If President Truman and the surrounding human beings are, in just one book, for example, if they had read the works of Junichiro Tanizaki, dating back more of the times, if they were reading, for example, Ryunosuke Akutagawa, anymore, to everyone defeat of Japan was obvious(Chinese people of today's era, as alive wearing a hat named Communist Party, the middle of the 20th century, many of lived the "century of war" Japan people are, in fact, everyone, it was feeling a defeat of Japan) in a short period of time of the end of the war, not only was indiscriminate bombing more than 120 cities in Japan, in the ruins in the incendiary, to slaughter civilians more than 300 million people and would not have I'm sure.
Therefore, I say that Truman and the follower were a second-class human being.
It fancied foolish, too, and they dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Nagasaki to the end as if they didn't know Japan at all, hated Japan at random and all of the Japanese were a hoodlum.
On the other hand, since the Immigration Act of 1924, the mass media, which was led by Asahi Shimbun stirs the public opinion of hatred against the United States, in a final, becomes the devil the United States and Britain, finally when the US decides to embargo of oil to Japan, which was made that should shoot in the U.S.
However, the other day in me, being wakened, in this way, to right the evil which inhabits this world as Kukai's coming again, being made continuing to write in the free complete being of being wakened were done an idea with Nobel Prize class like The Turntable of Civilization.
In this thing, Ayako Sono is a mogul of woman writer of Japan was noticed.
This means that she would also has read my editorial.
The contents of her article has been written in the streamer in the advertisement of the weekly magazine the other day.
It quits speaking only the misery of the war vehemently and it should write the wisdom which was in the times of the war, too.
In other words, she, too, was not a writer for nothing and understood my important idea only in the beginning.
About how much big boobies the others of Asahi Shimbun and so-called man of culture who sided with this were at the same time or as for that they were the false moralist to be terrible how much, it should know the world, too, in the article of the following of me.
When Asahi Shimbun led a group of people and the public opinion in Japan boiled up by the devil US and Britain, and became the lump of the huge rage and the hatred and rushed into the war, i.e. attacked Pearl Harbor, the top of the servicemen in Japan aimed only at the pacific fleet who was anchored at Pearl Harbor.
It didn't aim at Honolulu city at all.
Honolulu city it did not targeted at all. By dropping incendiary bombs in Honolulu, the general public is a large amount of slaughter, things like the Honolulu burnt ruins is didn't even think.
On the other hand, as for the U.S. army, how was Truman?
It will find the thing which is not exaggerated even if it says that that there was not justice in Tokyo Tribunal of War Criminals actually.
Almost, the country as it dropped two atomic bombs put on a face like a judge of the justice and in the doubtfulness of asserting Japan and Japanese to do an evil, until I did an important discovery in this way, the world didn't know at all.