文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

This means that the human race he began to start incorrigibly, a dangerous game.

2015年04月01日 17時17分53秒 | 日記

Or their prospectus does not lead or lead to World War III, the woefully insecure thing, it rests on the Chinese people.

This means that the human race he began to start incorrigibly, a dangerous game.

They were allowed to grow impudent is, it is Fake Moralism.
They are selfishness that lent a hand to.

Again it is seen examples of that of the world intelligence is kindergarten level.

In other words, he is trying to modify the order of the post-war world though it is evident that a dictator who of China,

as proof of that it is a mass of evil, that he does impassively speech at the United Nations, against Japan that come to most contribute to the post-war world peace,

he says that Japan is trying to alter the order of the post-war world,

for example, the world came forgive silently of his impassively speech at the United Nations.

In intellectuals of the world, the human criticized him severely, I, in the unhappy, do not know even one person only.

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the First World War also, the second World War was also the beginning it is in Europe.

2015年04月01日 17時17分07秒 | 日記

If you think about it, the First World War also, the second World War was also the beginning it is in Europe.
That is the beginning of the war of century was Europe.
Cause of the war century it was in Europe.

Now, that the Europe gave birth communism, actually philosophy that is not only to those not even good, the Communist Party of the one-party dictatorship to advocate a philosophy that denied the 20th century, began to conduct a dangerous game and contemplates the world domination .

As one of them, he is trying to modify the financial system came to build the post-war world, the attempt of this dictatorship, Europe lent a hand.

It is from shallow reason that because population 1.3 billion people of economy. It is the reason full of selfishness.


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In media world, should not even one person almost.

2015年04月01日 16時54分15秒 | 日記

The staff in Asahi Shimbun and the men of culture who side with this, even if it supposes that it was the human beings who don't have even the natural patriotism which the people anywhere all over the world have.

They should be different.
It is would be natural to have a love to Korean Peninsula which is a motherland.

That they are not to be placed in the speech community and political It's level of story that can be seen in kindergarten children.

To begin with, Japanese have a professor at Korea University should not almost.

Even stayed would about guys they have left the Asahi Shimbun.

In media world, should not even one person almost.

Let alone such that there are Japanese in newsroom desk, impossible.

This would be the same in China is a one-party dictatorship of the Communist Party.

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There is need to recognize right like me in the world about the following,

2015年04月01日 16時21分57秒 | 日記

With the actual state of Asahi Shimbun becoming clear, a lot of Japanese who trusted Asahi Shimbun are all, it should have been really shocked.

Since then, there is that I have to guess.

The reason why they have been not told the actual state of Korea, because a lot of Korean residents in Japan made a staff extraordinarily in the company.

The meaning which is called a malfunction is the meaning that it should be high in the malfunction of the ratio with the number which is enrolling as the staff to the ratio about their population.

There is need to recognize right like me in the world about the following, too.

There is not immigrating to Japan compulsorily with the Korean resident in Japan at all.

It is the people who wanted personally and were moved to Japan.

If not deceived by Asahi Shimbun, this was understanding to being natural.

Korean Peninsula before choosing merger with Japan was one of the world least less-developed countries.

It is obvious if it is possible to read former article of mine about the actual state.

Using Japan is defeated to the war, and being occupied by the U.S, suggesting, saying Korea were a colony, and so on, and they made this like common sense in the world.

Because it is a wicked lie really, they continue to say anti-Japanese propaganda always.

That the colonialism times in the Europe and America led in the century of the war, too, is a historic fact.

Their colonialism is a historic fact, not being in investing 20 percent of money of the national budget in its own country in the colony, attempting for a colony to be modernized and handling equally to its own country at all, being plundering from the colony.

Japan continued to do a converse completely with them.

In other words, it was not making Korean Peninsula a colony, and so on.

Then, in the strongest country in Asia, it defeats Russia, and it defeats China and it ranks with the western Great Powers, it is Japan which was the only Asian country.

It is in the judgement to understand a kindergartner that that Korean Peninsula was not China and Russia chose Japan as the partner of the merger.

What is more, Japan which is the country to have done much investment and to have made it develop into Korean Peninsula which was one of the world least less-developed countries at a breath.

Surging for a lot of Koreans to stampede will be natural.

Even now, a lot of Koreans are moved to the U.S. to stampede, if seeing this reality, actually, it was the fact to understand a kindergartner.

Asahi Shimbun made their lie grow impudent.

Then, it thought of me and the world until the other day as if their complaint was right.


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Že to nesmie umiestniť do lisov a politický

2015年04月01日 15時57分27秒 | 日記

Aj keď sa predpokladá, že zamestnanci v Asahi Shimbun a muži kultúry, ktorí strane s tým boli ľudia, ktorí nemajú ani prirodzené vlastenectvo, ktorá má ľudí kdekoľvek na celom svete, by mali byť rôzne.

S láskou na Kórejskom polostrove, čo je materská krajina bude prirodzené.

Že to nesmie umiestniť do lisov a politický svet je príbeh o úrovni porozumieť a učiteľka materskej školy.

V prvom rade by mal byť Japonci, ktorí robia profesor na univerzite v Kórei sotva.

Bude to ako v opustenie kancelárske kmeň v Asahi Shimbun, aj keď to je.

By mal byť jeden v médiách, a tak ďalej, len ťažko.

Vzhľadom k tomu sú v japonskom na stole v oveľa väčšej a zahraničné spravodajstvo časti, a tak ďalej, to nie je možné, aby sa.

To bude rovnaké v Číne, ktorá je stranou sebestačný komunistickej strany, taky.

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Att det inte får placera dem i pressarna

2015年04月01日 15時55分34秒 | 日記

Även om det förutsätter att personalen i Asahi Shimbun och män kultur som sida med detta var de människor som inte har ens den naturliga patriotism som har folk överallt i hela världen, bör de vara olika.

Med kärlek till Koreahalvön som är en moder blir naturligt.

Att det inte får placera dem i pressarna och den politiska världen är berättelsen om den nivå för att förstå en kindergartner.

För det första bör det finnas japaner som gör en professor på universitetet i Korea knappast.

Det kommer att vara som i den som lämnar kontoret stammen i Asahi Shimbun även om det är.

Det bör finnas en i medierna, och så vidare, knappast.

Eftersom det finns japanska i skrivbordet i mycket mer och den utländska nyhets sidan, och så vidare, är det inte möjligt att vara.

Detta kommer att vara densamma i Kina som är den part autarchic av kommunistpartiet, också.

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To se ne smije ih stavljati u preše

2015年04月01日 15時54分38秒 | 日記

Čak i ako se pretpostavlja da je osoblje u Asahi Shimbun i ljudi iz kulture koja stanu uz to su bili ljudi koji nemaju ni prirodni domoljublje koje ima narod nigdje u cijelom svijetu, oni bi trebali biti drugačiji.

Nakon što je ljubav na korejskom poluotoku koji je domovina će biti prirodno.

To se ne smije ih stavljati u preše i politički svijet je priča o razini kako bi se razumjelo vrtića.

Na prvom mjestu, ne bi trebalo biti japanski, koji su radili profesor na sveučilištu u Koreji jedva.

To će biti kao u izlasku iz ureda pleme u Asahi Shimbun, čak i ako je to.

Tu bi trebao biti jedan u medijima, i tako dalje, teško.

Kao što postoje japanski u stolu u mnogo više i inozemnih vijesti dijela, i tako dalje, to nije moguće biti.

To će biti isti u Kini koja je stranka autarchic Komunističke partije, previše.

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Que non debe poñer-los nas prensas

2015年04月01日 15時53分53秒 | 日記

Aínda que supón que os funcionarios Asahi Shimbun e os homes de cultura que lado con este foron os seres humanos que non teñen aínda o patriotismo natural, que ten a xente en calquera lugar en todo o mundo, eles deben ser diferentes.

Tendo amor a Península de Corea, que é unha patria será natural.

Que non debe poñer-los nas prensas e do mundo político é a historia o nivel de entender un kindergartner.

En primeiro lugar, debe haber xaponeses que están a facer un profesor na universidade en Corea do mal.

Será como no deixando a tribo oficina na Asahi Shimbun, aínda que sexa.

Debe haber un nos medios de comunicación, etc., apenas.

Como hai xaponesa na mesa en moito máis e as noticias estranxeira parte, etc., non é posible ser.

Isto é o mesmo na China, que é o partido municipal do Partido Comunista, tamén.

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Que no ha de col·locar-los en les premses

2015年04月01日 15時53分13秒 | 日記

Fins i tot si se suposa que el personal en l'Asahi Shimbun i els homes de cultura que del costat d'això eren els éssers humans que no tenen tan sols el patriotisme natural que té la gent en qualsevol lloc a tot el món, han de ser diferents.

Tenir amor a la Península de Corea, que és una pàtria serà natural.

Que no ha de col·locar-los en les premses i el món polític és la història del nivell d'entendre un jardí de nens.

En primer lloc, no ha d'haver japonesos que estan fent un professor a la universitat a Corea just.

Serà com en el deixant la tribu oficina a Asahi Shimbun fins i tot si és.

No ha de ser un en els mitjans de comunicació, i així successivament, tot just.

Com que hi ha japonesa a l'escriptori en molt més i la notícia estrangera part, i així successivament, no és possible ser.

Aquest serà el mateix a la Xina, que és el autàrquica festa del Partit Comunista, també.

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Dat het hen niet moeten plaatsen in het persen

2015年04月01日 15時52分40秒 | 日記

Zelfs als het veronderstelt dat het personeel in Asahi Shimbun en de mannen van de cultuur die kant met dit waren de mensen die niet beschikken over zelfs de natuurlijke patriottisme die de mensen heeft overal over de hele wereld, moeten ze anders zijn.

Met liefde op het Koreaanse schiereiland dat is een moederland zal natuurlijk zijn.

Dat het hen niet moeten plaatsen in het persen en de politieke wereld is het verhaal van het niveau van een kleuter te begrijpen.

In de eerste plaats moet er Japanners die aan het doen zijn een professor aan de universiteit in Korea nauwelijks.

Het zal zijn zoals in het verlaten van het kantoor stam in Asahi Shimbun, zelfs als het is.

Er moet een in de media, enzovoort, nauwelijks.

Omdat er Japanners in het bureau in veel en buitenlandse nieuws gedeelte, enzovoort, is het niet mogelijk te zijn.

Dit zal hetzelfde in China, die is de partij autarkische van de Communistische Partij, ook.

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See ei tohi asetada need pressid ja poliitilist maailma

2015年04月01日 15時52分07秒 | 日記

Isegi kui see eeldab, et töötajad Asahi Shimbun ja kultuuritegelased, kes kõrvuti see oli inimesi, kes ei ole isegi loomulik patriotism, mis on inimestele kõikjal üle kogu maailma, nad peaksid olema erinevad.

Võttes armastust Korea poolsaarel, mis on kodumaa on loomulik.

See ei tohi asetada need pressid ja poliitilist maailma on lugu tasandil mõista kindergartner.

Esiteks ei tohiks olla jaapani, kes teevad professor ülikoolis Korea vaevalt.

See on nagu kontorist lahkumata hõim Asahi Shimbun, isegi kui see on.

Seal peaks olema üks meedias, ja nii edasi, vaevalt.

Nagu on jaapani laua palju ja välisuudiste osa, ja nii edasi, siis ei ole võimalik olla.

See on sama Hiinas, mis on pool autarkiline kompartei ka.

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Itu tidak harus menempatkan mereka dalam

2015年04月01日 15時51分22秒 | 日記

Bahkan jika beranggapan bahwa staf di Asahi Shimbun dan orang-orang budaya yang berpihak ini adalah manusia yang tidak memiliki bahkan patriotisme alami yang memiliki orang-orang di mana saja di seluruh dunia, mereka harus berbeda.

Memiliki cinta Semenanjung Korea yang tanah akan menjadi alami.

Itu tidak harus menempatkan mereka dalam menekan dan dunia politik adalah kisah tingkat untuk memahami anak TK.

Di tempat pertama, harus ada orang Jepang yang melakukan seorang profesor di universitas di Korea hampir tidak.

Ini akan menjadi seperti dalam meninggalkan suku kantor di Asahi Shimbun bahkan jika itu.

Harus ada satu di media, dan sebagainya, hampir tidak.

Karena ada Jepang di meja di lebih banyak dan berita asing bagian, dan sebagainya, tidak mungkin untuk menjadi.

Ini akan sama di China yang merupakan autarkis partai Partai Komunis, juga.

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Se ajo nuk duhet vendin e tyre në të shtyn dhe

2015年04月01日 15時50分43秒 | 日記

Edhe në qoftë se ajo supozon se stafi në Asahi Shimbun dhe njerëzit e kulturës të cilët mbajtur anën kjo ishin qenie njerëzore që nuk kanë edhe patriotizmin natyrore e cila ka njerëzit kudo në të gjithë botën, ata duhet të jenë të ndryshme.

Duke pasur dashuri të Gadishullit Korean cila është një atdhe do të jetë e natyrshme.

Se ajo nuk duhet vendin e tyre në të shtyn dhe bota politike është historia e nivelit të kuptuar një kindergartner.

Në radhë të parë, duhet të ketë japonez që janë duke bërë një profesor në universitet në Kore zor.

Ajo do të jetë si në lënë fisin zyre në Asahi Shimbun edhe nëse ajo është.

Nuk duhet të jetë një në media, dhe kështu me radhë, vështirë se.

Si ka japonez në tavolinë në shtyp të huaj shumë më tepër dhe pjesërisht, dhe kështu me radhë, nuk është e mundur të jetë.

Kjo do të jetë e njëjtë në Kinë e cila është autarchic parti i Partisë Komuniste, too.

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Bu presleri onları yer olmamalıdır və siyasi dünya

2015年04月01日 15時50分11秒 | 日記

Bu Asahi Shimbun personal və bu ilə yan mədəniyyət kişi bütün dünyada hər hansı insanlar var təbii vətənpərvərlik yoxdur insan idi ki, ehtimal olsa da, onlar müxtəlif olmalıdır.

Koreya yarımadasında sevgi olan bir vətən təbii olacaq olan.

Bu presleri onları yer olmamalıdır və siyasi dünya kindergartner anlamaq səviyyədə hekayə edir.

İlk növbədə, çətin ki, Koreya universitet bir professor edirik Yapon olmalıdır.

Bu olsa Asahi Shimbun ofis qəbilə tərk kimi olacaq.

Çətin, belə ki, orada media bir olacaq və olmalıdır.

Daha çox və xarici xəbər hissəsində masası Yapon, və s var kimi, bu mümkün deyil.

Bu da, Kommunist Partiyasının partiya autarchic Çin eyni olacaq.

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I don't know just one person who criticized them severely by the highbrow in the world,

2015年04月01日 15時47分57秒 | 日記

It is in the Europe that, if attempting to think, it began the First World War and the Second World War.
In other words, the beginning in the century of the war was Europe.
The cause in the century of the war was in the Europe.
Now, as for the fact, the communism which the Europe produced, it contemplated the world conquest and the party autarchic of the Communist Party which professes the philosophy which becomes only worthless one, the philosophy which the 20th century denied began to do a dangerous game.
In the try of this autarchic which tries to alter the financial system which the world built after the war as one in it, the Europe lent a hand to them.
It is from the silly reason to be economy with 1,300,000,000 populations.
It is from the reason for filling an egoism.
That their scheme connects with the Third World War or that it doesn't lead hangs over the people in China to the very uneasy thing.
In other words, the human race was incorrigible and began to begin a dangerous game.
It is the false moralism that made them grow impudent.
It is in the egoism that it lent a hand to them.

It is possible to realize the example of world intellect's being a kindergartner level here.
For example, though that is, that it is the dictators in China that tried to alter order in the world after the war was obvious, the world permitted making a speech coolly in the United Nations silently, saying Japan tried to alter order in the world to Japan which contributed to peace in the world most after the war as proving that they are the lump of the evil after the war, and so on.

I don't know just one person who criticized them severely by the highbrow in the world, it is unfortunate for me.

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