The following is from a tweet by Ryusho Kadota, which I just discovered.
Kadota Ryusho
Why are activists so desperate to pass LGBT laws that violate the lives and human rights of women and girls?
The enactment of the law will create specialized departments in the national and local governments and will also result in subsidized projects in schools, other public institutions, and corporate training.
They want to create "a new public money choo-choo scheme," said Yoichi Takahashi.
That will lead to votes and further lead to the collapse of Japan.
- The following phenomenon is not limited to Japan. It is the same in Europe and America. 14時間前
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- 「眺望」を有している誰もが、先日のディープシーク台頭のニュースに接した瞬間に「盗用」の文字が脳裏に浮かんだはずである 15時間前
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- 再送!この反原発報道そのものが日本の原子力技術を抹殺したい中国や朝鮮半島の意向通りの報道でないと誰が言えようか。 6日前
- 再送!この反原発報道そのものが日本の原子力技術を抹殺したい中国や朝鮮半島の意向通りの報道でないと誰が言えようか。 6日前
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- 今朝、日経新聞に目を通し、社説が目に入った私は激怒した。 6日前
- I thought he would get the Astellas employee released, but that wasn't the case. 1週間前