文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world


2023年05月29日 23時06分04秒 | 全般



Robert Sepehr




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2023年05月29日 22時59分57秒 | 全般



日本では3ヶ月以上在留の 外国人へは丁寧に国保加入を呼びかける
掛け金は前年収入、つまり彼らは数千円で資格者 出稼ぎ入国を繰り返し
現地出産であっても 40数万円が祝い金として支給…
日本人が長年積み上げた保険金支給制度は 一瞬で彼らに吸い取られる





ちょっと待てよ 国民健康保険の加入者が海外で出産し帰国後申請したら出産育児一時金が支給されるらしいんだが










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The True Nature of the "Davos Forum"

2023年05月29日 22時49分27秒 | 全般

The following is from a separate edition of the July issue of the monthly magazine WiLL.
A must-read not only for Japan but also for people around the world.
The True Nature of the "Davos Forum
Keiko Kawazoe
Tetsuhide Yamaoka
What the Davos Forum Plans to Unify the World that the Japanese Do Not Know
The headquarters of globalism

Tetsuhide Yamaoka 
When one claims that the totalitarian controls (forced vaccinations, excessive quarantine policies, etc.) being carried out to take advantage of the Corona disaster are being planned by a "certain organization," one is sometimes labeled a conspiracy theorist.
That organization is the "Davos Forum.
The World Economic Forum (WEF), also known as the Davos Forum, is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland.
I have always considered the Davos Forum, where about 2,500 of the world's top leaders and billionaires gather, to be inextricably linked to the deep state, or in other words, the front man for the deep state. So I have been following the agenda (plan) and speeches of the participants and Mr. Klaus Schwab, founder of Davos. 
Bill Gates (founder of Microsoft) and Mark Zuckerberg (CEO of Facebook (now Meta)) are regulars, and Heizo Takenaka is a Davos Council member.
The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, George Soros, and others have long been international finance capital with economic power that surpasses that of nations.
IT companies such as GAFA have had tremendous economic power in recent years.
I do not refer to them as the "deep state" but as the "global elite."
They strive for a global society where business is possible worldwide, taking away the concept of national borders as they acquire companies worldwide.
The Davos Forum is an organization that brings these global elites together. 
I have long argued that a distinction should be made between "internationalization" and "globalism."
At first glance, they are the same. Still, the former is the idea of deepening international exchange while respecting national traditions and cultures, while the latter is the idea of removing national borders and uniting the world. 
The evolution of technology has inevitably led to globalization, which in a sense, has made the world more convenient. Still, globalism, which seeks to unify the world under the control of a few super elites, has sprung up to take advantage of this.
The Davos Forum is the headquarters of this movement.
Globalism is simply the idea that borders and nationalities are unnecessary and is the very essence of communism.
Mass media propaganda has deceived many people that "communism has been defeated and the West has triumphed" in the wake of the collapse of the Soviet Union, but this is outrageous! 
In the 21st century, they have continued to deceive the world by changing their "signboards" with the point at the issue of "globalism is good" and "nationalism is evil, narrow-minded right-wingers."
Karl Marx, the father of communism, was related to the globalist Rothschilds.
It shows that globalism and communism have the same root.

The True Nature of Prime Minister Kishida
The Davos Forum is held every January to shape the agenda and move the world. 
The theme for 2021 was "The Great Reset."
The general public interprets this to mean resetting all the various systems that makeup today's society and achieving a sustainable society.
However, it is not such a pretty idea.
Schwab said on FOX Business on June 25, 2020, "In all industrial sectors, all nations must participate in the transformation, and we need a Great Reset of capitalism."
The "we" refers to the Davos meeting, not the world's desire for a Great Reset. 
I interpreted the statement "Things will never go back the way they were..." on the Japanese translation of Schwab's book, "The Great Reset," as a declaration that "I will never go back the way it was."
On January 18, 2022, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida attended an online conference hosted by the Davos Forum and said, "We must envision the world beyond the Great Reset.
Once you became Prime Minister, you showed your true colors.
The Great Reset has three major reform principles: (1) environmental initiatives, (2) digital technology reform, and (3) correcting the disparity between rich and poor. 
(1) is mainly recommended by the British Royal Family, including Prince Charles, and Swedish environmental activists Greta Toonberg, whom I call "to turn delinquent dolls," and Al Gore, former Vice President of the United States, who has played a role in recommending them.
Recently, I have often seen people wearing rainbow-colored round SDGs pin badges on their suits or jacket lapels.
Japan has been coexisting and co-prospering with nature without the SDGs being forced on us!

Realization of a Surveillance Society
(2) Digital technology reform, as described in a paper presented by the Davos Forum in April 2018, refers to "new forms of governance and management systems that make maximum use of advanced technology.
It refers to a system that fully uses cutting-edge IT technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and big data, to anticipate social problems before they occur and deal with them in advance. The signage "Fourth Industrial Revolution" sounds cool, but it carries the danger of the "realization of an AI-surveillance society.
It is the same world George Orwell described in his novel "1984."
It is a totalitarian future where individual freedom is thoroughly managed and controlled, surveillance cameras and microphones are installed everywhere in the city, and people with anti-government ideas are detected and taken away.
Schwab and Gates, not surprisingly, praise Xi Jinping's surveillance society.
Mr. Zuckerberg has made Xi Jinping's book, "Governing China," his favorite book.
When one hears the term "surveillance society," some people think it is a conspiracy theory. Still, the core members of the Davos meeting are trying to achieve a Chinese-style surveillance society.
It is reported that the United Kingdom will also introduce a "social credit system" (a system to quantify the creditworthiness of citizens), which China has already introduced. 
In Japan, the Cabinet Office calls for integrating cyberspace and physical space (real space), including AI and big data, under the name of "Society 5.0."
Sadly, will there be fewer and fewer opportunities for flesh-and-blood human contact in the future?

It is worse than communism.
Let us also mention the true meaning of (3), the correction of the disparity between rich and poor.
It is in line with the goals of communism, "seizure of wealth" and "control of wealth."
The top 10 wealthiest people in the world were recently announced, including Elon Musk (CEO of Tesla), Jeff Bezos (founder of Amazon), and Bill Gates.
The total assets of the top 10, which were ¥80 trillion before the Corona disaster, have more than doubled to ¥170 trillion.
The 170 trillion yen is much larger than the national budget of Japan, a major economic powerhouse. 
Of course, their business has grown because demand for computers has increased due to the increase in remote work with the Corona disaster and because demand for home delivery has increased from nest eggs.
However, I don't think this is the only reason assets will increase so much.
The word "distribution" was prominently featured in the 2021 House of Representatives election pledges, regardless of the ruling or opposition party.
Prime Minister Kishida also advocates "distribution and growth," but where will the distribution come from?
He may not touch the personal wealth of billionaires but exploit ordinary people by raising taxes, creating a new tax system, and eventually imposing penalties.
If so, the standard of living of the middle class will decline even further.
The expression "revolution" is too stimulating in Japan, so they camouflage it by calling it "reform.
In November 2016, the Davos Forum released "Eight Predictions for 2030.
In it, it clearly predicts the "abolition of private ownership."
It is a future where citizens are not allowed to own private property, and the things they want are rented from the government and delivered by drones for free. 
In his "Theory of Capital," Marx called for the abolition of private property, but he did allow private ownership.
The future that Davos predicts will be much more thorough than the communist world that Marx envisioned.
I conclude that the Corona disaster was not a pandemic but a "planned pandemic."
Biological weapons have existed for more than a century.
Gates' warning at TED on April 4, 2015, and elsewhere, that "the threat to humanity is not nuclear war but an unknown virus" was the item for the Great Reset.

Vaccine Inventory Processing
Other predictions were that "Western values will be tested to the limit."
Right now, Western-style democracy is being tested in the face of communist control using the new Corona.
For the past two years, we have been restricting people's freedom by adding stay-home, social distance, telework, and in 2022, isolation.
The goal is to make people extremely poor and lonely, destroy small businesses, relationships, and Japanese cultural customs, destroy the spirit, and all kinds of destruction and bankruptcy.
Who has been leading it, the government, or the mass media, has been inciting us with "fear" and making us follow them.
The spread of the Omicron strain is causing a stir, but there is no need to panic because Omicron TM is known to be a virus that does not cause serious illness.
However, major media outlets have reported that "the number of infected people is the highest in history! And so on.
I wonder how many people believe the theory that the cause of the spread of infection is "delay in the third round of vaccination.
When Prime Minister Kishida said, "The greatest preventive measure is the third vaccination, regardless of the type," I could picture Mr. Gates in the background (smiles).
Isn't this a vaccine inventory process? I suspect that this is a way to dispose of the vaccine stock.
As is evident from the vaccination situation in Israel, booster (additional immunization) injections do not prevent the spread of infection.
According to Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, who was former President Trump's doctor, "Pfizer CEO Albert Bura said, 'Israel is the largest laboratory on earth.'" Will Israel continue to vaccinate for the fourth and fifth time? 
And then there is Moderna, which has become famous worldwide as the new Corona vaccine. Before the Corona disaster, were there any new medicines approved and distributed worldwide? 
I am surprised that you don't think it is strange.
Moderna, a venture company founded in 2010, is CEO Stéphane Bancel from France, but with secretive management focused on political maneuvering in the U.S. and information manipulation in partnership with CNN and other mass media, the vaccine production pipeline and project two-top left, and the vaccine Even the Chief Research and Development Officer resigned several years ago, and the anti-vaccine movement god has exposed other details, attorney Robert Kennedy jr. and his group "Defenders."
The term "Moderna arm" (arm) was coined after a series of adverse reactions in which the components of people who were given the Moderna shot swelled up.
*It was when I received my second vaccination with Moderna that I suffered from unusual side effects for nearly a month*.
The vaccine companies are the mighty globalists.
They are trying to inoculate not only older people but also young children for thorough profit retreat.
It is even though they admit that the future risks are unknown.
As a power structure since the Corona disaster, the vaccine companies are already above the state.
Former Prime Minister Yoshihide Kan invited the CEO of Pfizer to the guest house during the Tokyo Olympics, a first for a private citizen, to secure the vaccine.
The CEO also stated, "I only do (vaccine negotiations) with the head of state.
Vaccine companies and their major shareholders are becoming increasingly giants, and small countries will not only be weakened, but their economies will collapse.
Corporations have become so powerful today that nations are forced to bow down to vaccine companies.
It was unimaginable a few years ago.

World Communist Revolution
What is strange is that Western countries, which are liberal democracies, are taking the lead in suppressing unvaccinated people.
They are implementing policies suspected of violating the Constitution, and the unvaccinated are forced to live so they cannot even lead a normal life.
At the Australian Open Tennis Tournament, Djokovic was not allowed to participate in the tournament because he had not been vaccinated. In Australia, a movement against mandatory vaccination and discrimination against the unvaccinated is occurring on a scale of 100,000 people.
In New Zealand, although the number of corona deaths was only 53 (as of February 14), the quarantine policy was tightened, and unvaccinated public servants were forced to retire.
Japanese who had been working there are returning home in droves. 
New Zealanders are so appalled by the coercion that they launch an anti-vaccine mandate campaign.
New Zealand's Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, who had enjoyed popularity because of her image as a young, leadership female prime minister, has seen her approval ratings plummet.
Recently, it was discovered that she was once a communist activist, adding to her declining support.
In Canada, 50,000 truck drivers rallied in the capital city of Ottawa and started an anti-vaccine mandate movement.
Eighty percent of them had been vaccinated twice, but they demonstrated that they were forced to vaccinate everyone.
If you look at an aerial photo, you will see a surprisingly long line of trucks.
Such anti-vaccination mandate movements have spread worldwide, including in the Netherlands, Germany, and Italy. 
Why is mandatory vaccination being forcefully promoted worldwide even though vaccines are ineffective as a countermeasure against infectious diseases?
I believe the global elite is using pandemics as a tool for communist revolution.
The fight against such communist rule is taking place in Western countries.

It is the liberal trend in the U.S.
In the U.S., people are fighting the Biden administration on a state-by-state basis in places like Texas and Florida, in addition to demonstrations at the popular level.
The Biden administration is operating following the communist revolution envisioned by the Davos Forum.
For example, it actively accepts the millions of immigrants and refugees pouring into its southern border.
More than an intention to increase the number of future Democratic Party supporters, this shows a communist agenda to deepen division and destroy the nation by accepting immigrants and refugees.
It is the same method the global elite uses to create division by funding radical far-left groups such as BLM and Antifa.
At the center of each state in the U.S. are courthouses and churches.
Citizens praying to God and taking cases to court was American democracy.
However, churches have somehow become a den of communists.
Not all of them, of course, but the deep churches, so to speak, have expanded.
The courts also seem to have become a stronghold of mainly Jewish leftist judges.
Furthermore, leftist ideas such as polyculture and cancel culture have been brought in, destroying the traditional American society more and more.
This division of America did not occur spontaneously but is happening as planned by the Davos Conference.
One of the eight predictions made by the Davos Forum is that the U.S. will no longer be a superpower.
Davos predicted that "several nations will rule the world.
I take it that they "foretold" so.
No specific country names have been mentioned, but I think it will be countries such as the U.K. and Germany, mainly in Europe.
As you know, China also does not hide its ambition for global hegemony.
If so, what will happen to Japan's security, which depends on the United States?
Even in the case of the Taiwan contingency, which is now the most feared issue, the debate is based on the assumption that the U.S. military will come to Japan's aid.
In the event of an actual Taiwan contingency, there is a possibility that the U.S. military will not arrive in time or will not be able to function correctly.
Japan must quickly take a proactive approach to security by, for example, amending Article 9 of the Constitution.

Capabilities needed post-Corona
The story I have told with Ms. Kawazoe so far has yet to be reported in the Japanese mass media.
The other day, Mr. Beat Takeshi caused a sensation when he said in a T.V. program, "If you think (coronas) are just a common cold, it's nothing to worry about."
It was reported that he would be leaving the show as a regular at the end of March, and he probably wanted to create a stir in the industry during his live program.
It is clear that this is a space where even a big name like him cannot say what he wants to say. 
On January 11, Gates said, "The new Corona will be like the flu once the Omicron strain passes," but I guess he meant that he had made some money with the Corona for now and was ready to fuel the next phase.
The next phase will be the staged "food shortage due to climate change.
It is to fuel the food crisis and push "artificial new food" that looks healthy, such as alternative meat burgers made from genetically-modified soybeans.
Among the eight predictions, there is one that "meat consumption will be curbed to a minimum.
In January, the American mass media simultaneously reported that supermarket shelves across the country were empty.
It is like the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in the 1980s.
The problem of severely damaging crops and seafood is becoming more frequent in Japan, and it seems that inflation and even "starvation" will emerge as keywords.
Just as masks and toilet paper disappeared after the Corona disaster, the Japanese are likely to soon go on a food hoarding spree. 
In this extraordinary transitional period, it is becoming increasingly necessary for people to go out and get good quality information on their own instead of relying on the information on T.V. and newspapers.
We should also share and discuss what we believe to be correct information with our families and people we trust.
Unfortunately, those who shut out their thoughts by saying, "It's a conspiracy theory," will not be able to grasp the truth and protect what is important to them.
If we believe only in the information the major media provides, we will be no different from people living in a communist country.
About a year and a half ago, the majority "mistakenly" thought that if they were vaccinated, they would not test positive for coronas or become infected.
Why is that? 
Because the mass media cleverly led the masses to think so, using retained experts.
However, even with all the shots, neither the number of positive cases nor the number of infected people has decreased, and the number of excess deaths through September 2021 is about 60,000 more than in the same period the previous year.
Suppose we realize that the mass media is not journalism but a propaganda organization to lead the masses. In that case, we will gradually change our brain structure to consider why they are only reporting this now.
I think "unlearning" (learning dismissal) will become more critical in the future.
Unlearning means discarding the knowledge one has learned so far and thinking about things in a new, neutral way.
Especially highly educated people are often stuck in the information they have learned during their school days, and their thinking may need to be more flexible.
In order to survive the coming turbulent times, unlearning as a part of resetting one's thinking will become indispensable. 
(First published in the April 2022 issue of WILL)

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Corporations have become so powerful today that nations are forced to bow down to vaccine companies.

2023年05月29日 22時23分16秒 | 全般

The following is from a separate edition of the July issue of the monthly magazine WiLL.
A must-read not only for Japan but also for people around the world.
The True Nature of the "Davos Forum
Keiko Kawazoe
Tetsuhide Yamaoka
What the Davos Forum Plans to Unify the World that the Japanese Do Not Know
The headquarters of globalism

Tetsuhide Yamaoka 
When one claims that the totalitarian controls (forced vaccinations, excessive quarantine policies, etc.) being carried out to take advantage of the Corona disaster are being planned by a "certain organization," one is sometimes labeled a conspiracy theorist.
That organization is the "Davos Forum.
The World Economic Forum (WEF), also known as the Davos Forum, is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland.
I have always considered the Davos Forum, where about 2,500 of the world's top leaders and billionaires gather, to be inextricably linked to the deep state, or in other words, the front man for the deep state. So I have been following the agenda (plan) and speeches of the participants and Mr. Klaus Schwab, founder of Davos. 
Bill Gates (founder of Microsoft) and Mark Zuckerberg (CEO of Facebook (now Meta)) are regulars, and Heizo Takenaka is a Davos Council member.
The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, George Soros, and others have long been international finance capital with economic power that surpasses that of nations.
IT companies such as GAFA have had tremendous economic power in recent years.
I do not refer to them as the "deep state" but as the "global elite."
They strive for a global society where business is possible worldwide, taking away the concept of national borders as they acquire companies worldwide.
The Davos Forum is an organization that brings these global elites together. 
I have long argued that a distinction should be made between "internationalization" and "globalism."
At first glance, they are the same. Still, the former is the idea of deepening international exchange while respecting national traditions and cultures, while the latter is the idea of removing national borders and uniting the world. 
The evolution of technology has inevitably led to globalization, which in a sense, has made the world more convenient. Still, globalism, which seeks to unify the world under the control of a few super elites, has sprung up to take advantage of this.
The Davos Forum is the headquarters of this movement.
Globalism is simply the idea that borders and nationalities are unnecessary and is the very essence of communism.
Mass media propaganda has deceived many people that "communism has been defeated and the West has triumphed" in the wake of the collapse of the Soviet Union, but this is outrageous! 
In the 21st century, they have continued to deceive the world by changing their "signboards" with the point at the issue of "globalism is good" and "nationalism is evil, narrow-minded right-wingers."
Karl Marx, the father of communism, was related to the globalist Rothschilds.
It shows that globalism and communism have the same root.

The True Nature of Prime Minister Kishida
The Davos Forum is held every January to shape the agenda and move the world. 
The theme for 2021 was "The Great Reset."
The general public interprets this to mean resetting all the various systems that makeup today's society and achieving a sustainable society.
However, it is not such a pretty idea.
Schwab said on FOX Business on June 25, 2020, "In all industrial sectors, all nations must participate in the transformation, and we need a Great Reset of capitalism."
The "we" refers to the Davos meeting, not the world's desire for a Great Reset. 
I interpreted the statement "Things will never go back the way they were..." on the Japanese translation of Schwab's book, "The Great Reset," as a declaration that "I will never go back the way it was."
On January 18, 2022, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida attended an online conference hosted by the Davos Forum and said, "We must envision the world beyond the Great Reset.
Once you became Prime Minister, you showed your true colors.
The Great Reset has three major reform principles: (1) environmental initiatives, (2) digital technology reform, and (3) correcting the disparity between rich and poor. 
(1) is mainly recommended by the British Royal Family, including Prince Charles, and Swedish environmental activists Greta Toonberg, whom I call "to turn delinquent dolls," and Al Gore, former Vice President of the United States, who has played a role in recommending them.
Recently, I have often seen people wearing rainbow-colored round SDGs pin badges on their suits or jacket lapels.
Japan has been coexisting and co-prospering with nature without the SDGs being forced on us!

Realization of a Surveillance Society
(2) Digital technology reform, as described in a paper presented by the Davos Forum in April 2018, refers to "new forms of governance and management systems that make maximum use of advanced technology.
It refers to a system that fully uses cutting-edge IT technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and big data, to anticipate social problems before they occur and deal with them in advance. The signage "Fourth Industrial Revolution" sounds cool, but it carries the danger of the "realization of an AI-surveillance society.
It is the same world George Orwell described in his novel "1984."
It is a totalitarian future where individual freedom is thoroughly managed and controlled, surveillance cameras and microphones are installed everywhere in the city, and people with anti-government ideas are detected and taken away.
Schwab and Gates, not surprisingly, praise Xi Jinping's surveillance society.
Mr. Zuckerberg has made Xi Jinping's book, "Governing China," his favorite book.
When one hears the term "surveillance society," some people think it is a conspiracy theory. Still, the core members of the Davos meeting are trying to achieve a Chinese-style surveillance society.
It is reported that the United Kingdom will also introduce a "social credit system" (a system to quantify the creditworthiness of citizens), which China has already introduced. 
In Japan, the Cabinet Office calls for integrating cyberspace and physical space (real space), including AI and big data, under the name of "Society 5.0."
Sadly, will there be fewer and fewer opportunities for flesh-and-blood human contact in the future?

It is worse than communism.
Let us also mention the true meaning of (3), the correction of the disparity between rich and poor.
It is in line with the goals of communism, "seizure of wealth" and "control of wealth."
The top 10 wealthiest people in the world were recently announced, including Elon Musk (CEO of Tesla), Jeff Bezos (founder of Amazon), and Bill Gates.
The total assets of the top 10, which were ¥80 trillion before the Corona disaster, have more than doubled to ¥170 trillion.
The 170 trillion yen is much larger than the national budget of Japan, a major economic powerhouse. 
Of course, their business has grown because demand for computers has increased due to the increase in remote work with the Corona disaster and because demand for home delivery has increased from nest eggs.
However, I don't think this is the only reason assets will increase so much.
The word "distribution" was prominently featured in the 2021 House of Representatives election pledges, regardless of the ruling or opposition party.
Prime Minister Kishida also advocates "distribution and growth," but where will the distribution come from?
He may not touch the personal wealth of billionaires but exploit ordinary people by raising taxes, creating a new tax system, and eventually imposing penalties.
If so, the standard of living of the middle class will decline even further.
The expression "revolution" is too stimulating in Japan, so they camouflage it by calling it "reform.
In November 2016, the Davos Forum released "Eight Predictions for 2030.
In it, it clearly predicts the "abolition of private ownership."
It is a future where citizens are not allowed to own private property, and the things they want are rented from the government and delivered by drones for free. 
In his "Theory of Capital," Marx called for the abolition of private property, but he did allow private ownership.
The future that Davos predicts will be much more thorough than the communist world that Marx envisioned.
I conclude that the Corona disaster was not a pandemic but a "planned pandemic."
Biological weapons have existed for more than a century.
Gates' warning at TED on April 4, 2015, and elsewhere, that "the threat to humanity is not nuclear war but an unknown virus" was the item for the Great Reset.

Vaccine Inventory Processing
Other predictions were that "Western values will be tested to the limit."
Right now, Western-style democracy is being tested in the face of communist control using the new Corona.
For the past two years, we have been restricting people's freedom by adding stay-home, social distance, telework, and in 2022, isolation.
The goal is to make people extremely poor and lonely, destroy small businesses, relationships, and Japanese cultural customs, destroy the spirit, and all kinds of destruction and bankruptcy.
Who has been leading it, the government, or the mass media, has been inciting us with "fear" and making us follow them.
The spread of the Omicron strain is causing a stir, but there is no need to panic because Omicron TM is known to be a virus that does not cause serious illness.
However, major media outlets have reported that "the number of infected people is the highest in history! And so on.
I wonder how many people believe the theory that the cause of the spread of infection is "delay in the third round of vaccination.
When Prime Minister Kishida said, "The greatest preventive measure is the third vaccination, regardless of the type," I could picture Mr. Gates in the background (smiles).
Isn't this a vaccine inventory process? I suspect that this is a way to dispose of the vaccine stock.
As is evident from the vaccination situation in Israel, booster (additional immunization) injections do not prevent the spread of infection.
According to Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, who was former President Trump's doctor, "Pfizer CEO Albert Bura said, 'Israel is the largest laboratory on earth.'" Will Israel continue to vaccinate for the fourth and fifth time? 
And then there is Moderna, which has become famous worldwide as the new Corona vaccine. Before the Corona disaster, were there any new medicines approved and distributed worldwide? 
I am surprised that you don't think it is strange.
Moderna, a venture company founded in 2010, is CEO Stéphane Bancel from France, but with secretive management focused on political maneuvering in the U.S. and information manipulation in partnership with CNN and other mass media, the vaccine production pipeline and project two-top left, and the vaccine Even the Chief Research and Development Officer resigned several years ago, and the anti-vaccine movement god has exposed other details, attorney Robert Kennedy jr. and his group "Defenders."
The term "Moderna arm" (arm) was coined after a series of adverse reactions in which the components of people who were given the Moderna shot swelled up.
*It was when I received my second vaccination with Moderna that I suffered from unusual side effects for nearly a month*.
The vaccine companies are the mighty globalists.
They are trying to inoculate not only older people but also young children for thorough profit retreat.
It is even though they admit that the future risks are unknown.
As a power structure since the Corona disaster, the vaccine companies are already above the state.
Former Prime Minister Yoshihide Kan invited the CEO of Pfizer to the guest house during the Tokyo Olympics, a first for a private citizen, to secure the vaccine.
The CEO also stated, "I only do (vaccine negotiations) with the head of state.
Vaccine companies and their major shareholders are becoming increasingly giants, and small countries will not only be weakened, but their economies will collapse.
Corporations have become so powerful today that nations are forced to bow down to vaccine companies.
It was unimaginable a few years ago.
This article continues.

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Realization of a Surveillance Society…It is worse than communism.

2023年05月29日 22時00分59秒 | 全般

The following is from a separate edition of the July issue of the monthly magazine WiLL.
A must-read not only for Japan but also for people around the world.
The True Nature of the "Davos Forum
Keiko Kawazoe
Tetsuhide Yamaoka
What the Davos Forum Plans to Unify the World that the Japanese Do Not Know
The headquarters of globalism

Tetsuhide Yamaoka 
When one claims that the totalitarian controls (forced vaccinations, excessive quarantine policies, etc.) being carried out to take advantage of the Corona disaster are being planned by a "certain organization," one is sometimes labeled a conspiracy theorist.
That organization is the "Davos Forum.
The World Economic Forum (WEF), also known as the Davos Forum, is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland.
I have always considered the Davos Forum, where about 2,500 of the world's top leaders and billionaires gather, to be inextricably linked to the deep state, or in other words, the front man for the deep state. So I have been following the agenda (plan) and speeches of the participants and Mr. Klaus Schwab, founder of Davos. 
Bill Gates (founder of Microsoft) and Mark Zuckerberg (CEO of Facebook (now Meta)) are regulars, and Heizo Takenaka is a Davos Council member.
The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, George Soros, and others have long been international finance capital with economic power that surpasses that of nations.
IT companies such as GAFA have had tremendous economic power in recent years.
I do not refer to them as the "deep state" but as the "global elite."
They strive for a global society where business is possible worldwide, taking away the concept of national borders as they acquire companies worldwide.
The Davos Forum is an organization that brings these global elites together. 
I have long argued that a distinction should be made between "internationalization" and "globalism."
At first glance, they are the same. Still, the former is the idea of deepening international exchange while respecting national traditions and cultures, while the latter is the idea of removing national borders and uniting the world. 
The evolution of technology has inevitably led to globalization, which in a sense, has made the world more convenient. Still, globalism, which seeks to unify the world under the control of a few super elites, has sprung up to take advantage of this.
The Davos Forum is the headquarters of this movement.
Globalism is simply the idea that borders and nationalities are unnecessary and is the very essence of communism.
Mass media propaganda has deceived many people that "communism has been defeated and the West has triumphed" in the wake of the collapse of the Soviet Union, but this is outrageous! 
In the 21st century, they have continued to deceive the world by changing their "signboards" with the point at the issue of "globalism is good" and "nationalism is evil, narrow-minded right-wingers."
Karl Marx, the father of communism, was related to the globalist Rothschilds.
It shows that globalism and communism have the same root.

The True Nature of Prime Minister Kishida
The Davos Forum is held every January to shape the agenda and move the world. 
The theme for 2021 was "The Great Reset."
The general public interprets this to mean resetting all the various systems that makeup today's society and achieving a sustainable society.
However, it is not such a pretty idea.
Schwab said on FOX Business on June 25, 2020, "In all industrial sectors, all nations must participate in the transformation, and we need a Great Reset of capitalism."
The "we" refers to the Davos meeting, not the world's desire for a Great Reset. 
I interpreted the statement "Things will never go back the way they were..." on the Japanese translation of Schwab's book, "The Great Reset," as a declaration that "I will never go back the way it was."
On January 18, 2022, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida attended an online conference hosted by the Davos Forum and said, "We must envision the world beyond the Great Reset.
Once you became Prime Minister, you showed your true colors.
The Great Reset has three major reform principles: (1) environmental initiatives, (2) digital technology reform, and (3) correcting the disparity between rich and poor. 
(1) is mainly recommended by the British Royal Family, including Prince Charles, and Swedish environmental activists Greta Toonberg, whom I call "to turn delinquent dolls," and Al Gore, former Vice President of the United States, who has played a role in recommending them.
Recently, I have often seen people wearing rainbow-colored round SDGs pin badges on their suits or jacket lapels.
Japan has been coexisting and co-prospering with nature without the SDGs being forced on us!

Realization of a Surveillance Society
(2) Digital technology reform, as described in a paper presented by the Davos Forum in April 2018, refers to "new forms of governance and management systems that make maximum use of advanced technology.
It refers to a system that fully uses cutting-edge IT technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and big data, to anticipate social problems before they occur and deal with them in advance. The signage "Fourth Industrial Revolution" sounds cool, but it carries the danger of the "realization of an AI-surveillance society.
It is the same world George Orwell described in his novel "1984."
It is a totalitarian future where individual freedom is thoroughly managed and controlled, surveillance cameras and microphones are installed everywhere in the city, and people with anti-government ideas are detected and taken away.
Schwab and Gates, not surprisingly, praise Xi Jinping's surveillance society.
Mr. Zuckerberg has made Xi Jinping's book, "Governing China," his favorite book.
When one hears the term "surveillance society," some people think it is a conspiracy theory. Still, the core members of the Davos meeting are trying to achieve a Chinese-style surveillance society.
It is reported that the United Kingdom will also introduce a "social credit system" (a system to quantify the creditworthiness of citizens), which China has already introduced. 
In Japan, the Cabinet Office calls for integrating cyberspace and physical space (real space), including AI and big data, under the name of "Society 5.0."
Sadly, will there be fewer and fewer opportunities for flesh-and-blood human contact in the future?

It is worse than communism.
Let us also mention the true meaning of (3), the correction of the disparity between rich and poor.
It is in line with the goals of communism, "seizure of wealth" and "control of wealth."
The top 10 wealthiest people in the world were recently announced, including Elon Musk (CEO of Tesla), Jeff Bezos (founder of Amazon), and Bill Gates.
The total assets of the top 10, which were ¥80 trillion before the Corona disaster, have more than doubled to ¥170 trillion.
The 170 trillion yen is much larger than the national budget of Japan, a major economic powerhouse. 
Of course, their business has grown because demand for computers has increased due to the increase in remote work with the Corona disaster and because demand for home delivery has increased from nest eggs.
However, I don't think this is the only reason assets will increase so much.
The word "distribution" was prominently featured in the 2021 House of Representatives election pledges, regardless of the ruling or opposition party.
Prime Minister Kishida also advocates "distribution and growth," but where will the distribution come from?
He may not touch the personal wealth of billionaires but exploit ordinary people by raising taxes, creating a new tax system, and eventually imposing penalties.
If so, the standard of living of the middle class will decline even further.
The expression "revolution" is too stimulating in Japan, so they camouflage it by calling it "reform.
In November 2016, the Davos Forum released "Eight Predictions for 2030.
In it, it clearly predicts the "abolition of private ownership."
It is a future where citizens are not allowed to own private property, and the things they want are rented from the government and delivered by drones for free. 
In his "Theory of Capital," Marx called for the abolition of private property, but he did allow private ownership.
The future that Davos predicts will be much more thorough than the communist world that Marx envisioned.
I conclude that the Corona disaster was not a pandemic but a "planned pandemic."
Biological weapons have existed for more than a century.
Gates' warning at TED on April 4, 2015, and elsewhere, that "the threat to humanity is not nuclear war but an unknown virus" was the item for the Great Reset.
This article continues.

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It shows that globalism and communism have the same root.

2023年05月29日 21時32分45秒 | 全般

The following is from a separate edition of the July issue of the monthly magazine WiLL.
A must-read not only for Japan but also for people around the world.
The True Nature of the "Davos Forum
Keiko Kawazoe
Tetsuhide Yamaoka
What the Davos Forum Plans to Unify the World that the Japanese Do Not Know
The headquarters of globalism
Tetsuhide Yamaoka 
When one claims that the totalitarian controls (forced vaccinations, excessive quarantine policies, etc.) being carried out to take advantage of the Corona disaster are being planned by a "certain organization," one is sometimes labeled a conspiracy theorist.
That organization is the "Davos Forum.
The World Economic Forum (WEF), also known as the Davos Forum, is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland.
I have always considered the Davos Forum, where about 2,500 of the world's top leaders and billionaires gather, to be inextricably linked to the deep state, or in other words, the front man for the deep state. So I have been following the agenda (plan) and speeches of the participants and Mr. Klaus Schwab, founder of Davos. 
Bill Gates (founder of Microsoft) and Mark Zuckerberg (CEO of Facebook (now Meta)) are regulars, and Heizo Takenaka is a Davos Council member.
The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, George Soros, and others have long been international finance capital with economic power that surpasses that of nations.
IT companies such as GAFA have had tremendous economic power in recent years.
I do not refer to them as the "deep state" but as the "global elite."
They strive for a global society where business is possible worldwide, taking away the concept of national borders as they acquire companies worldwide.
The Davos Forum is an organization that brings these global elites together. 
I have long argued that a distinction should be made between "internationalization" and "globalism."
At first glance, they are the same. Still, the former is the idea of deepening international exchange while respecting national traditions and cultures, while the latter is the idea of removing national borders and uniting the world. 
The evolution of technology has inevitably led to globalization, which in a sense, has made the world more convenient. Still, globalism, which seeks to unify the world under the control of a few super elites, has sprung up to take advantage of this.
The Davos Forum is the headquarters of this movement.
Globalism is simply the idea that borders and nationalities are unnecessary and is the very essence of communism.
Mass media propaganda has deceived many people that "communism has been defeated and the West has triumphed" in the wake of the collapse of the Soviet Union, but this is outrageous! 
In the 21st century, they have continued to deceive the world by changing their "signboards" with the point at the issue of "globalism is good" and "nationalism is evil, narrow-minded right-wingers."
Karl Marx, the father of communism, was related to the globalist Rothschilds.
It shows that globalism and communism have the same root.
This article continues.

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2023年05月29日 21時21分35秒 | 全般



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What the Davos Forum Plans to Unify the World that the Japanese Do Not Know

2023年05月29日 21時12分31秒 | 全般

The following is from a separate edition of the July issue of the monthly magazine WiLL.
A must-read not only for Japan but also for people around the world.
The True Nature of the "Davos Forum
Keiko Kawazoe
Tetsuhide Yamaoka
What the Davos Forum Plans to Unify the World that the Japanese Do Not Know
The headquarters of globalism
Tetsuhide Yamaoka 
When one claims that the totalitarian controls (forced vaccinations, excessive quarantine policies, etc.) being carried out to take advantage of the Corona disaster are being planned by a "certain organization," one is sometimes labeled a conspiracy theorist.
That organization is the "Davos Forum.
The World Economic Forum (WEF), also known as the Davos Forum, is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland.
I have always considered the Davos Forum, where about 2,500 of the world's top leaders and billionaires gather, to be inextricably linked to the deep state, or in other words, the front man for the deep state. So I have been following the agenda (plan) and speeches of the participants and Mr. Klaus Schwab, founder of Davos. 
Bill Gates (founder of Microsoft) and Mark Zuckerberg (CEO of Facebook (now Meta)) are regulars, and Heizo Takenaka is a Davos Council member.
The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, George Soros, and others have long been international finance capital with economic power that surpasses that of nations.
IT companies such as GAFA have had tremendous economic power in recent years.
I do not refer to them as the "deep state" but as the "global elite."
They strive for a global society where business is possible worldwide, taking away the concept of national borders as they acquire companies worldwide.
The Davos Forum is an organization that brings these global elites together. 
I have long argued that a distinction should be made between "internationalization" and "globalism."
At first glance, they are the same. Still, the former is the idea of deepening international exchange while respecting national traditions and cultures, while the latter is the idea of removing national borders and uniting the world. 
The evolution of technology has inevitably led to globalization, which in a sense, has made the world more convenient. Still, globalism, which seeks to unify the world under the control of a few super elites, has sprung up to take advantage of this.
The Davos Forum is the headquarters of this movement.
Globalism is simply the idea that borders and nationalities are unnecessary and is the very essence of communism.
Mass media propaganda has deceived many people that "communism has been defeated and the West has triumphed" in the wake of the collapse of the Soviet Union, but this is outrageous! 
In the 21st century, they have continued to deceive the world by changing their "signboards" with the point at the issue of "globalism is good" and "nationalism is evil, narrow-minded right-wingers."
Karl Marx, the father of communism, was related to the globalist Rothschilds.
It shows that globalism and communism have the same root.
This article continues.

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こんなザル法を作った国会議員達が悪い。与野党共に無能だ。偽造在留カードで携帯契約 詐欺実行役か ベトナム国籍の男女3人逮捕 全国で同様の犯行相次ぐ

2023年05月29日 19時13分27秒 | 全般

偽造在留カードで携帯契約 詐欺実行役か ベトナム国籍の男女3人逮捕 全国で同様の犯行相次ぐ 2023.5.25 熊本放送


偽造在留カードで携帯契約 詐欺実行役か ベトナム国籍の男女3人逮捕 全国で同様の犯行相次ぐ | 熊本のニュース|RKK熊本放送 (1ページ)

偽造IDで携帯電話を契約する詐欺グループの実行役とみられています。出入国管理法違反や詐欺などの疑いで逮捕されたのは、いずれもベトナム国籍の男女3人です。佐賀県鳥栖市 無職 グエン・ティ・キム・ティ容疑(… (1ページ)



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2023年05月29日 19時08分05秒 | 全般






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It is not the behavior of a parliamentarian from a developed country.

2023年05月29日 19時02分06秒 | 全般

The following is from Yoichi Shimada's serial column in the front matter of WiLL, a monthly magazine published on the 26th.
It is a must-read not only for the people of Japan but also for people around the world.
The annotations written after the * are mine.
The Darkness Beyond the LGBTSelf-dealing Law
What will happen if the bill to promote LGBT understanding is passed? 
The Japanese people at heart will be forced to fight a long, bitter, and perhaps semi-permanent battle to protect their children from LGBT ideological brainwashing, their women from perverts, and their businesses from anti-social forces (in plain words, Yakuza) due to the irresponsibility of the current political class. 
The bipartisan draft stipulates in Article 11 (Article 10 in the LDP's revised draft) that "the national and local governments" shall take "necessary measures for the steady dissemination of knowledge," that "employers" shall provide "training and other necessary measures" for their employed workers, and that "schools" shall provide "education or enlightenment and other necessary measures" for their children. The law also stipulates that "schools" shall take "education or enlightenment and other necessary measures" for children. 
It is the birth of a new public money self-dealing system, which is really easy to understand, much to the delight of LGBT activists, but really annoying to the general public. 
On May 12, the LDP terminated deliberations at the LGBT Special Mission Committee amidst majority opposition. Later, at a general affairs meeting, they approved an amendment to the bipartisan agreement to change "discrimination must not be tolerated" to "unjustified discrimination must not be tolerated.
But it doesn't deserve the name of improvement.
Instead, it gives the impression that there is "legitimate discrimination" and will distort Japan's legal system and, by extension, the Japanese language itself.
In the long run, we must conclude that the bill is a further deterioration of Japan's legal system. 
It is a bad example of how forcing a fundamentally wrong bill to live up to its potential can further muddy the waters.
The LGBT activist Self-dealing bill (as I call it) must be cleanly buried. 
Some argue that we need laws to promote understanding to prevent bullying of sexual minority children. 
It is a misguided argument.
If such behavior occurs, the adults and teachers around the students should strictly supervise them, as all forms of bullying are unacceptable. 
It is a misguided prescription to educate the entire student body on LGBT ideology.
In Japan, movies, TV dramas, and manga abound that show an understanding of LGBT people.
Not a day goes by without a gay or transgender comedian or actress on a variety show.
If a specific LGBT ideology is repeatedly injected into students at an early age, when their sexuality is still immature and unstable, and if anyone feels uncomfortable, it is assumed that they are discriminated against and are "targets of instruction," it can confuse very normal children and even cause an unnecessary backlash. 
The bill does not specify what constitutes discrimination.
It is a flaw that can be called an anomaly as an individual law.
As mentioned earlier, as long as it stipulates "necessary measures" and "necessary measures" directly related to self-dealing, the excuse that it is merely a law of principle cannot be accepted. 
It must be said that there is an extremely high risk that the interpretation of discrimination will be arbitrarily expanded and misused by far-left activists and deviants, and anti-social groups.
Even the controversial LGBT Discrimination Bill in the United States (submitted by the Democratic Party, called the Equality Act, which is unlikely to be enacted due to opposition from the Republican Party) appears to be making efforts to list the specifics of discrimination.
The sloppiness of Japan's bill is truly disgusting.

*It is evident in the list of female legislators who have pushed for the bill.
The reality is that not one of them can draft and submit a proper bill.
In other words, no one deserves to be a Diet member like Ms. Sanae Takaichi or truly has the qualities to become a Diet member.
All of them are just people affected by "Left-Wing" Communism: An Infantile Disorder, leftist activists, pseudo-moralists, and anti-Japanese activists.
These people are incited or sympathized with by the Asahi, Mainichi, and Tokyo newspapers, as well as by NHK and other TV broadcasters.
At a time when the Internet and social networking services were not as popular as they are today, anti-Japanese activists in Japan have created a self-dealing system to siphon off public funds from leftist activists, such as the Buraku bill, the Ainu bill, the anti-hate bill, and the gender equality bill.
However, as this column has been saying day after day, the majority of the Japanese people, 95% of whom are not exaggerating, will clearly reject Kishida, the lowlife politicians, and the mass media and will stop the LGBT bill.
However, regarding the LGBT bill this time, as this column has been saying for days, it is no exaggeration to say that 95% of the people are opposed to it.
No to the foolish and incompetent politicians, including Kishida and the silly mass media! *

Another outrageous aspect of the LGBT bill is the attempt to pass a "bipartisan consensus bill" in one fell swoop without a question-and-answer session, taking advantage of the House rule that "accounts with unanimous support from all parties can skip the debate." 
The LGBT caucus, which put together the consensus, includes Tomomi Inada (LDP), Chinami Nishimura (CDP), Mizuho Fukushima (SDP), Kiyomi Tsujimoto (CDP), and Tomoko Tamura (JCP) as its core members.
Am I the only one who feels this is an admirably one-sided group? 
Suppose the goal is really to improve understanding. In that case, the bill should be made public at an early stage, the legislators should discuss it in front of the public, public hearings should be held inviting relevant people and experts, and the questions and concerns raised by the public should be resolved one by one.
This process would be an act of "promoting understanding" in the legislature. 
Naturally, there must also be provisions to prevent abuse and misuse.
It is also essential to thoroughly discuss what exactly "discrimination" in this bill means and what it does not mean. 
Since the bill is a Diet bill, its proponents, including Tomomi Inada and Chinami Nishimura, must sit at the defense table, answer detailed questions, and record their exchange results in the minutes. 
The fact that all such procedures were abandoned and the legislation was enacted only through secret collaboration proves that the bill's primary purpose was not to promote understanding but to acquire self-dealing public funds.
It is not the behavior of a parliamentarian from a developed country.

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こんなの難民でもなんでもないやん…呆。 ふざけすぎ。

2023年05月29日 17時56分56秒 | 全般



こんなの難民でもなんでもないやん…呆。 ふざけすぎ。


Cat すず


返信先: @Nonbrenoirさん















#入管法改正案賛成 twitter.com/nippon_ukurain…


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2023年05月29日 17時56分36秒 | 全般







LGBT法案、維新・国民民主も対案 異例の3案、審議入り見通せず2023年5月25日性的少数者に対する理解を広めるための「LGBT理解増進法


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不法外国人を救えと声高に言う人たちの考えはまったく理解不可! 日本を更生施設か福祉施設と勘違いし

2023年05月29日 17時55分03秒 | 全般




 | 政治知新


自民・杉田氏「在留者の生存権は、第一義的には当該人の母国が責任を持って保障するべきものです」 | 政治知新



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2023年05月29日 17時53分45秒 | 全般





岸田総理の弟・武雄氏、 ムスリムに便宜を図る旅行会社を経営 

岸田 文雄は、日本の政治家。自由民主党所属の衆議院議員、内閣総理大臣、自由民主党総裁、宏池会会長、自由民主党広島県連会長。







火災相次ぐ 未明に神社の社と公民館を全焼 午後には空き家全焼 山梨・甲府市(UTYテレビ山梨) - Yahoo!ニュース


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