文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world


2015年04月20日 18時10分02秒 | 日記




戦後70年の今年、いわゆる 「歴史問題」に関連した分析記事が相次いでいる。 





英王立国際問題研究所(チャタムハウス)ウェブサイト (3月24日付)が掲載したアジア専門家の論評では、日本の指導者は、中国や韓国が自らの立場を強める目的で歴史をご都合主義的に使いたがっているとみて、中韓への忍耐力を失いつつある兆候を示している」と指摘した。

(編集委員 高坂哲郎)



2015年04月20日 17時54分03秒 | 日記








2015年04月20日 17時49分29秒 | 日記









原発ゼロを打ち出したドイツも、口シアの天然ガスが頼りだ。 話が進まず、苛立つオバマとオランドが、ついには怒鳴り合いの喧嘩にまで発展した。









There is an episode to want to announce a little here.

2015年04月20日 16時59分31秒 | 日記

By the conversation article of the monthly magazine Will which was introduced the other day, it was reading Asahi Shimbun and in that it wasn't possible to do some knowing by all means, Mr Tutumi let me know.

The preamble abbreviation


Among of such international situation, in Japan what the kind of position and how to act craftily.

There is an episode to want to announce a little here.

This is the story which was heard from the well-informed person who goes into the official residence deeply.

Was it May last year, and in G7 which removed Putin in Brussels, it was done and a discussion about the punishment to Russia was done.

While Obama was persuaded the members to agree to actively sanctions, for example, Prime Minister of Italy Renzi to argue that the "majority of Italy's energy relies on Russian natural gas. It is not respond easily."

Receiving a helicopter and LSD, a tank, Mistral class assault landing ship from Russia are only to be a big business for France and it is not respond easily about this Orlando, too.

As for Germany which came up with zero nuclear power plant, too, relies on Russian natural gas.

The proposal didn't go forward and ruffling Obama and Orlando developed into shouting fitting quarrel at last.

It is Abe that the others don't become that obtained it.

By letting out a compromise, the split talk could be anyhow gathered.

As soon as the talk ended, it splashed, and Orlando came to the place of Abe and sought what and a high touch.

It says that Abe, too, answered unconsciously with the high touch (laughs).

By making Nakasone different, the successive prime minister after that can say nothing even if he goes to G8 and he cannot not do it.

It compares and Abe is quite doing.

The omit the last part

Such human beings probably have been created the fact which I was surprised at

2015年04月20日 16時44分33秒 | 日記

I let's say to the author of the column so.

If it, though it is the same G7 country, is also not come to Japan once in the last seven years, to German Chancellor Angela Merkel that had done seven times in China, it should write that will get along well with the party monocrats in the Communist Party of China.

In the first place, Merkel is the human being who spent in East Germany which was a Communist Party National up to 20 generations.

Not bad at all even if it uses the word to say that gets along well among them, it would be a natural thing.

Such human beings probably have been created the fact which I was surprised at the other day, the fact that the anti-Japanese thought spreads over Germany, they have becoming with the politician in China and the politician in Korea or the intelligence agency in these countries.

It is disgusted as much as the phenomena such as the anti-Japanese thought in Germany and not being, saying a wicked story, too, isn't necessary so.

there was an article to have been reading without thinking on anything if before

2015年04月20日 16時21分54秒 | 日記

In the column of Asahi Shimbun the other day, there was an article to have been reading without thinking on anything if before August last year.

The author would be surely so-called man of culture who sided with Asahi Shimbun.

He captures the number of times that Abe Prime Minister met with Putin, and he wrote it would get along well plainly, and so on.

As for that this is the how much wicked and foolish slandering slur, previous I would not notice.

If saying concisely, the writing human being isn't exaggerated even if he says that he is a shoddy moralist and that he doesn't know politics and a reality in the world at all.
Does he know that Japan and Russia don't still conclude peace?

Soviet-Japanese Joint Declaration of As for 1956, Japan and the Soviet Union the two countries will continue to conduct a peace treaty negotiations, the Soviet Union deliver the Habomai Islands and Shikotan to Japan after the treaty.
That an item is written, too, would not enter a head at all.

Abe Prime Minister, while taking into all the head of previous negotiations with the Soviet, and has entered into Russia and peace treaty, it is needless to say that hopes managed to return of the Northern Territories.

A how much childish newspaper is Asahi Shimbun in this article, too, to the extent that it isn't possible to be a foreign country, it thinks that it is exposed by whether or not it is an indifferent newspaper about the interest of its own country.

Way, I talked about this thing to only two.
The close friend about one who is a terrible reader, one is already the undergraduate who represents Japan.

Both surprisingly however two, it didn't know that Japan didn't still conclude Russia and peace.

Saying that either is a subscriber in Asahi Shimbun isn't necessary.

Það hélt áfram að gefa skaða sem er banvæn

2015年04月20日 16時12分43秒 | 日記

Það er ekki upplifun sem úthellir svita, blóð og tár, of, og það er ekki þýðir að mannvera sem er boðað til manneskju sem varpar blóð, svita og tár, og líf getur verið flottur, og svo framvegis.

Hvað er meira, vegna þess að þeir hafa verið að predika um shoddy moralism sem hefur verið ræktað hreint menningu í háskóla, eru þeir ekki ýktar, jafnvel ef það segir að það er lægsta sem manneskju.

Því er það tilbúningur eins og herinn þægindi konu skýrslu og fölsun skýrslu Yoshida skýrslu í Fukushima kjarnorkuver og svo framvegis jafnaðargeði og það gerir þá.

Þeir eru að eilífu í shoddy moralism sem hafði verið ræktaður hreint menningu í háskóla.

Það hélt áfram að gefa skaða sem er banvæn að landið okkar og það er eðlilegt að halda áfram að gefa.

Þeir breytast ekki með nemendum, svo að segja, er það barn.

Þessi grein áfram.

Il est encourageant que les êtres humains aussi pour le monde.

2015年04月20日 16時08分54秒 | 日記

Il va sans dire élèves de excellentes universités au Japon est excellent dans le leader mondial.

Ils sont vraiment excellents.

Il est encourageant que les êtres humains aussi pour le monde.

Mais leurs connaissances, pour ainsi dire, ne peut être aidé ce est la connaissance de seconde main.

Connaissance de première main, sauf pour le très petit nombre de véritable génie, ne peut pas maîtriser le temps qui est un étudiant.

Qu'il construit subsistance par lui-même en devenant membre de la société et qu'il apporte une famille et qu'il gère une entreprise sont obtenu seulement en.

Ou, l'exécution d'une politique de gestion dans l'entreprise et une politique dans le pays que l'employé de l'entreprise et le fonctionnaire est obtenu seulement en.

Il commence une action dans la société réelle dans l'instruction du patron, enfin, il devient un patron et peut commander un subordonné, il est obtenu seulement dans telle.

Ce est, l'expérience qui met en sueur, de sang et de larmes est nécessaire.

Ce manuscrit continue.

E promette che gli esseri umani anche per il mondo.

2015年04月20日 16時08分26秒 | 日記

Va da sé studenti delle università eccellenti in Giappone è eccellente nel leader mondiale.

Sono davvero eccellente.

E promette che gli esseri umani anche per il mondo.

Ma la loro conoscenza, per così dire, non può essere aiutato è la conoscenza di seconda mano.

Conoscenze di prima mano, tranne per il numero molto piccolo di genio reale, non può dominare al tempo che è uno studente.

Che costruisce sostentamento per sé, diventando un membro della società e che porta in primo piano una famiglia e che gestisce una società si ottengono solo in.

O, l'esecuzione di una politica di gestione della società e di una politica del paese come la società dipendente e il funzionario è ottenuto solo.

Si comincia un'azione nella società reale nelle istruzioni del boss, finalmente, diventa un capo e può comandare un subordinato, che si ottiene solo in tale.

Cioè, l'esperienza che getta sudore, lacrime e sangue è necessario.

Questo manoscritto continua.

Es prometedor que los seres humanos también para el mundo.

2015年04月20日 16時07分53秒 | 日記

Ni que decir tiene estudiantes de excelentes universidades en Japón es excelente en líder mundial.

Ellos son realmente excelentes.

Es prometedor que los seres humanos también para el mundo.

Pero su conocimiento, por así decirlo, no se puede evitar es el conocimiento de segunda mano.

El conocimiento de primera mano, a excepción de la número muy pequeño de verdadero genio, no puede dominar a la vez que es un estudiante.

Que construye el sustento por sí misma al convertirse en un miembro de la sociedad y que nos lleva a una familia y que gestiona una empresa se llegan sólo en.

O bien, la realización de una política de gestión en la empresa y una política en el país que el empleado de la compañía y el funcionario está metido solo en.

Se inicia una acción en la sociedad real en la instrucción del jefe, finalmente, se convierte en un jefe y puede ordenar a un subordinado, se llega sólo en tales.

Esto es, la experiencia que arroja sudor, sangre y lágrimas es necesario.

Este manuscrito continúa.

Es ist vielversprechend, dass die Menschen auch für die Welt.

2015年04月20日 16時07分23秒 | 日記

Es ist selbstverständlich Studenten der hervorragenden Universitäten in Japan ist ausgezeichnet in der weltweit führenden.

Sie sind wirklich sehr gut.

Es ist vielversprechend, dass die Menschen auch für die Welt.

Aber ihr Wissen, so zu sprechen, kann nicht geholfen werden es aus zweiter Hand Wissen.

Wissen aus erster Hand, mit Ausnahme der sehr kleinen Zahl von echten Genie, kann nicht auf die Zeit, die ein Schüler zu meistern.

Dass es baut Halt für sich, indem er ein Mitglied der Gesellschaft und bringt eine Familie, und dass es ein Unternehmen verwaltet werden nur bekommen.

Oder Durchführung einer Management-Politik in der Gesellschaft und eine Politik in dem Land als die Mitarbeiter des Unternehmens, und der Beamte nur in bekommen.

Es beginnt eine Aktion in der realen Gesellschaft, in der Anweisung des Chefs, schließlich wird es ein Chef und kann eine untergeordnete Befehl, ist es nur so bekommen.

Das ist notwendig, die Erfahrung, die Schweiß, Blut und Tränen vergießt ist.

Dieses Manuskript fort.

On obećava da ljudska bića i za svijet.

2015年04月20日 16時06分53秒 | 日記

Escusado será dizer estudantes de excelentes universidades no Japão é excelente em líder mundial.

Eles são realmente excelentes.

É promissor que os seres humanos também para o mundo.

Mas o seu conhecimento, por assim dizer, não pode ser ajudado, é o conhecimento de segunda mão.

Conhecimento em primeira mão, exceto para o número muito pequeno de gênio real, não pode dominar o tempo, que é um estudante.

Isso constrói sustento por si só, tornando-se membro da sociedade e que traz à tona uma família e que gere uma empresa são obtidos apenas em.

Ou, a execução de uma política de gestão da empresa e uma política no país, como o funcionário da empresa e do funcionário é adquirido apenas em.

Ela começa uma ação na sociedade real na instrução do chefe, finalmente, torna-se um chefe e pode comandar um subordinado, é chegado apenas em tal.

Ou seja, a experiência que lança sangue, suor e lágrimas é necessário.

Este manuscrito continua.


2015年04月20日 16時06分25秒 | 日記












2015年04月20日 16時05分58秒 | 日記











이 세상도 그 인간

2015年04月20日 16時05分26秒 | 日記

그것은 일본의 우수한 대학의 학생들이 세계 최고의 우수하다 말할 것도 없다.

그들은 정말 우수하다.

이 세상도 그 인간을 약속한다.

그러나 그렇게 말하는 자신의 지식, 그것은 두 번째 손 지식 도움이 될 수 없습니다.

먼저 손 지식은, 실제 천재의 매우 작은 숫자를 제외하고 학생입니다 시간에 마스터 할 수 없습니다.

이 사회의 일원이 됨으로써 그 자체로 생계를 구축하고 가족을 가져다하고 회사를 관리하는 것은 만에받은됩니다.

또는, 회사의 경영 방침과 회사 직원으로 국가의 정책을 수행하고 공식 만에 받고있다.

그것은이 그러한에서 입수되어, 상사의 명령에 실제 사회에서의 동작이, 마지막으로, 보스가되어 하위 명령 할 수있다 시작한다.

즉, 땀, 피와 눈물을 흘린다 경험이 필요하다.

이 원고는 계속됩니다.