The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
Now, American public opinion has an overwhelming majority having a rigorous perception of Chinese policy.
I think it is crucial that we understand the American policy toward China.
However, it must always be considered that the United States will join hands with China over Japan's head as a possibility.
At the same time, the United States is moving toward protecting essential values such as democracy and human rights.
I guess how Japan will contribute to this, and it will come with this visit of Mr. Xi.
I think the US security posture and concerns about China are more of a common attitude of the Republicans and Democrats than of the Trump administration.
I don't think the US response will change so easily unless China changes response significantly.
On the other hand, Mr. Trump would like to lead the trade friction between the United States and China.
We hope that the trade relations between the two countries will be stable, and I think the world economy is also seeking it.
So how does Japan contribute?
For example, there is a problem of the "fifth-generation (5G) mobile communication system" that forms the basis of security.
Japan has also stated that it will be a leader in countries with value in the recent G20, such as freedom and democracy, human rights, and the rule of law. As Japan is a technology nation, he expressed his desire to provide Japan with the foundation to become a leader.
Japan thinks that it wants to contribute neatly on such a surface, too.
Making the most of 'state guest.'
A few stories return but when it invites Mr. Xi in a present problem in state guests, come to the thing of His Majesty the Emperor's visit to China certainly.
Hong Kong is getting bloody
Also, there is a concern that the timing of welcoming a state guest in Hong Kong is terrible when it comes to appreciating cherry blossoms in the middle of a bloody incident.
Also, there are the concerns to be very bad when coming to the thing of the appreciation of cherry tree's blossom while of the timing to reach in-state guests, the event painted on the blood in Hongkong is occurring.
During our recent summit talks with President Xi and then with Prime Minister Li Keqiang, I urged self-control in Hong Kong and that it should be resolved through dialogue.
As I said, inviting him as a state guest is an opportunity to share both countries are responsible for regional peace and stability and recognition that we should be responsible, so we'll do our best. But I would like the Chinese side to do the same.
No one around me agrees with Mr. Xi's 'state guest treatment.'
And all are supporters of the Abe administration.
The prime minister was told to treat Mr. Xi as a state guest in May before the Hong Kong problem occurred, but the Hong Kong problem caused the public opinion of the world to change. The Uyghur problem came out.
Is it something that it proposed before the new situation came out, but could not be changed?
And I think it is against national interests.
Many readers of Sound Argument may agree with Sakurai-san's opinions.
Again, state guest is crucial for Japanese people.
Because of this important visit, we would like to make a visit where we recognize each other's responsibilities.
You also raise issues about the Senkaku issue, unfair detention of Japanese people, and general human rights issues in Hong Kong and Uyghur.
I have raised it before, and of course, at the Japan-China-South Korea summit meeting in China at the end of 2019, I argue that what should say at the summit meeting with Mr. Xi.
Isn't the relationship between Japan and China overwhelmingly advantageous to Japan?
"Belt and Road" failed, and China's economy was in the wrong place. President Trump embarked on a trade war.
When it really wanted to ask for help from Japan, the prime minister was also outstretched, and I felt that each other was unexpectedly successful.
Therefore, won't it be dangerous?
Instead, in such a case, it would be better not to give out the 'state guest card,' but to give a request of 'I'm going to Yasukuni Shrine.'
Japan-China relations was a very difficult situation when I became Prime Minister.
I thought it was necessary to stabilize Japan-China relations in Japan's national interest and was vigorously sought by the international community.
I worked hard to stabilize the relationship, and I didn't give up anything I shouldn't give up, but the relationship improved, and mutual visits went smoothly.
This time, I would like to make the most of what both countries agreed to visit the state guest.
The following is a continuation of the previous chapter. The emphasis is on me.
China's recognition remains unchanged in Japan and the United States
The current international situation has the impression that the United States has established a post-war order, such as democracy and globalization, which are in decline.
I guess democracy is among the leaders of the seven advanced nations (G7) as much as German Chancellor Merkel.
And President Trump has come up with an "American first principle."
Under these conditions, is a new international order emerging or at a turning point?
The G7 was a meeting body that started in countries where the universal values of freedom, democracy, and human rights were shared and countries with economic strength in the era of the US-Soviet Cold War.
I think it has played a significant role in the economy and security.
There are indeed challenges to multilateralism, such as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the World Trade Organization (WTO).
Although Trump has declared "America First," every country puts its own interests first.
There are various ways to achieve this.
However, multilateral cooperation is essential to secure the interests of one's own country.
Recently, Mr. Trump attended the NATO summit and called on countries to pay for defense.
In other words, it means "don't rely solely on the United States" in maintaining the European defense system.
In doing so, Japan must also be responsible for the security of the region.
It is necessary to make efforts to expand the "Alliance Network" not only in Japan and the United States, but also in Japan, the United States, Australia, and the United States, Australia, and India, with the robust Japan-US Alliance, leveraged.
Mr. Trump does not deny multilateralism, but I would like Japan to work to ensure that the United States is at the center of multilateralism.
There is a common understanding between the United States and Japan about the premise of China.
China is also the biggest challenge for the international community in the medium to long term.
Of course, this is the most significant opportunity. Still, it is expending a tremendous amount of money to increase its military strength and try to unilaterally change the status quo in the East and South China Seas.
In this context, Japan has not long been an international player.
I thought that would not protect Japan and the region.
During the first administration, it was not widely reported, but went to Brussels and was the first Japanese Prime Minister to address the North Atlantic Council (the highest decision-making body of NATO).
That prompted Japan to deepen its cooperation with NATO.
The Goods and Services Mutual Provision Agreement (ACSA), which provides for goods and services, was once only in Japan and the United States.
Since the Second Abe Administration, the security network has expanded to include Australia, Britain, France, and Canada, and it is negotiating with India, too, on end now.
Now we are in talks with India.
In the Asia-Pacific and the Indo-Pacific, I realize that Japan has to contribute to the region as a key player.
And I have been working hard to do so.
The United States' China policy is stringent, but I think the Prime Minister's China policy is different from the United States, at least for the short term.
Immediately after Mr. Trump was elected President, I visited Trump Tower in New York and talked about long hours, but the central theme was China.
He listened eagerly.
Japan and the United States remain the same regarding essential recognition.
The United States and Japan are allied and are the foundation of Japan's foreign security.
It should not fluctuate.
At the same time, I, as Prime Minister of Japan, have told China what to say.
When Japan-China relations "return to normal trajectory" it means that they had come to visit each other more than when the leaders did not attend each other.
We have to talk because there are issues.
For example, I am saying to Xi Jinping president must not mistake the Japanese will about Senkaku-Shoto to China, too.
I will continue to say that in the future, of course, there will be no change in Japan's essential attitude, nor will Japan make concessions on fundamental issues such as security or territory.
But China remains a significant and significant player in the world.
I think that China's power will increase as the economy continues to grow.
Therefore, we need to encourage China to act following international standards, as the same Asian country and neighboring country.
Therefore, we welcome President Xi this time as a state guest.
The implication is that as the new era of Reiwa begins, Japan and China should recognize that we share a great responsibility for peace, stability, and prosperity in the region and the world. It's an opportunity to share our awareness.
Based on that sense of responsibility, I decided to invite him as a state guest. For example, on 'Belt and Road,' we have stated from the beginning that China must meet international standards on issues such as transparency, openness, economy, and debt sustainability.
At the G20 (20-country and regional summit meeting) held in Japan in June of the year of Reiwa, the Chinese side came to insist that they would follow the rules.
But we need to look carefully to see if they actually do.
Of course, sometimes they do not change their minds.
I want to say something about the Senkaku, the issue of detention of Japanese nationals, and China's response to Hong Kong.
This article continues.
The following is a distinctive feature of a dialogue between Mr. Tadabo Tadabo and Mr. Yoshiko Sakurai, published at the beginning of this month's issue of the monthly Sound Argument, entitled Prime Minister Shinzo Abe-Determination for China.
Preamble omitted
Another prerequisite is the question of whether it can do it in the last two years.
If it can't do it in the third term, I'd like to ask if you are prepared to do it even if you do the fourth term.
I have two years to go so that I will do my best in two years.
Earlier, Mr. Takubo talked about 'Japan that has the system of a rare Self-Defense Force even at a world.'
For example, there is a big signboard called 'The SDF violates the Constitution' on the mountain slope next to the runway at Hyakuri Base (Ibaraki Airport).
The JASDF also scrambles airplanes, including foreign fighters, entering the air defense zone, but the number has increased considerably.
Despite being incredibly nervous and determined to defend Japan's air and territorial waters 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, besides the runway, they are going to fly to protect the people 'The SDF violates the Constitution' is displayed.
This sign will be seen not only by the members of the Self-Defense Force who will be working but also by the members' families and children.
In addition, there are domestic and international flights to the Hyakuri base, and ordinary customers and overseas customers also see the sign.
What can be done to end this situation is to discuss it properly and come up with a definite plan.
The responsibility lies with the members of Parliament.
We have to fulfill our responsibilities.
This article continues.
Hier, j'ai publié un article sur Mitsubishi Electric attaqué par un groupe de hackers chinois Tick, mais le journal Nikkei d'aujourd'hui a un rapport détaillé.
Avant-hier, NHK diffusait un programme particulier sur Huawei.
Le programme semblait donner ou se synchroniser avec Huawei.
Si les cyberattaques chinoises, y compris Tick, avaient été signalées comme étant dévastatrices, NHK pourrait-elle faire un tel spectacle?
Parce que c'est NHK, tu l'as fait quand même?
Ce qui suit est tiré de l'éditorial d'aujourd'hui de Sankei Shimbun.
Une grave menace pour la sécurité
C'est un problème de sécurité et un avertissement sévère.
Ce devrait être l'occasion de revoir fondamentalement la position du Japon en matière de cyberdéfense.
Mitsubishi Electric a annoncé qu'il aurait pu divulguer des informations sur les agences gouvernementales et les entreprises de ses clients à la suite d'une cyberattaque à grande échelle.
Il semble que des groupes chinois de cyberattaques aient pu être impliqués.
Mitsubishi Electric est un acteur important dans les secteurs de l'espace et de la défense.
Les informations divulguées comprennent des échanges avec le ministère de la Défense, la Commission de réglementation nucléaire, le Cabinet Office et des documents sur les réunions conjointes avec des sociétés privées telles que l'électricité, les communications et les chemins de fer.
Les informations élevées qui ont tendance à être secrètes sont considérées comme n'étant pas contenues, mais cette possibilité aurait été suffisante.
En outre, la société a découvert un comportement suspect sur des serveurs internes et d'autres appareils en juin dernier et ne l'a pas révélé tout en poursuivant son enquête interne.
La base de l'antivirus est d'empêcher la propagation en partageant des informations précises.
Cela ne change pas dans le cyberespace.
En réponse à la situation, le Secrétaire général Suga Yoshihide a déclaré: "Nous voulons faire du Ministère de l'économie, du commerce et de l'industrie, le NISC un centre en tant que gouvernement, et les surveiller de près en permanence."
NISC est l'abréviation de «Centre national de préparation aux incidents et de stratégie pour la cybersécurité» créé par le gouvernement au sein du Secrétariat du Cabinet.
Il fournit une coordination et des conseils complets sur les cyber-contre-mesures qui sont menées par les ministères et organismes, y compris les FDS et la police, et le secteur privé, mais sans commandement ni commandement.
Il ne servirait pas de tour de commandement, mais symbolise simplement la vulnérabilité de la cyberdéfense japonaise.
L'implication de l'État a été soulignée dans les cyberattaques de la Chine, de la Russie et de la Corée du Nord.
En mai 2014, les États-Unis ont inculpé cinq agents chinois de cyberattaques de l'APL pour avoir espionné une entreprise américaine lors d'une cyberattaque.
Le géant chinois des télécommunications Huawei a été exclu du marché américain en raison de «risques pour la sécurité nationale» qui sont exploités lors de cyberattaques.
Le gouvernement japonais «ne fait que surveiller» de près un tel plan d'effet pratique et ne peut pas l'accepter.
En cas de doute sur la conservation des informations, il ne sera pas possible de partager des informations avec les États-Unis.
Dans son état actuel, il ne sera exclu de l'international, également appelé «cyberguerre».
À l'occasion du 60e anniversaire du traité de sécurité américano-japonais, le Premier ministre Shinzo Abe a souligné son intention de renforcer l'alliance américano-japonaise dans de nouveaux domaines de l'espace et du cyberespace.
Tout d'abord, nous devons nous dépêcher pour renforcer notre position intérieure.
어제, 나는 중국 해커 그룹 틱 (Tick)이 미츠비시 전기 (Misubishi Electric)의 공격을 받았다는 기사를 발표했지만 오늘의 니케이 신문에 자세한 보고서가있다.
그저께 NHK는 화웨이에서 특정 프로그램을 방송하고있었습니다.
이 프로그램은 화웨이를 주거나 동기화하는 것처럼 보였다.
Tick을 포함한 중국의 사이버 공격이 치명적인 것으로보고 된 경우 NHK가 그러한 쇼를 할 수 있을까요?
NHK이기 때문에 어쨌든 만들었습니까?
다음은 오늘의 산케이 신문 편집본입니다.
사이버 공격
심각한 보안 위협
보안 문제이며 심각한 경고입니다.
일본의 사이버 방어 자세를 근본적으로 검토 할 수있는 기회가되어야합니다.
미쓰비시 전기 (Mitsubishi Electric)는 대규모 사이버 공격에 따라 고객의 정부 기관 및 회사에 대한 정보가 유출되었을 수 있다고 발표했다.
중국의 사이버 공격 그룹이 관여 한 것 같습니다.
Mitsubishi Electric은 우주 및 방위 산업에서 중요한 역할을 담당하고 있습니다.
유출 된 정보에는 국방부, 핵 규제위원회, 내각부와의 교류, 전기, 통신 및 철도와 같은 민간 회사와의 공동 회의 자료가 포함됩니다.
비밀스러운 경향이있는 높은 정보는 포함되지 않은 것으로 간주되지만 그 가능성은 충분하다고합니다.
또한 지난 6 월 내부 서버 및 기타 장치에서 의심스러운 행동을 발견했으며 내부 조사를 계속하면서 공개하지 않았다.
바이러스 백신의 기본은 정확한 정보를 공유하여 확산을 방지하는 것입니다.
사이버 공간에서는 변하지 않습니다.
스가 요시히 데 사무 총장은이 상황에 부응하여``우리는 NISC의 경제 무역 산업부도 정부의 중심으로 만들고 지속적으로 긴밀히 지켜보고 싶다 ''고 말했다.
NISC는 정부가 내각 사무국에서 설립 한 '사이버 보안을위한 국가 사고 준비 및 전략 센터'의 약자입니다.
SDF와 경찰, 민간 부문을 포함한 부처와 기관이 수행하지만 사이버 범죄 대책에 대한 포괄적 인 조정과 조언을 제공하지만 명령이나 명령은 없습니다.
커맨드 타워 역할을하는 것이 아니라 단지 일본 사이버 방어의 취약성을 상징합니다.
중국, 러시아, 북한의 사이버 공격에 국가의 개입이 지적되었다.
2014 년 5 월 미국은 사이버 공격으로 미국 회사를 감시 한 중국 PLA 사이버 공격 장교 5 명을 기소했습니다.
중국의 통신 거대 화웨이는 사이버 공격에 악용되는 '국가 보안 위험'으로 인해 미국 시장에서 제외되었습니다.
일본 정부는 그러한 실질적인 효과 계획을 면밀히 '보고 만'취하지 못합니다.
정보 보존에 대한 의문이있는 경우 미국과 정보를 공유 할 수 없습니다.
현재 상태에서는 '사이버와 르 (cyberwar)'라고 불리는 국제적으로 만 제외됩니다.
아베 신조 총리는 미일 안보 조약 60 주년을 맞아 새로운 공간과 사이버 영역에서 미일 동맹을 강화하려는 의도를 강조했다.
우선 국내 자세를 강화하기 위해 서둘러야합니다.
Вчера я опубликовал статью о нападении Mitsubishi Electric на китайскую хакерскую группу Tick, но в сегодняшней газете Nikkei есть подробный отчет.
Позавчера NHK транслировал определенную программу на Huawei.
Программа вроде бы давала или синхронизировалась с Huawei.
Если бы сообщалось, что кибератаки в Китае, включая Тика, были разрушительными, сможет ли NHK устроить такое шоу?
Потому что это NHK, ты все-таки сделал это?
Следующее от сегодняшней редакционной статьи Sankei Shimbun.
Серьезная угроза безопасности
Это проблема безопасности и серьезное предупреждение.
Это должна быть возможность пересмотреть позицию Японии в области киберзащиты.
Mitsubishi Electric объявила о возможной утечке информации о правительственных учреждениях и компаниях своих клиентов после масштабной кибератаки.
Кажется, что китайские группы кибератак, возможно, были вовлечены.
Mitsubishi Electric является крупным игроком в космической и оборонной промышленности.
Утечка информации включает обмены с Министерством обороны, Комиссией по ядерному регулированию, Кабинетом министров, а также материалы совместных совещаний с частными компаниями, такими как электричество, связь и железные дороги.
Высокая информация, которая имеет тенденцию быть секретной, считается не содержащейся, но, как говорят, такой возможности было достаточно.
Кроме того, в июне прошлого года компания обнаружила подозрительное поведение на внутренних серверах и других устройствах и не разглашала его, продолжая внутреннее расследование.
Основой антивируса является предотвращение распространения путем обмена точной информацией.
Это не меняется в киберпространстве.
В ответ на сложившуюся ситуацию Генеральный секретарь Суга Йошихиде сказала: «Мы хотим сделать Министерство экономики, торговли и промышленности, NISC и центром правительства, и постоянно следить за ними».
NISC является аббревиатурой от «Национального центра готовности к инцидентам и Стратегии кибербезопасности», созданного правительством в Секретариате Кабинета министров.
Он обеспечивает всестороннюю координацию и консультирование по кибер-контрмерам, которые проводятся министерствами и ведомствами, включая SDF и полицию, и частным сектором, но не имеет командования или командования.
Это не будет командная башня, а просто символизирует уязвимость киберзащиты Японии.
Участие государства было отмечено в кибератаках со стороны Китая, России и Северной Кореи.
В мае 2014 года Соединенные Штаты предъявили обвинение пяти китайским офицерам PLA в кибератаке за то, что они шпионили за американской компанией во время кибератаки.
Китайский телекоммуникационный гигант Huawei был исключен из рынка США из-за «угроз национальной безопасности», которые используются в кибератаках.
Правительство Японии «только внимательно следит» за планом практического эффекта и не может принять его.
Если есть какие-либо сомнения относительно сохранности информации, не будет возможности поделиться информацией с Соединенными Штатами.
В своем нынешнем состоянии он будет исключен только из международного сообщества, также называемого «кибервойной».
В 60-ю годовщину Договора между США и Японией премьер-министр Синдзо Абэ подчеркнул свое намерение укрепить американо-японский союз в новых областях космоса и кибер.
Прежде всего, мы должны спешить укреплять нашу внутреннюю позицию.
Ontem, publiquei um artigo sobre a Mitsubishi Electric sendo atacada por um grupo de hackers chinês Tick, mas o jornal Nikkei de hoje tem um relatório detalhado.
Anteontem, a NHK estava transmitindo um programa específico na Huawei.
O programa parecia dar ou sincronizar com a Huawei.
Se os ataques cibernéticos da China, incluindo Tick, tivessem sido devastadores, a NHK poderia fazer um show desses?
Porque é NHK, você fez assim mesmo?
O seguinte é do editorial de hoje de Sankei Shimbun.
Ataque cibernético
Uma séria ameaça à segurança
É um problema de segurança e um aviso grave.
Deve ser uma oportunidade de rever fundamentalmente a postura de defesa cibernética do Japão.
A Mitsubishi Electric anunciou que pode ter vazado informações sobre as agências e empresas governamentais de seus clientes após um ataque cibernético em larga escala.
Parece que grupos chineses de ataques cibernéticos podem estar envolvidos.
A Mitsubishi Electric é um participante importante nas indústrias de espaço e defesa.
As informações vazadas incluem trocas com o Ministério da Defesa, a Comissão Reguladora Nuclear, o Gabinete do Gabinete e materiais de reuniões conjuntas com empresas privadas, como eletricidade, comunicações e ferrovias.
A alta informação que tende a ser secreta é considerada não contida, mas diz-se que essa possibilidade foi suficiente.
Além disso, a empresa descobriu um comportamento suspeito em servidores internos e outros dispositivos em junho passado e não o divulgou enquanto continuava a investigação interna.
A base do antivírus é impedir a propagação compartilhando informações precisas.
Não muda no ciberespaço.
Em resposta à situação, o Secretário-Geral Suga Yoshihide disse: 'Queremos tornar o Ministério da Economia, Comércio e Indústria, o NISC um centro também como governo e observá-los de perto continuamente'.
NISC é uma abreviação do 'Centro Nacional de Prontidão de Incidentes e Estratégia para Segurança Cibernética' estabelecido pelo governo no Secretariado do Gabinete.
Ele fornece coordenação e consultoria abrangentes sobre contramedidas cibernéticas, conduzidas por ministérios e agências, incluindo os SDF e a polícia e o setor privado, mas não tem comando ou comando.
Não serviria como torre de comando, mas apenas simboliza a vulnerabilidade da defesa cibernética do Japão.
O envolvimento do Estado foi apontado em ataques cibernéticos pela China, Rússia e Coréia do Norte.
Em maio de 2014, os Estados Unidos indiciaram cinco agentes chineses de ataques cibernéticos do PLA por espionarem uma empresa americana em um ataque cibernético.
A gigante chinesa de telecomunicações Huawei foi excluída do mercado dos EUA por causa dos 'riscos à segurança nacional' que são explorados em ataques cibernéticos.
O governo japonês está 'apenas observando' um plano de efeito tão prático de perto e não pode levá-lo.
Se houver alguma dúvida sobre a preservação de informações, não será possível compartilhar informações com os Estados Unidos.
Em seu estado atual, ele só será deixado de fora do internacional, também chamado de 'guerra cibernética'.
No 60º aniversário do Tratado de Segurança EUA-Japão, o primeiro-ministro Shinzo Abe enfatizou sua intenção de fortalecer a aliança EUA-Japão em novas áreas espaciais e cibernéticas.
Antes de tudo, precisamos nos apressar para fortalecer nossa postura doméstica.
Gestern veröffentlichte ich einen Artikel über Mitsubishi Electric, der von einer chinesischen Hacker-Gruppe angegriffen wurde. Die heutige Nikkei-Zeitung hat jedoch einen detaillierten Bericht.
Vorgestern sendete NHK eine bestimmte Sendung auf Huawei.
Das Programm schien zu geben oder mit Huawei zu synchronisieren.
Wenn Chinas Cyberangriffe, einschließlich Tick, als verheerend gemeldet worden wären, könnte NHK dann eine solche Show machen?
Weil es NHK ist, hast du es trotzdem geschafft?
Das Folgende ist aus dem heutigen Sankei Shimbun Editorial.
Cyber Attacke
Eine ernsthafte Sicherheitsbedrohung
Es ist ein Sicherheitsproblem und eine ernsthafte Warnung.
Dies sollte eine Gelegenheit sein, Japans Haltung im Bereich der Cyber-Verteidigung grundlegend zu überdenken.
Mitsubishi Electric gab bekannt, dass nach einem groß angelegten Cyberangriff möglicherweise Informationen über Regierungsbehörden und Unternehmen seiner Kunden durchgesickert sind.
Es scheint, dass chinesische Cyber-Angriffsgruppen beteiligt gewesen sein könnten.
Mitsubishi Electric ist ein bedeutender Akteur in der Raumfahrt- und Verteidigungsindustrie.
Zu den durchgesickerten Informationen gehören der Austausch mit dem Verteidigungsministerium, der Nuklearregulierungskommission, dem Kabinett und gemeinsame Besprechungsunterlagen mit privaten Unternehmen wie Elektrizität, Kommunikation und Eisenbahnen.
Die hohe Information, die geheim zu sein scheint, wird als nicht enthalten angesehen, aber es soll diese Möglichkeit ausreichend gegeben haben.
Außerdem hat das Unternehmen im Juni vergangenen Jahres verdächtiges Verhalten auf internen Servern und anderen Geräten festgestellt und es nicht bekannt gegeben, während die internen Untersuchungen fortgesetzt wurden.
Die Basis von Antivirus besteht darin, die Verbreitung durch den Austausch genauer Informationen zu verhindern.
Im Cyberspace ändert sich nichts.
Als Antwort auf die Situation sagte Generalsekretär Suga Yoshihide: "Wir wollen das Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Handel und Industrie, das NISC, auch zu einem Regierungszentrum machen und es kontinuierlich beobachten."
NISC ist eine Abkürzung für das von der Regierung im Kabinettssekretariat eingerichtete „Nationale Zentrum für die Bereitschaft für Vorfälle und die Strategie für Cybersicherheit“.
Es bietet umfassende Koordination und Beratung zu Cyber-Gegenmaßnahmen, die von Ministerien und Behörden, einschließlich der SDF und der Polizei, sowie dem privaten Sektor durchgeführt werden, verfügt jedoch weder über ein Kommando noch über ein Kommando.
Es würde nicht als Kommandoturm dienen, sondern symbolisiert lediglich die Verwundbarkeit der japanischen Cyber-Verteidigung.
Auf die Beteiligung des Staates an Cyberangriffen wurde von China, Russland und Nordkorea hingewiesen.
Im Mai 2014 klagten die USA fünf chinesische PLA-Cyberangriffsbeamte an, weil sie ein US-amerikanisches Unternehmen bei einem Cyberangriff ausspioniert hatten.
Chinas Telekommunikationsriese Huawei wurde aufgrund von "nationalen Sicherheitsrisiken", die bei Cyberangriffen ausgenutzt werden, vom US-Markt ausgeschlossen.
Die japanische Regierung "beobachtet" einen solchen praktischen Wirkungsplan nur genau und kann ihn nicht akzeptieren.
Wenn Zweifel an der Aufbewahrung von Informationen bestehen, können diese nicht an die USA weitergegeben werden.
In seiner jetzigen Form wird es nur von der internationalen, auch als "Cyberwar" bezeichneten Welt ausgeschlossen bleiben.
Zum 60. Jahrestag des US-japanischen Sicherheitsvertrags betonte Premierminister Shinzo Abe seine Absicht, das US-japanische Bündnis in neuen Bereichen des Weltraums und des Cybers zu stärken.
Zunächst müssen wir uns beeilen, um unsere häusliche Haltung zu stärken.
Ayer, publiqué un artículo sobre Mitsubishi Electric siendo atacado por un grupo de hackers chinos Tick, pero el periódico Nikkei de hoy tiene un informe detallado.
Anteayer, NHK transmitía un programa particular en Huawei.
El programa parecía dar o sincronizarse con Huawei.
Si se informara que los ataques cibernéticos de China, incluido Tick, fueron devastadores, ¿podría NHK hacer tal espectáculo?
Debido a que es NHK, ¿lo lograste de todos modos?
Lo siguiente es del editorial de Sankei Shimbun de hoy.
Ataque cibernetico
Una seria amenaza de seguridad
Es un problema de seguridad y una advertencia severa.
Debería ser una oportunidad para revisar fundamentalmente la postura de defensa cibernética de Japón.
Mitsubishi Electric anunció que podría haber filtrado información sobre las agencias y compañías gubernamentales de sus clientes luego de un ciberataque a gran escala.
Parece que los grupos chinos de ciberataques pueden haber estado involucrados.
Mitsubishi Electric es un jugador importante en las industrias espacial y de defensa.
La información filtrada incluye intercambios con el Ministerio de Defensa, la Comisión Reguladora Nuclear, la Oficina del Gabinete y materiales de reuniones conjuntas con empresas privadas como electricidad, comunicaciones y ferrocarriles.
Se considera que la alta información que tiende a ser secreta no está contenida, pero se dice que esa posibilidad ha sido suficiente.
Además, la compañía descubrió un comportamiento sospechoso en servidores internos y otros dispositivos en junio pasado y no lo reveló mientras continuaba la investigación interna.
La base del antivirus es evitar la propagación al compartir información precisa.
No cambia en el ciberespacio.
En respuesta a la situación, el Secretario General Suga Yoshihide dijo: "Queremos hacer del Ministerio de Economía, Comercio e Industria, NISC un centro como gobierno también, y observarlos de cerca de forma continua".
NISC es una abreviatura del 'Centro nacional de preparación de incidentes y estrategia para la seguridad cibernética' establecido por el gobierno en la Secretaría del Gabinete.
Proporciona coordinación y asesoramiento integral sobre contramedidas cibernéticas que llevan a cabo los ministerios y agencias, incluidas las SDF y la policía, y el sector privado, pero no tiene comando ni comando.
No serviría como una torre de comando, sino que simplemente simboliza la vulnerabilidad de la defensa cibernética de Japón.
La participación estatal ha sido señalada en ataques cibernéticos por parte de China, Rusia y Corea del Norte.
En mayo de 2014, Estados Unidos acusó a cinco oficiales chinos de ataque cibernético del EPL por espiar a una empresa estadounidense en un ataque cibernético.
El gigante de telecomunicaciones de China, Huawei, ha sido excluido del mercado estadounidense debido a los "riesgos de seguridad nacional" que se explotan en los ataques cibernéticos.
El gobierno japonés 'solo está observando' un plan de efectos tan práctico de cerca y no puede tomarlo.
Si hay alguna duda sobre la preservación de la información, no será posible compartir información con los Estados Unidos.
En su estado actual, solo quedará fuera de la internacional, también llamada 'guerra cibernética'.
En el 60 aniversario del Tratado de Seguridad entre Estados Unidos y Japón, el Primer Ministro Shinzo Abe enfatizó su intención de fortalecer la alianza entre Estados Unidos y Japón en nuevas áreas del espacio y el cibernético.
En primer lugar, debemos apresurarnos para fortalecer nuestra postura doméstica.
Ieri ho pubblicato un articolo su Mitsubishi Electric attaccato da un gruppo di hacker cinese Tick, ma il quotidiano Nikkei di oggi ha un rapporto dettagliato.
L'altro ieri, NHK stava trasmettendo un particolare programma su Huawei.
Il programma sembrava dare o sincronizzare con Huawei.
Se gli attacchi informatici della Cina, compreso Tick, fossero stati devastati, l'NHK potrebbe fare uno spettacolo del genere?
Perché è NHK, ce l'hai fatta comunque?
Quello che segue è dall'editoriale di Sankei Shimbun di oggi.
Attacco informatico
Una grave minaccia alla sicurezza
È un problema di sicurezza e un avvertimento grave.
Dovrebbe essere un'opportunità per rivedere fondamentalmente la posizione della cyber defence giapponese.
Mitsubishi Electric ha annunciato che potrebbe aver trapelato informazioni sulle agenzie governative e sulle società dei suoi clienti a seguito di un attacco informatico su vasta scala.
Sembra che potrebbero essere stati coinvolti gruppi di attacchi informatici cinesi.
Mitsubishi Electric è un attore importante nel settore spaziale e della difesa.
Le informazioni trapelate includono scambi con il Ministero della Difesa, la Commissione per la regolamentazione nucleare, l'ufficio del gabinetto e materiali per riunioni congiunte con società private come elettricità, comunicazioni e ferrovie.
Le informazioni elevate che tendono a essere segrete sono considerate non contenute, ma si dice che tale possibilità sia stata sufficientemente.
Inoltre, la società ha scoperto comportamenti sospetti nei server interni e in altri dispositivi lo scorso giugno e non li ha resi noti mentre proseguono le indagini interne.
La base dell'antivirus è impedire la diffusione condividendo informazioni accurate.
Non cambia nel cyberspazio.
In risposta alla situazione, il segretario generale Suga Yoshihide ha dichiarato: "Vogliamo rendere il Ministero dell'Economia, del Commercio e dell'Industria, NISC un centro anche come governo, e seguirli da vicino continuamente".
NISC è un'abbreviazione del "Centro nazionale di preparazione agli incidenti e strategia per la sicurezza informatica" istituito dal governo nel gabinetto del segretariato.
Fornisce un coordinamento e una consulenza completi sulle contromisure informatiche condotte da ministeri e agenzie, compresi SDF e polizia e il settore privato, ma non ha alcun comando o comando.
Non servirebbe da torre di comando, ma simboleggia semplicemente la vulnerabilità della cyber defence giapponese.
Il coinvolgimento dello stato è stato segnalato negli attacchi informatici da Cina, Russia e Corea del Nord.
Nel maggio 2014, gli Stati Uniti hanno incriminato cinque ufficiali cinesi di attacco informatico del PLA per aver spiato una società americana in un attacco informatico.
Il colosso cinese delle telecomunicazioni Huawei è stato escluso dal mercato statunitense a causa dei "rischi per la sicurezza nazionale" sfruttati negli attacchi informatici.
Il governo giapponese "sta solo guardando" da vicino un piano di effetti pratici e non può accettarlo.
In caso di dubbi sulla conservazione delle informazioni, non sarà possibile condividere le informazioni con gli Stati Uniti.
Nel suo stato attuale, sarà lasciato fuori dall'internazionale, chiamato anche "guerra cibernetica".
Al 60 ° anniversario del Trattato di sicurezza USA-Giappone, il Primo Ministro Shinzo Abe ha sottolineato la sua intenzione di rafforzare l'alleanza USA-Giappone in nuove aree dello spazio e del cyber.
Prima di tutto, dobbiamo sbrigarci a rafforzare la nostra postura domestica.
Aujourd'hui, il n'y a presque pas d'invasion par rapport à hier.
Le mal de la dictature à parti unique du Parti communiste chinois, l'une des conséquences de ce mal, est toujours à l'abri de l'atmosphère incroyablement polluée qui flotte dans les vents d'ouest.
Les personnes travaillant au siège de l'ONU et celles impliquées à la COP25 n'ont jamais dû être attaquées.
Cependant, pendant plus de 20 ans, sans voir ce tableau de la pollution atmosphérique, il criait sur les gaz à effet de serre et ainsi de suite, il est donc un grand propriétaire de cerveau.
Bien sûr, ne dites rien de désavantageux pour la Chine, c'est de la propagande par la Chine, et c'est un aspect stupide complètement manœuvré.
Le japonais Asahi Shimbun et NHK sont exactement les mêmes.
Même dans cette situation, la valeur de la pollution atmosphérique en Chine (émissions de gaz à effet de serre) a fortement chuté à un cinquième par rapport aux deux dernières décennies jusqu'en 2018.
La raison n'est pas du tout due à une augmentation des énergies renouvelables, comme la production d'énergie solaire.
Au cours du premier semestre 2019, des centrales nucléaires de pointe françaises et japonaises ont été achevées et mises en service, et la part de l'énergie nucléaire dans la production totale d'électricité a ainsi atteint des dizaines de pour cent.
En conséquence, c'est parce que la centrale thermique au charbon est en train de fermer, quels équipements sont inférieurs.
Mais la Chine est toujours la pire nation énergétique des émissions mondiales de gaz à effet de serre, avec plus de 1200 centrales électriques au charbon (et beaucoup d'entre elles avec des installations inadéquates). Le deuxième États-Unis fait un peu plus de 200 unités.
Ni l'ONU, la COP25, ni Greta Thunberg ne semblent savoir que les centrales électriques au charbon de la Chine sont inadéquates.
Le niveau des installations des centrales thermiques en Chine est difficilement comparable à celui des centrales au charbon à ultra-hautes performances équipées d'un équipement de purification des gaz d'échappement ultra-performant fabriqué au Japon.
La Chine n'est pas venue si elle a abandonné un fonds comme le Japon pour l'amélioration qui réduit les émissions de dioxyde de carbone de ces centrales au charbon les plus importantes dans le monde.
La Chine a dépensé d'énormes sommes d'argent en armes, y compris en armes nucléaires, pour tenter de s'emparer de la suprématie mondiale par de mauvaises pensées.
Ce n'est pas quelque chose qui s'est passé hier.
C'est le cas depuis plus de 20 ans.
Ce sont les 20 dernières années environ.
Cela fait plus de 20 ans que l'ONU et la COP25 la négligent.
Mais ni l'ONU, ni la COP25, ni Greta Thunberg, pour une raison quelconque, n'ont prononcé un mot sur la Chine.
Il en va de même pour l'Asahi Shimbun et la NHK au Japon.
Néanmoins, ils disent que c'est une crise de la terre, une crise de l'humanité, etc., et ils sont au-dessus de tout ce qu'ils disent que le Japon est le coupable.
聯合國,《聯合國氣候變化框架公約》第二十五屆會議(COP25)或格雷塔·滕伯格(Greta Thunberg)似乎都不知道中國的燃煤電廠不足。
오늘날 어제에 비해 거의 침공이 없습니다.
중국 공산당의 일당 독재의 악, 그 악의 결과 중 하나는 서풍을 타고 엄청나게 오염 된 대기로부터 면역된다.
유엔 본부에서 일하는 사람들과 COP25에 종사하는 사람들은 결코 공격을받지 않았어야합니다.
그러나 20 년 이상이 대기 오염 차트를 보지 않고 온실 가스 등에서 소리를 지르고 있었기 때문에 그는 훌륭한 두뇌 소유자입니다.
물론 중국에 불리한 것은 중국의 선전이라고 말하지 말아라. 그것은 중국에게 완전히 조종되는 어리석은 일이다.
일본 아사히 신문과 NHK는 정확히 동일합니다.
이러한 상황에서도 2018 년까지 지난 20 년 동안 중국의 대기 오염 값 (온실 가스 배출량)은 5 분의 1로 급격히 떨어졌습니다.
그 이유는 태양 광 발전과 같은 재생 가능 에너지의 증가로 인한 것이 아닙니다.
2019 년 상반기에 프랑스와 일본의 최첨단 원자력 발전소가 완공되어 가동되었으며, 그 결과 전체 발전에서 원자력의 비중이 수십 퍼센트로 증가했습니다.
그 결과 석탄 화력 발전소가 문을 닫고 있기 때문에 어떤 장비가 열등하기 때문입니다.
그러나 중국은 여전히 1200 개가 넘는 석탄 화력 발전소 (및 그 중 상당수가 부적절한 시설)를 보유한 세계 온실 가스 배출량에 대한 최악의 최악의 전력 국가입니다. 두 번째 미국은 200 개가 넘는 유닛입니다.
UN, COP25 또는 Greta Thunberg는 중국의 석탄 발전소가 부적절하다는 것을 알지 못하는 것 같습니다.
중국의 화력 발전소의 시설 수준은 일본에서 만든 고성능 배기 가스 정화 장비가 장착 된 초 고성능 석탄 화력 발전소와 비교할 수 없습니다.
세계에서 압도적으로이 석탄 화력 발전소의 이산화탄소 배출량을 줄이는 개선을 위해 일본과 같은 기금을 떨어 뜨리면 중국은 오지 않았다.
중국은 사악한 생각을 통해 세계 우위를 점령하기 위해 핵무기를 포함한 무기에 막대한 돈을 쓰고있다.
그것은 어제 일어난 일이 아닙니다.
20 년 넘게 그랬습니다.
지난 20여 년입니다.
UN과 COP25가이를 간과한지 20 년이 넘었습니다.
그러나 UN, COP25 또는 Greta Thunberg는 어떤 이유로 중국에 대해 한마디도하지 않았습니다.
일본의 아사히 신문과 NHK도 마찬가지입니다.
그럼에도 불구하고 그들은 지구의 위기, 인류의 위기 등이라고 말하며, 일본이 범인이라고 말하는 것의 가장 위에 있습니다.