue to use the Software Packages; (ii) substitute the Software Packages that have similar operating capabilities for the current Software Packages; or (iii) modify the Software Packages so that they are no longer infringing but has substantially similar operating capabilities as the current Software Packages. In the event that none of the above options is reasonably available, Licensor may terminate this Agreement and shall remedy Licensee for any losses arising thereof. The details of such remedy shall be discussed and decided between the Parties hereto.

5) Each Party acknowledges and agrees that money remedies may not be a sufficient remedy for any breach of this Agreement by such Party, and the other Party may be entitled to specific performance and injunctive relief as remedies for any such breach. Such remedies will not be deemed to be the exclusive remedies for a breach of this Agreement by such Party but will be in addition to all other remedies available at law or in equity to the other Party

〇 Licensor Intellectual Property Indemnity
Licensor represents and warrants that Licensor has received no claim of infringement from any third party as to the Software Packages, as of the execution date of this Agreement. Licensor will defend (at its expense), indemnify and hold Licensee harmless against any claim, suit or proceeding brought against Licensee if it is based on a claim that the Software Packages (so long as it has not been modified in any respect by Licensee) infringe a copyright enforceable in any country which is a signatory to the Berne Convention, trade secret and/or other intellectual property rights. Such indemnification obligation will require that Licensee (i) give Licensor prompt written notice of any such claim; (ii) allow Licensor to control the defense and settlement of such claim; and (iii) provide Licensor with all information and assistance (at Licensor’s expense) for defense and settlement of such claim. Licensor will pay any settlement costs and damages awarded after final appeal. Licensor shall have no obligation to defend or hold Licensee harmless if any alleged infringement of intellectual property right is based upon the use of the Software Packages in a manner for which it is not intended.

〇 Agreement Structure
If there is a conflict among or between terms in the various documents which make up this Agreement, the following order of precedence shall prevail: (1) the Exhibits of this Agreement; and (2) the body of this Agreement. Any additional or different terms in other communication are void except by mutual express consent in writing of subsequent date signed by authorized officer of each of Parties hereto.

〇 Contract Renewal and Termination
LicenseeがUser ProgramをUserに配布して継続的ビジネスを開始すれば、やめられませんね。従い自動更新付の条項が多いと思います。


ソフトウェアライセンス契約 その2

2021-08-26 10:32:42 | 商事法務
〇 Reports on Number of User and Other Information
1) For distributions of User Programs by Licensee to User, Licensee shall provide Licensor, by no later than the end of the following month, monthly report detailing the number of Registered User of each month.
2) Licensor will calculate the amount of License Fee and support fees stipulated in the Section x in accordance with the formula mentioned in the schedule specified in Exhibit xx.
3) If Licensor wants to get other information (about system access authority and others), Licensor shall specify the type of the information and request Licensee to provide. Licensee shall furnish such information to Licensor within a reasonable period of time.

〇 Review of Licensee’s Compliance with the Agreement
Licensor may review Licensee’s compliance with this Agreement. Licensee agrees to provide Licensor with relevant records, particularly those relating to payments and the basis for payments, on request, and Licensee agrees to maintain such records for a period of two (2) years after the end of this Agreement. The review of Licensee's relevant records will be conducted at Licensor’s sole expense during Licensee’s normal business hours upon prior written notice to Licensee. Licensor will conduct no more than one such review in any half-year period. If any errors are found during the course of any review, Licensor and Licensee shall discuss in good faith as to such errors. Licensor will treat any information that Licensor obtains from the documents provided to or reviewed by Licensor as Licensee’s Confidential Information.

〇 Ownership
1) Licensor represents and warrants to Licensee that Licensor has independently developed all the Software Packages including the Documentation thereof and confirms that the Software Packages do not include any unauthorized software.
2) Licensee acknowledges and agrees that: (a) the Software Packages are protected under copyright and other laws and international treaty provisions; (b) Licensor retains all copyrights and other intellectual property rights in the Software Packages; (c) there are no implied licenses under this Agreement, and any rights not expressly granted to Licensee hereunder are reserved by Licensor; and (d) Licensee acquires no ownership or other interest, other than those rights explicitly stipulated in this Agreement, in or to the Software Packages.

1) Licensor represents and warrants to Licensee that the Software Packages do not infringe any third party’s patent, copyright, trade secret and/or other intellectual property rights and has the authority to grant license, based on the rights and interest it holds, in accordance with the provisions of Section xx hereof.
2) Licensor warrants that the Software Packages, if operated as instructed by Licensor, will substantially achieve the functionality described in the Documentation in all material respects.
3) Licensor represents and warrants to Licensee that the Software Packages are free from any viruses, Trojan horse, any malicious and/or harmful programs, provided, however, that Licensor is not responsible for any viruses, Trojan horse, any malicious and/or harmful programs if these programs would be installed to User’s PC to damage, destroy or infect the Software Packages by any third party and/or User.
4) Licensor will not warrant that the Software Packages are free from bug and/or defects, and/or have no difference between the Software Packages and Documentation and Licensor does not warrant that the Software Packages conform fully to the requirements and purpose of User. Licensee must report warranty claims to Licensor as soon as possible when they are found.
5) Licensee’s remedy for any breach of the representations and/or warranties in this Section by Licensor shall be, at Licensor’s option, (i) to make bug-fix, repair or replace the defective Software Packages; (ii) to provide Licensee with a reasonable workaround so that the Software Packages substantially achieves the functionality described in the Documentation. Repaired, corrected, or replaced Software Packages (including Documentation) shall be covered by this limited warranty.
6) Except as otherwise stated in this Agreement, Licensor makes no other express, implied or statutory warranty and expressly disclaim all warranties of fitness for a particular purpose.
ここの書き方は、米国ではよくあるケースですね。Uniform Commercial Codeの2条に定める性能・品質保証の考え方です。詳しくは2011年3月12日Blog 英文契約のExpress & Implied Warrantyをご参照ください。(https://blog.goo.ne.jp/masaru320/m/201103)


ソフトウェアライセンス契約 その1

2021-08-13 09:05:46 | 商事法務
〇 ソフトウェアにはいろんな種類がありますね。WordやExcelの場合は、Microsoft社からソフトの使用権を購入し使用しますね。しかし、ソフトの中には、開発企業から使用権を得て、この使用権を基に、顧客・消費者に継続的にサービスを提供するソフトもあります。メルカリの場合は、どのようになっているのか知りませんが、例えば開発企業からメルカリのサーバーに、サーバータイプソフトの使用権を許諾し提供、メルカリは、そのソフトをインストールして顧客にサービスを提供する。メルカリのユーザはスマホなどにユーザプログラムをダウンロードしてサービスを利用する。ご承知のように、メルカリからは頻繁にソフトウェアの修正・アップデートの連絡が来ます。これらはbug fixですね。
ソフトウェアのライセンスには、使用権許諾と保守サポートを別々の契約で行う。保守サポート契約は、本体のソフト使用権の対価の20-15%ぐらいの対価を得て、Version Upを行うような契約もありますが、最近は継続使用のソフトウェアの場合は、保守サポート契約と一体となったものが多いのではないでしょうか。

〇 ライセンス契約の主な条項(一般条項は除く)は、以下ぐらいでしょうか。
Definitions, Grant of License and Sublicense, Maintenance and Support, License and Support Fees, Restrictions on Use of the Software, Reports on Number of User and Other Information User数に応じてライセンスフィーを決める場合は、この条項が必須ですね), Review of Licensee’s Compliance with the Agreement, Ownership, Warranty, Confidential Information, Liability, Licensor Intellectual Property Indemnity, Agreement Structure, Contract Renewal and Termination, Exhibit – Maintenance and Support

〇 Definitions-ライセンスを供与するソフトの定義等、いろいろな定義が必要ですね。

〇 Grant of License and Sublicense
Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Licensor grants Licensee a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-assignable right (the “License”) to use the Software Package as under for Licensee’s business to provide User with the Service in Japan. Both Parties acknowledge and agree that the License is granted by Licensor to Licensee only and not to its subsidiary, agent nor other third party. The License should not be shared with any Licensee’s subsidiary, agent or other third party. In case Licensee’s subsidiary, agent or cooperator need to use the License and/or they want to expand area of the Service other than Japan, such license shall be agreed and granted by Licensor through a separate contract.
1) the right to use the Software Package.
2) the right to sublicense and authorize Licensee to market and sublicense User Programs to User as an plug-in module in User’s PC and/or smart phone .

〇 Maintenance and Support
Licensor agrees to furnish Licensee with maintenance and support by itself and/or through its subsidiary in Japan for the Software Package including provision of patch and modified and/or enhanced version of the Software Package. The terms and conditions for that support coverage are as detailed in Exhibit A attached.

〇 License and Support Fees -いろいろなライセンス料や保守料の定めがありますね。

〇 Restrictions on Use of the Software Package
Licensee agrees;
1) that, except as otherwise permitted in this Agreement or as required by law, Licensee agrees not to : (i) disassemble, decompile, reverse compile or reverse engineer the Software Package; (ii) modify, copy or create derivative works based on the Software Package ; (iii) sell, give, rent, lease, loan, sublicense, distribute or transfer the Software Package, in whole or in part; (iv) process data or information for, or on behalf of any third party, using or having any manner of access to the Software Package; or (v) create ID other than the ID issued and granted by Licensor;
2) that, except as expressly permitted under this Agreement, Licensee may not sublicense or otherwise transfer any of the Software Package; and
3) and understands that the source code of the Software Package, if Licensor discloses to Licensee, shall not be exposed, disclosed or made directly or indirectly accessible to User and/or other third party.


製造ライセンス契約について その4

2021-07-08 11:19:23 | 商事法務
特許は国ごとの制度ですから、LicensorはLicensee所在国でも当該特許を取得しているのが前提ですね。それを前提に特許の実施権をLicenseeに授与するわけですね。米国などでは詳細に決めるケースが多いですが、以下では、簡単な例の、特許侵害Patent Infringementと、この契約は、技術情報の開示なども含んでおりますので、その技術情報の開示の制限の規定も書いてみます。

7. Patent Infringement
Licensee shall agree to hold Licensor free from any liability resulting from any patent infringement of xxx(Licenseeの所在国) patents by sale or use of the Products covered by this Agreement. Should Licensee become aware of a suit or claim filed against them for the patent infringement, Licensee shall promptly notify Licensor of such a suit or claim and Licensor agrees to assist and cooperate with Licensee, at the request and expense of Licensee, for the conduct of any such defence.
この例では、Licenseeが特許侵害の訴えに対して攻撃防御をしないといけない例ですね。ですからLicensor agrees to assist and cooperate with Licenseeと記載されていますが、こういった場合はLicensorが攻撃防御するという規定も当然ありますね。特許が、当該国で有効に成立していることを特許権者は、実施許諾する者へ保証しないといけませんからね。

8. Limitation of Liabilities
8.1 Third-party information. Licensor shall not be obligated to disclose any proprietary information of a third party without the consent of such third party, and Licensor shall not be obligated to furnish any information which furnishing would require payment of a fee to a third party other than an employee of Licensor.
8.2 To the best of Licensor’s knowledge and belief, Licensee’s use of the Technical Information or the manufacture or sale of the Products will not result in the infringement of valid patents of third parties. Subject thereto Licensor gives no warranty in this respect. Should Licensee be sued for infringement of any patent or patents of the third party by reason of its use of the Technical Information or the manufacture or sale of the Products, Licensee shall on request assist Licensor in its defence to such action to extent that in all circumstance it is reasonable to do so.

9. General Indemnification
Except to the extent that Licensor has itself been unreasonably negligent, Licensee hereby agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold Licensor harmless from and against any and all liabilities, losses, damages, injuries, costs, expenses, causes of action, claims, demands, assignments and similar matters including without limitation, reasonable attorney’s fees resulting from or arising out of manufacture, delivery or performance of the Products, Technical Information or services provided hereunder, including without limitation, claims for products liabilities.

この補償の規定は、少しわかりにくいかもしれませんね。hold Licensor harmless from and against any and all liabilities, losses等と書いています。特許については、特許権者が実施権者に、きちんと使えるようにしないといけませんが、もしその特許に基づき実施権者が製品を作る時に、従業員が怪我をした。従業員は、特許製品の製法がおかしいので怪我をしたので、特許権者を訴えるという場合、hold Licensor harmlessで、特許権者にはご迷惑はかけませんよという規定ですね。

10.Other Provisions
1) Termination この契約は継続的な契約ですから、Licenseeの倒産、契約違反(ライセンス契約のみならず、それと密接な関係の契約違反を含む場合があります)の時などの規定を入れます。Terminateされても、直ぐに生産できないとなるとお客さんへの供給責任等もありますので、その辺の規定を入れることもあります。勿論、その間はRoyaltiesの支払い義務はありますね。
2) 契約期間、自動延長するかなどの規定も入れます。
3) 普通は、Prohibition of Assignment and Sub-Licensingの規定が入りますね。
4) その他の一般条項は、以下ぐらいでしょうか。Approval(当該国で要求される場合), No Waiver, Complete Agreement, Modification, Title (reference only), Notice, Arbitration, Relationship, Force Majoure, Confidentiality (但し、製品の顧客が技術情報等を求めるときは、Licensorの同意のもと、同意の範囲内の開示は可能と入れるときがあります)

製造ライセンス契約について その3

2021-06-18 20:46:46 | 商事法務

5 Consideration for Grant of License including providing Technical Information and Technical Services

5.1 Royalties for Grant of License and providing Technical Information
5.1.1 特許実施料の取り方にはいろいろ考えられますね。
(1) Onetime lump sum payment 一括払いですね。契約締結後xx以内に支払えというのが多いですね。
(2) License Maintenance Fee- 毎期(年)一定金額を支払うものです。
(3) 製品売上にリンクしたRunning Royaltiesですね。例えば、Licensee shall pay to Licensor a royalty of two point five percent (2.5%) of the net Sales Price of the Products sold by Licensee during the term of this Agreement.
(4) 例えば、契約時に一括払いを受け取り、その後Running Royaltiesを、売上高の一定率を受け取る場合も多いですね。この場合は、Licenseeの売上高を調査する権限などの規定も必要になります。

5.1.2. Payment of Royalty shall be made within thirty (30) days after the end of each half year period for all Products sold or otherwise disposed of during such half year.
5.1.3 Record keeping and reporting. Licensee shall keep accurate records showing the quantity, price and date of sale of all Products sold by Licensee during the term of this Agreement and Licensee shall furnish Licensor within thirty (30) days after the end of each half year a certificate showing the quantity and Sales Prices of such Products sold or for any taxes withheld by Licensee or paid on behalf of Licensor. Licensee shall permit inspection and verification of all such records by representative of Licensor at reasonable times and upon reasonable notice.

5.2 Fee and Expense for Technical Assistance
5.2.1 The following fee related to the provision of services by Licensor shall be borne by Licensee.
- Daily allowance of US$xxx.00 per person per day (including meals) for the period from departure date to returned date including Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday.

5.2.2 The following cost and expenses shall be borne and reimbursed by Licensee to Licensor when such cost and expenses are paid by Licensor/Licensor’s engineers.
(1) Transportation expenses of engineers – airfare (economy class ticket including related taxes), travel insurance (including the cover of injury and/or sick) and transportation cost from home to airport and from airport to hotel (both way)
(2) Communication expenses
(3) Hotel (accommodation) charge
(4) Charge of car with driver or appropriate alternative transport cost.

6. Payment of Royalty and Fee
6.1 Currency. -売上は通常Local Currencyですので、それをUS$払いにするのか、その時の換算をどうするのか等の定めもしておかないといけません。例:All payments made to Licensor pursuant to this Agreement shall be in U.S.Dollars. The net Sales Price shall be converted as appropriate into U.S.Dollars at the exchange rate used by a principal international bank in xxxx effective at the close of the last business day of each half year period prior to calculating the royalty due for that period or, as to Technical Assistance Fee, at the time of remittance.

6.2 Taxes. Any taxes required to be withheld by the Government of the Territory applicable amounts which become payable to Licensor under this Agreement shall be paid by Licensee on behalf of Licensor and deducted from the amount of payment which is to be remitted to Licensor. Licensee agrees to furnish Licensor with the payment certificates or receipts from the appropriate tax authorities for any such taxes which have been so paid for.

6.3 Late Payment. Licensee shall pay interest at a rate of ten per cent (10%) per annum to Licensor on all payments not made in a timely manner pursuant to the above Section 5.1.2. Licensor’s receipt of such interest, however, shall not eliminate or prejudice any of Licensor’s rights of termination as hereinafter set forth.

特許のライセンスは実施許諾ですので、特許をLicenseeが、きちんと実施できるようにするのがLicensorの義務になります。従い、Patent Infringementのときどうするかとか、そのIndemnificationをどうするか等を規定しますね。また、米国の契約等は、契約記載事項以外は、No Representation & Warrantyの条項が入ります。長くなるので、次回にします。

製造ライセンス契約について その2

2021-06-08 20:30:01 | 商事法務

LicensorからLicenseeに提供するものは、1) 特許のライセンス=実施権。2) 技術情報ですが、操業Manual、検査基準、メインテナンス作業手順書等。3) 技術支援、即ち技術者が技術提供先に行って操業支援するーこの3つが必要です。この3つが有機的に機能することにより、製品の製造技術が移転できるわけですね。更に、これに加えてこれら支援をしても、受入側の技能者がTrainingを受けマスターしないと身に付きませんので、Trainingの条項を入れることもありますが、受入側がマスターするかの保証はできないですね。


では、この3つの支援と、Licenseeからのお金の取り方とはどういった関係でしょうか?一番お金に換算しにくいのは2)の技術情報の提供ですね。マニュアル代は〇〇〇ドル。検査基準書は〇〇〇ドルという決め方もありますが、即ちノウハウ提供料を、相手から取ろうとしても、なかなか算定できるものではないです。従い、(1) 結局一式50万ドルとか「エイヤー」と決める方法か、あるいは(2) 特許の使用料(Lump-some 又はrunning royalties)に含めるかぐらいが実際的ではないでしょうか。


2. Grant of License
2.1 License Grants. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, Licensor hereby grants Licensee for the Term a royalty-bearing non-transferable right under the Patent Rights to make, use, sell, offer to sell and lease the Products and use the Technical Information to be provided by Licensor for manufacturing the Products in the Territory.

2.2 Exclusivity. In order to establish an exclusive period for Licensee, Licensor agrees that it shall not grant any other license to make, use, sell, lease and import the Products in the Territory during the period of time commencing on the date hereof and extending to the end of the Term.

3.Technical Information
3.1 Without prejudice to the generality of Section 1 (c) , “Technical Information" shall include but is not limited to the following which shall be supplied to Licensee by Licensor to the best of Licensor’s knowledge and information.
(a) Information as to Materials
i) Material specification
ii) Names of materials’ suppliers
iii) Sources of supply know to Licensor

(b) Information as to the method of manufacturing and processing
i) Process Flow diagram
ii) Production standard

(c) Information as to tools and machines
i) Machine tools specifications
ii) Tooling specification and drawings
iii) Machines and tools setting procedures

(d) Information as to Inspection
i) Inspection standard specification for incoming materials, process as well as finished goods.
ii) Quality control chart
iii) Gauge drawings for measurement

(e ) Operation method and/or advice
i) Layout of production equipment
ii) Operation optimization of machines
iii) Cost reduction procedure
iv) Quality assurance program and procedure
iv) Preventive maintenance program

(f) Factory layout and/or advice
i) Overall factory and line design
ii) Environment control and waste management

Licensor shall furnish such Technical Information to Licensee in English to the best of Licensor’s abilities.


3.2 Licensor warrants that all Technical Information disclosed and rendered or to be disclose and rendered to Licensee under this Agreement is, or will be, to the best of Licensor’s knowledge and belief, accurate (provided always that Licensor will promptly correct any errors in the Technical Information subsequently discovered by Licensee).

In the event that Licensee suffers legal suits pertaining to the use of the said Technical Information, Licensor shall provide necessary support to Licensee in overcoming the said legal suits.

4.Technical Assistance and dispatch of Licensor’s Engineers
4.1 Technical Assistance
Licensor shall, at the request of Licensee, provide Licensee with the following Technical Assistance:

(1) With regard to planning of the Plant including total facilities for manufacture of the Products:
i) Preparation of basic plan of the Plant;
ii) Preparation of layout drawing of the Plant including a list of Machinery and Equipment in relation to the site of the Plant, as well as consultations aimed at the correct technical administration of the functional design, construction and facilities of the Plant;
iii) Planning of supply network for gas, electric power, water, air, etc.;
iv) Counseling to the Licensee's constructor involved in the Plant and construction of the Plant.

(2) With regard to the Machinery and Equipment:
i) Advice on Licensee's procurement of the Machinery and Equipment from suppliers;
ii) Supply useful Technical Information on the Machinery and Equipment.

(3) With regard to the starting and initial operation of the Plant:
i) Consultation and advice for installing the Machinery and Equipment in the Plant up to such time when production of the Products reaches "at running level";
ii) Counseling by Licensor's engineers for the determination of parameters that will control the efficient operation of the Machinery and Equipment in the Plant;
iii) Supervision by Licensor's engineers for such directions and explanations as may be necessary for smooth operation of the Machinery and Equipment;
iv) Other useful advice on or about the operational optimization of machines, cost reduction procedure, inspection of the Products and environmental control and waste treatment if any and requested by Licensee.

4.2 Dispatch of Licensor’s Engineer
Upon request of Licensee, unless otherwise agreed, Licensor shall agree to dispatch Licensor-nominated engineers (including such engineers of its subsidiary) to provide Licensee with the Technical Assistance mentioned in 4.1 above, at such mutually agreeable time arranged in advance and for such reasonable duration which will not unduly interfere with the normal operation of Licensor:
(1) To dispatch appropriate number of engineers to provide Technical Assistance for the purpose of investigation of the Plant site, making basic plan and layout drawing of the Plant, installing and commissioning the Machinery and Equipment and other assistance mentioned in 4.1 above and furthermore relating to the production of the Products;

(2) The number of engineers dispatched by Licensor to Licensee’s Plant shall be mutually agreed upon;

(3) The engineers dispatched by Licensor to Licensee’s Plant shall have enough expertise and capability of performing their tasks efficiently;

(4) The period of stay for engineers dispatched by Licensor to Licensee’s Plant shall be in principle no more than fourteen (14) working days per visit;

(5) The period of stay for engineers shall mean the time from when the engineer leaves Japan to the time that such engineer returns to Japan, excluding any private holidays taken during the course of such engineer’s voyage;

(6) The working hours for Licensor’s engineers dispatched to Licensee will be in principle to follow Licensee’s normal working hours for day-shift operation, but will not exceed forty (40) hours per week excluding lunch breaks.


製造ライセンス契約について その1

2021-05-25 08:51:34 | 商事法務
〇ライセンス契約と言ってもいろんな種類のライセンス契約がありますね。日本のメーカにとってよくあるケースは、特許使用許諾、技術ライセンスや技術支援契約でしょうか。その他商標ライセンスとかソフトウェアライセンス等もありますね。また、Know-How License契約というのもあります。Know-Howは移転するものという考え方で、移転機期間の上限を定めている、即ちいたずらに延長することを認めていない国等もありますね。


・ライセンス契約での注意点は、一般的には租税条約に基づく減免対象ですので、Licensor がLicenseeから受領するRoyaltyについて、支払国側でLicensorの税金としてLicenseeがwithholdして軽減された税額を当局に収めなければならないことですね。その納税証明書をLicenseeが取得してLicensorに送付して、Licensorが納税申告の時に税額控除を受けられるということですね。Licensorが日本の企業でも、例えば米国企業の支払ならIRSにForm:W-8BEN-E(Certificate of Status of Beneficial Owner for United States Tax Withholding and Reporting (Entities), is used by a foreign entity)の提出が必要ですね。しかし、こういった書類の提出を要求しない国もあります。

〇 特殊な例としては、中国企業とライセンス契約をするときは、その契約内容とRoyaltyの支払額等を当局に登記しないといけないことですね。中国当局は、その内容を把握し、また盗んだりする制度を設けています。詳細は、JETROがWebに中国ライセンスマニュアルを掲載していますので、それをご覧ください。この登記をしないと、海外への送金=提供者へのRoyaltyの支払いができないという規制になっています。また登記・登録の制度は、ブラジルでもされていますので注意が必要ですね。

〇 では、具体的な契約書を例として考えてみましょう。ある日本の企業が製品の製造特許(Manufacturing method patent)を保有し、東南アジアの国に資本関係のある会社を有し、その会社にパテントのライセンス(専用実施権許諾=exclusive license)と製法の技術支援をする簡単な例ですね。パテントの内容だけを見ても、当然製品はすぐには作れませんね。関連の技術情報の提供とか、実際の技術支援・指導をしないと製品は作れません。これはTechnology Transferですね。しっかり提供しないとライセンシー側では作れないけど、逆にきちんと教えるとその技術を相手は習得するわけですね。痛しかゆしですが、日本で製造していてはコスト的に合わないとかとなると、やはりTechnology Transferは、時のながれですね。

日本では、専用実施権を設定するには特許庁に設定登録申請書を提出して、登録しないといけません。海外でもRegistrationの制度があります。Exclusive Licenseであろうが、non-exclusiveであろうが登録できるようですが、登録するかは任意という国もあるようです。勿論Registrationした方が、Licenseeの権利としては一般的には確かなものになりますが、侵害されても排除をenforceableするのが大変だったりするケースも多く、また時間がかかるところもあるようなので、その辺はLicenseeの国の知財権専門の弁護士に聞くしかないと思います。

l . Definitions
As used in this Agreement, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
(a) “Products” shall mean xxxxx that Licensee manufacturer in the Territory for the customer (”Customer”, which expression shall include its successors and assignees), including such other products which Licensor and Licensee may agree to manufacturer and/or develop in future. (特許を使用して製造できる製品のうちの一つの製品とすることにより、ノウハウの技術移転の範囲を限定できる場合がありますね。また、その製品を特定顧客向けに限定するのも方法ですね)

(b) “Territory” shall mean the geographical area under the jurisdiction of xxx xx.

(c) “Technical Information" Patent Licenseに加えて技術指導する場合なので、定義は広くカバーするような定義を記載します。メーカの場合には、当然特許を取得した製品の製造マニュアル等がありますね。そういったものも、実際の製造には重要になりますね。-shall mean any technical know-how, facts, trade secrets, description and patent applications, data or advice oral or written (in the form of reports, letters, drawings, training and operation manuals, specifications, material, sources of materials or supplies, photographs and the like) relating to machines, compositions, designs, mold, methods, technical processes, advertising and merchandising programs and the like, used commercially by Licensor in the manufacturing, processing, inspection & testing, packing, marketing, distributing or sale of the Products in the regular course of its business during the term of this Agreement and in possession of or which may be acquired at any time and from time to time by Licensor and relating to or in respect of or use with the Process and method for producing the Products and alter part of which may be necessary to enable Licensee to manufacture the Products but shall not include:
(1) any information which Licensor has received or receives from a third party which information Licensor is unable to disclose lawfully to Licensee, or
(2) any information that Licensor develops for, or develops in cooperation with a third party and which information Licensor is unable to disclose lawfully to Licensee or the use of which requires the payment of royalties by Licensor to such third party except which such use by Licensee is permissible upon payment of an appropriate royalty by Licensee.

(d) “Patent Rights” shall mean -- 特許のタイトルや番号・日付等を記載します。日本の特許と相手国での特許も書きます。Patentは、基本特許が一つだけというよりも、関連特許もあります。一つの特許よりも、いくつもの特許を組み合わせて使用しないと、製造できないような特許をわざと取得するわけですね。Patent Nos. 5,005,681, 5,193,653, 7,461,645 and 8,569,477 and all patents that are related to any or all of those patents through priority or otherwise, directly or indirectly, including but not limited to, continuations, continuations in part, divisions, reissues and reexaminations thereof.

(e) “Equipment” – Licensorが、製造機械を自己の特許製品を製造するために改造している場合がありますので、その場合には、Equipmentの定義も、specially designed by Licensorとして定義を書く時があります。

(f) “Sales Price”- Royaltyが販売価格の一定率の場合には、Sales Priceの定義をします。

(g) “Term” shall mean the term of this Agreement which shall commence on the execution date of this Agreement and shall remain in effect until the expiration or abandonment of all issued patents and filed patent applications within the Patent Rights mentioned herein, unless earlier terminated in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.


合弁子会社とのDebt -Equity Swap取引 その4

2021-05-04 20:49:14 | 商事法務

2.Conversion (転換株式で普通株にする例)
(a) Optional Conversion(取締役会がConversionの権利を持つ場合です). Each Convertible Preference Share may be converted, by the unanimous approval of the Board, into fully paid and non-assessable ordinary shares. Partial conversion is possible – by the unanimous approval of the Board, it shall decide number of Convertible Preference Shares to be converted into ordinary shares.

(b) Conversion Ratio. One Convertible Preference Share shall be converted into 50 ordinary shares of the Company.

(c) Mechanics of Conversion. Upon the notification from the Board of the conversion, the holder shall surrender the certificate(s) representing the Convertible Preference Shares, duly endorsed. The Company shall, as soon as practicable after such surrender, issue and deliver i) certificate(s) representing the number of ordinary shares to which such holder is entitled and ii) new certificate(s) representing the (remaining) number of Convertible Preference Shares not so converted.

Any Convertible Preference Shares converted into ordinary shares shall be retired and may not be reissued by the Company.

(d) Fractional Shares. No fractional ordinary shares shall be issued upon the conversion of Convertible Preference Shares.

3.Liquidation Preference(残余財産分配優先の条項)
3.1 Upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Company (collectively called “Liquidation”), whether voluntary or involuntary, the holder of Convertible Preference Shares shall be entitled to be paid out of the assets of the Company available for distribution to its shareholders, an amount in cash equal to the aggregate Liquidation Preference (as defined below) at the date of payment, which amount shall be paid before any distribution or payment is made upon any ordinary shares.

The holder of Convertible Preference Shares shall be entitled to no other or further distribution of, or participation in any remaining assets of the Company after receiving the full preferential amounts provided for in the preceding sentence. (この条項を入れずに、普通株株主へ分配されるときに、優先株株主も参加できる条項を入れるときもあります)

Upon any such Liquidation, after the holder of Convertible Preference Shares has been paid in full the amounts to which they are entitled, the remaining assets of the Company may be distributed to the holders of ordinary shares.

the remaining assets shall be distributed ratably to the holders of ordinary shares and Convertible Preference Shares, on an as-converted basis, until the holders of the Convertible Preference Shares have received an aggregate of two times (2X) the Purchase Price.(2倍の制限付ですね)。

3.2 Liquidation Preference:
Liquidation Preference measured per Convertible Preference Share shall mean an amount equal to the sum of (i) the Issue Price (or the Purchase Price by the holder of Convertible Preference Share) , (ii) an amount equal to the amount of cash dividends that would have been payable on such Convertible Preference Share had the Board declared and paid the Convertible Preference Dividends from the Issue Date to the date of such liquidating distribution, less any cash dividend amounts actually paid on such Convertible Preference Share during such period, plus (iii) without duplication, an amount equal to all declared and unpaid Convertible Preference Dividends.
In the case of clauses (ii) and (iii) hereof, such amounts will constitute part of the Liquidation Preference whether or not such unpaid dividends have been declared or there are any unrestricted funds of the Company legally available for the payment of dividends.


合弁子会社とのDebt -Equity Swap取引 その3

2021-04-10 11:22:10 | 商事法務
前回は、Debt-Equity Swap契約の具体的な例を記載しましたが、優先株の内容については「non-cumulative, non-participating, with no-voting rights, with dividend preference and liquidation preference and convertible into 50 ordinary shares per one Preference Share. upon call of the Board of Directors of the Company, by unanimous decision. The details of which shall be discussed and decided between Parent and the Company before convening a meeting of the Company’s shareholders ("Shareholder Meeting").」で詳細は親子間での打ち合わせとしていますが、きちんと定義して定款変更承認の株主総会決議が必要ですね。それにより会社の規則になります。ということで、今回は、優先株の内容を考えてみましょう。

・優先株というのは、普通株ではないですね。株式会社の経営の前提は、議決権を有する普通株の株主による株主総会での取締役の選任等を基本としています。従い、優先株というのは、1) 転換株式にして普通株にする。又は2) 償還株式(redeemable share)にして、償還し消却するのが普通だと思います。

償還株式は、Fund等でよく利用されますね。例えば、Cayman会社法に基づき、Cayman外の事業収益には課税されない会社(exempted company)を作り、投資の都度優先&償還株式を、各株主に割当発行し投資資金を得て(capital call)、その後何年間か保有し売却利益Capital gainが得られれば、株主への利益配分は償還株式を償還する形式で行うということもよく行われますね。



1.Dividend Preference
(a) Right to Dividend. The holder of the Convertible Preference Shares shall be entitled to receive, in preference to any dividends or distributions paid with respect to ordinary shares, when and if declared by the Board (国によってはthe Company), and out of any funds legally available therefor, cash dividends (the "Convertible Preference Dividends") at the rate of 10% of the Issue Price per share per annum (on each outstanding Convertible Preference Share).

The Convertible Preference Dividends shall be payable, when and if declared, within six (6) months after the closing date of each fiscal year.

(b) Priority. Unless the Convertible Preference Dividends have been declared and paid, the Company shall not declare or pay any dividend on ordinary shares.

(c) Non-Cumulative. The Convertible Preference Dividends shall not be cumulative, and the Company shall have no obligation to declare or pay dividends on the Convertible Preference Shares, whether or not the earnings of the Company are sufficient to pay such dividends in whole or in part.

(d) Non-participating (= No Additional Dividends)
After the Convertible Preference Dividends shall have been paid, and if the Board elects to declare any dividends on ordinary shares, the holder of Convertible Preference Shares can’t participate in and is not entitled to enjoy such distribution of the dividends for ordinary shares.



合弁子会社とのDebt -Equity Swap取引 その2

2021-03-13 20:29:52 | 商事法務
具体的な契約書の例は以下です。但し、簡略化しています。また、Whereas clauseやMiscellaneous Clauses等は省略しています。

1. Loan to the Company & Repayment
(a) As of the date hereof, there are the following outstanding loans in Malaysian Currency (“M$”) made by Parent to the Company.

Loan Principal in M$ Interest Loan Date Repayment Date
1 5,000,000 8.00% p.a 2019/11/30 2021/3/31
2 5,000,000 8.00% p.a 2020/1/31 2021/3/31
Total 10,000,000  

(b) The Company agreed to repay to the Lender on the Repayment Date the principal amount of each loan (“Repayment Amount”).

(c) The accrued interest of each loan up to the Repayment Date will be refinanced to the Company from Parent on the Repayment Date after deducting the withholding tax, which the Company pays to the tax authority of Malaysia on behalf of Parent.

2. Subscription and Payment of Preference Shares
(a) The Company shall issue the Preference Shares at the unit price of M$1,000.- per share, and, by using the Repayment Amount from the Company, Parent hereby shall, subject to the conditions set forth herein, subscribe and pay 100% of the Preference Shares on the issuance date of the Preference Shares. The Loan Repayment Date and the issuance date of the Preference Shares are same day and the number of new Preference Shares to be allocated to Parent and share capital amount to be increased by the Company on the issuance date shall be as mentioned in the following table.

(b) In accordance with the regulation of the Central Bank of Malaysia, the Company shall repay each loan on the Repayment Date and, at the same time, Parent shall subscribe and pay 100% of the Preference Shares on the issuance date of the Preference Shares (“Conversion”). When fractions of the Shares would be accrued as a result of the Conversion, Parent and the Company agree that such fractional Shares shall be rounded down to the nearest whole share.

Principal in M$ Issuance Date No. of Shares Unit Price Share Capital Amount
1 5,000,000 2021/3/31 5,000 M$1,000.- 5,000,000
2 5,000,000 2021/3/31 5,000 M$1,000.- 5,000,000
Total 10,000,000   10,000   10,000,000

3. Preference Shares
(a) The Preference Shares that the Company issues and allocates to Parent shall be non-cumulative, non-participating, with no-voting rights, with dividend preference and liquidation preference and convertible into 50 ordinary shares per one Preference Share upon call of the Board of Directors of the Company, by unanimous decision. The details of which shall be discussed and decided between Parent and the Company before convening a meeting of the Company’s shareholders ("Shareholder Meeting"). Parent 優先株の内容は、会社の定款に反映させないといけない、つまり定款変更の総会決議が必要ですね。この契約書は親子間の契約書なので、簡略化して詳しい優先株の内容は、記載していないです。

(b) 転換の提議は会社の取締役会が行い、株主総会で決議する構成にしています。If the Board of Directors of the Company decides, by unanimous vote, to convert all or part the Preference Shares in the ratio of one Preference Share to fifty (50) ordinary shares issued by the Company, Parent hereby undertakes the obligation to convene, participate, and vote to approve such conversion in any shareholders meeting of the Company and enter into, execute and sign any other agreement, contract or document that may be necessary to implement the conversion.

4. Shareholder’s Meeting 定款変更のための総会開催ですね。
The Company shall cause a shareholder meeting to be duly called and held as soon as reasonably practicable on or after the date of execution of this Agreement for the purposes of revising Bylaws necessary for the issuance of the Preference Shares and such other matters as may be mutually agreed upon by the parties in advance.

5. Representations and Warranties of the Parties まあ、形式的に当事者のRep.& Warrantyを入れています。
(a) The Company hereby represents and warrants to Parent as follows:
(i) As of the date hereof, the Company’s capital stock, fully subscribed and paid in is M$xx,xxx,xxx., divided into xx,xxx,xxx nominative ordinary shares with no par value.

(ii) The Company has full legal power to execute and deliver this Agreement and to perform its obligations hereunder. All acts required to be taken by the Company to enter into this Agreement and to carry out the transactions contemplated hereby have been properly taken, and this Agreement constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of the Company, enforceable in accordance with its terms and does not conflict with, result in a breach or violation of or constitute a default under any instrument, contract or other agreement to which the Company is a party.

(b) Parent represents and warrants to the Company as follows:
Parent has full legal power to execute and deliver this Agreement and to perform its obligations hereunder. All acts required to be taken by Parent to enter into this Agreement and to carry out the transactions contemplated hereby have been properly taken, and this Agreement constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of Parent, enforceable in accordance with its terms and does not conflict with, result in a breach or violation of or constitute a default under any instrument, contract or other agreement to which Parent is a party.

6. Conditions.
The obligations of the parties to consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement shall be subject that the shareholder approval of the Company, shall be obtained by the necessary affirmative vote at the Shareholders Meeting of the Company as described above in Section 4.

合弁子会社とのDebt -Equity Swap取引 その1

2021-03-01 09:54:38 | 商事法務
〇 海外の合弁子会社(親会社が80%、現地少数株主が20%を前提として考えます)に親子ローンを供与しているが、ローンでは金利の返済をしないといけないので、子会社の金利負担が厳しいということは時々ありますね。特に、金利の高い国等の子会社の場合は、ローンを株式に転換すれば、株式ですので利益が出なければ株主への配当も発生しませんので、子会社側で助かりますね(米国などでは、利益剰余金=配当可能金ではないですが、配当の原則は利益剰余金からの配当)。ということで、今回はDebt-Equity Swap(“DES”)の話です。ローン債権を普通株へ転換するSwapもありますが、一般的には配当優先株への転換が多いので、ローン債権を優先株に転換するSwap取引を考えてみましょう。DESをどの様に設計するかの検討の際には、その子会社の定款で優先株の内容を記載しないといけないですが、親子間でDES契約の内容を決め、その契約内容に従って子会社の定款変更をすれば良いですね。定款変更があるので、合弁子会社は株主総会を開催しないといけないですね。

〇まずローンの債権の通貨ですね。親子ローンを円建てで行っているのか、現地通貨建てで行っているのか、あるいはUS$で行っているのかによって違います。現地通貨建てならExchangeは発生しませんが、日本円・US$ローンを(米国以外の)合弁子会社に提供しているときにはExchange Rateを親子間で決める必要がありますね。更に、国によっては外貨規制の関係上、ローンを直接優先株に転換するのではなく、中銀の承認を得て転換する必要があります。また、ローンを一旦親会社に返済したことにして(実際にお金が動くわけではない)返済したローンを優先株に転換したという形式(即ち契約書の書き方)にする場合もあります。

〇 ローン債権は、当然元本と定期的な利息の発生があります。業績がいまいちの子会社とのDESの場合、利息部分まで株式に転換すると、今まで受け取っていた利息を受け取らないということになります。この場合、日本側で税務当局に睨まれますね。ですから、元本部分だけのDESを考えることになりますね。即ち、利息部分はローンとして残すことになります。


具体的な手順は、以下ですね(一つの例)。以下では$と表示しますが、別にMalaysian $, ブラジルレアルでもなんでもよく、単に通貨単位の表示として$としています)
① まず優先株の内容を決めますね。よくあるのはNon-voting right, non-cumulative, non-participating, Convertible Preference Shares with liquidation preferences(残余財産優先があるのは、20%の少数株主がいるためですね).  Each Convertible Preference Share may be converted into fully paid and non-assessable ordinary shares. Convertible Preference Shares convertible on a 1:50 basis into shares of the Company’s ordinary Shares.というような書き方になりますね。Convertible into ordinary shares. また、子会社のBoardか親会社のどちらがConversion rightを持つかも決めますが、子会社のBoard memberも親会社派遣が多いでしょうから、まあこの点は、どちらでもいいでしょう。

② 次は、優先株の発行価格と転換割合を考えてみましょう。まず、基準としては普通株の時価を決める必要がありますね。親子でしたら、時価ベースの一株当たり純資産価格で行うのが簡単だと思います。
・普通株は上場していませんので、一時話題になったMSCB=Moving Strike Convertible Bondのような転換価格修正条項を付けなくてもよいので簡単ですね。 転換株式ですから、優先株発行価格を$1,000/株としたら転換後は50株の普通株になりますね。また発行価格$20とすれば、転換後は1株の普通株(転換割合=1:1)となります。どちらでもよいですね。
