文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

say nothing to China, but you switch the person who should be called a looter to Prime Minister

2024年10月04日 01時47分52秒 | 全般
May 12, 2020
The severity of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan is beyond belief.
From the end of last year, when the whole country should have been working to build a system to prevent the Wuhan virus, until just recently, they joined with the Asahi Shimbun to continue their attacks on the government with a "cherry blossom viewing party" that was nothing more than a false accusation, or rather, a fabrication, and this is a fact that all Japanese citizens have witnessed.

The way China is being accused of being the equivalent of a looter by the rest of the world is a clear fact that people all over the world have witnessed.
From the very beginning, the Chinese news agency Xinhua has referred to this virus as the Wuhan virus.
The WHO, which is entirely under the control of China, covered up the 5Ws and 1H, which are the absolute foundation of news reporting and academia, in a manner that symbolized the fact that it had conspired with China to give a name to an outbreak of unknown origin, and brought the world to the greatest catastrophe since the end of the war.
The party representative at the beginning is a man of immature judgment.
His hobby is singing karaoke; he apparently sings in karaoke rooms frequently.
This man's name is Edano.
Yesterday, in the Diet, he had the nerve to call Prime Minister Abe, who is currently the most highly regarded leader in the international community, a looter.
Chinese government ships have repeatedly intruded into Japanese territorial waters around the Senkaku Islands daily, and to top it all off, they have started to chase after Japanese fishing boats that are operating in the area. 
The Chinese spokesman said yesterday that the Chinese patrol boats had only been following the Japanese fishing boats because they had entered the territorial waters of the Senkaku Islands, which are Chinese territory, and were operating there. 
He responded to Japan's stern protest with an arrogant and insolent attitude as if he were urinating on a frog.
Where exactly is Edano, the leader of a political party, from?
The reality is that he is the leader of a party from China or South Korea, but the members of this party are not from China or South Korea. 
Instead, they are Japanese citizens who earn more than 50 million yen a year, the highest in the world, from the Japanese people's tax money, and they are attacking the Japanese government day and night.
This political party is a den of so-called human rights lawyers, and to disgrace Japan and tarnish the honor of the Japanese people, they have claimed at the United Nations that the comfort women were not comfort women but sex slaves and have had South Korean and China spread this propaganda throughout the international community. (assuming that only he is correct), and Hironaka, who let Ghosn escape to Lebanon and took no responsibility, and Fukushima, Takagi, and others, who jumped on the comfort women issue and filed a vast compensation claim lawsuit against the Japanese government on behalf of the lying people of South Korea Kenichi Takagi, who not only file lawsuits to undermine Japan and attack the government at every opportunity, but also create and hand over materials for attacking Japan to outrageous anti-Japanese Westerners such as David Kaye, who calls himself a special rapporteur, and
working with them, at this very moment,
on top of which, in an era where people are living to be 100 years old, and Japan is facing a shortage of workforce,
even with the Wuhan virus disaster, the situation is on the verge of a collapse in the medical system, and the government is requesting that nurses return to the front line because there are not enough nurses,
for the simple matter of extending the retirement age of the Attorney General,
he made a fuss about Japan being a despotic or authoritarian nation like China, and Edano accused Abe of being a fire-grabber in the Diet.
He is a fool who is the child of a rich man, and in reality, he is nothing more than a man who does his country harm,
this man is not a statesman; he is a politician himself, but it is presumptuous even to be a politician; the most suitable thing for him is to sing songs at karaoke every day.
the word "looter" refers to your attitude.
At a time like this, you collude with the Japan Federation of Bar Associations and say nothing to China, but you switch the person who should be called a looter to Prime Minister Abe. What kind of trap in China have you fallen into?
A love of karaoke is probably one of the best openings for Chinese intelligence.
Didn't you meet the best-trained Chinese kunoichi in China or Japan?
The extensive campaign on social networking sites was probably masterminded by Jiro Yamaguchi, who got a 650 million yen research grant from the government when you were in power.
The Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan currently has a 3% voter support rate, so it's only natural that it has 3 million party members and sympathizers.
The TV media, such as NHK, report on such things as if they were important matters,
and the 3% of people who voted for them are the people who continue to do Japan harm.

2024/10/1 in Umeda