Recently, in a magazine, I read an article such as the following.
To elect of the present U.N. Secretary General, it says that there is a person who showed big power in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Japan.
Of course, he is, indeed, such a result to be not dreamed will have been the action which is because it had philosophy, being kind to Korea, in being familiar with Korea, unconsciously as the subscriber in Asahi Shimbun.
The author of the article gave represented a name as that he would be able to do what face now.
The fact is completely as this author says.
All the fact, and he, such as say this author.
When Malala Yousafzai was shot also, the current United Nations Secretary-General, it was not quite issuing the human rights recommendations to Pakistan,.
And the issuing the human rights recommendations, of all things, is against Japan.
Of only a few dozen people, everywhere in the world, (I don't know that they are really right wing or not, nor, their back and funding source at all.) of the incautiousness who is anywhere of worlds in the only tens gave foul languages by microphone to the Korean resident in Japan, and the self-indulgent thing blared but these incautiousness groups all over the world will be similar.
Consciousness of what sin is that they eat cows and pigs etc. also no, ocean people, in exactly the same sense, only to the organism of some of the sea that came to eat throughout the history of mankind, words but, by performing a ferocious behavior in action, you can hit the body to the Japanese fleet, the hazardous materials, even for that you have or tossed, not that it was also made any recommendations.
In Africa, schoolgirls are, in other words hundreds of people girls are abducted, not only were forced to convert to the religion of abductees, as Sale, even when it was sold, but it is, any recommendation was not carried out.
Alternatively, is a country his homeland came to Jidai, the Chinese government, binding on the lawyer who only had a very commonplace activities if the world of normal country, in other words that your country is like to use which it was forced taken, when it imposed unreasonable sentence also, he did not issued any recommendation to the Chinese government.
In Hong Kong, even when the students raised a quite natural voice, he, against the Chinese government, was not issued any recommendation.
Then, in Pakistan, in turn, the students were also killed more than 130 people.
In Africa, also, women have been killed about 38 people and abducted.