Below are yesterday's top 50 most searched chapters, 11/25/2018.
Chapter #47 is a must-read not only for Japanese citizens but for people around the world.
It is a blog by a highly clear-headed woman living in Silicon Valley, San Francisco, USA.
Through her blog, I learned the true nature of former German Chancellor Schröder and quoted her in this column.
Re-reading it now, I am proud as a Japanese that she is also living in the U.S. as one of the national treasures defined by Saicho.
I thought to myself, "So were the trading company men, descendants of the samurai, who began their careers overseas at the same time as the Meiji Restoration.
She embodies the nobility of the Japanese people.
Perhaps the forces in South Korea and North Korea who want to further develop their victim business against Japan are eager to imitate this German approach.
November 23, 2018
The following is a fact that I first learned by clicking on the bottom of the previous chapter, thanks to the sender.
The emphasis in the text and *~* is mine.から。
Did the Honey Trap Turn You Anti-Japanese? Former German Chancellor to Marry 27-Year-Old Younger Korean Interpreter Over Fabricated Comfort Women
Tuesday, May 01, 2018
I was reading an article in the Japanese version of the Korean media outlet JoongAng Ilbo, and I was convinced that "I see, that's what happened.
Do you remember there was a big issue last year over whether or not to erect a comfort women statue in Germany?
Why did anti-Japanese activities become so active in Germany?
I was wondering what or who was making it happen.
San Francisco has a large number of Chinese and Korean locals, so the national policy (?) of their home country likely is to "victimize" them. So it is no wonder that the construction of the fake comfort women statue is a national policy (?) of their home country, which can be called "victim business."(However, the majority of local Americans don't know or care about the sister city or the statue, as I wrote in a past article, "It is a good thing that we dissolved the sister city with San Francisco, a city that is completely insane and is abandoning its residents...")
I found out from the following article that there is a Korean woman behind Germany's anti-Japanese attitude.
Korean Ex-Husband of Ex-German Chancellor Partner Schröder Seeks 100 Million Won in Lawsuit "Responsible for Marriage Breakdown"
(April 30, 2018, JoongAng Ilbo)§code=400
This Korean woman is 48 years old and is an "interpreter" and government official for the South Korean government.
She translated Schröder's book into Korean and acted as an interpreter when Schröder visited Korea.
And, as is quite common in Korea (?), the "House of Nanum" was translated into Korean by a Korean translator. She took him to "Nanum's House" as a matter of course (?) and printed anti-Japanese propaganda on him.
Mr. Schröder fell for it and started criticizing Japan without any context, didn't he?
Mr. Schröder is now 74 years old.
In layman's terms, it was a "double affair.
When they met, Mr. Schröder was married to his fourth wife.
The interpreter was also married to a husband and a child.
It's getting a little creepy.
Earlier this year, there was news that they were going to get married, but it seems they are just engaged since there is no news of their marriage yet.
In the Korean media, the Japanese version of the JoongAng Ilbo reported that former German Chancellor Schröder "comfort women victims, fully qualified to receive the Nobel Peace Prize" and so on (laugh).§code=A10&cloc=jp|article|related
But this person's countenance is just like Ozawa's. If he were Japanese, he would be at the level of Ozawa. If he were Japanese, he would be at the level of Ozawa.
It is eerily similar to former French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who was arrested for illegal donations from Libya, the former Pope, or Jacques Valente, who was sent from the White House to work in the movie industry.
Putin looks so good that he and Putin could stand side by side and still look like the better man.
Well, I don't care about the face.
Looking at her career, I can't deny the feeling that South Korea used her as bait to win over Germany's forces of national destruction on its side.
Schröder was Germany's seventh Federal Chancellor (1998-2005) and also served as leader of the German Social Democratic Party (SPD) (1999-2004).
In March 2006, he became a member of the board of Nord Stream AG, a subsidiary of the Russian state-owned natural gas company Gazprom.
In Germany, he was criticized for his alleged cozy relationship with Russia.
Other appointments include an advisory role to Putin, a counselor at the European branch of the Rothschild Investment Bank in Switzerland, and in May 2007, an advisor to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China.
He is also a stooge of the Rothschilds and a close friend of China; isn't he the strongest of all our enemies?
Some very astute people in the South Korean government have their eyes on this man and bring women close to him in an attempt to bring him down.
Putin was a KGB officer of the secret police in the Soviet era, so he must have knowledge and practice of torture, honey traps, and all kinds of intelligence activities.
The fact that such a Putin sought Schröder's advice may mean that Schröder is even more cunning than Putin.
Schröder is a socialist (Marxist), but when socialists are involved, we should never forget that they are practicing Marx's teachings.
The purpose justifies the means." (The end justifies the means. Do whatever it takes to achieve the goal.) Karl Marx said
*The method of shaping public opinion created by the Asahi Shimbun and its followers after Mr. Abe's assassination was the actual practice of Marx's words.
It means that the majority of Asahi and its followers are Marxists.
Readers will keenly realize that I hit the nail on the head when I wrote immediately after the incident that the real culprits in the Abe assassination were the Asahi Shimbun and its followers*.
However, from this series of developments, South Korea will continue to go straight into the victim business.
The fact that the United Nations Committee on Enforced Disappearances issued a spurious recommendation to Japan the day before yesterday that the Japanese government's response to the comfort women issue was insufficient proves that this writer's insight was 100% correct*.
And to this end, we can read that they intend to actively use other countries and dignitaries to extract reparations from the Japanese government and companies.
Since Germany has had domestic lawsuits seeking compensation for damages related to Nazi forced labor, South Korea is probably trying to use the German example as a target for further lawsuits against Japanese companies.
Also, in Germany, when ordinary German citizens publicly say things like "Je ◯◯ people" or "Isr ◯◯ country" (in private blogs, lectures, etc.), even if you are stating facts rather than discriminatory content, you have been interrogated by the police and possibly arrested.
In other words, Germany has almost no freedom of speech because information on the issue has been blocked.
(I live in the U.S., but some of my German colleagues and others have told me, "Anyone who transmits false historical perceptions should be put in jail. I was surprised that they believed that "it is natural to suppress speech" because "we should never allow it.")
Perhaps the forces in South and North Korea who want to further develop the victim business against Japan are eager to imitate this German approach.
Come to think of it, Shin Su-gok of Norikoenetto, who made a criminal-abetting speech against activists in Okinawa, has also traveled to Germany.
In Japan, there was also the case of former Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto, who was wilted by a Chinese interpreter and for whom Japan provided hundreds of millions of dollars in aid to a Chinese hospital.
It's a shame that some politicians fall for that kind of trap.
However, I am glad that Japan is an honest country that does not set honey traps and has a solid foundation to do without such things.
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