文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The Asahi Shimbun should no longer exist

2022年07月31日 22時06分03秒 | 全般
The following is from Ryusho Kadota's regular column in the September special issue of the monthly magazine WILL.
 The admiration of the late Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who left behind many achievements in Japanese political history, from various countries reminds us of just how important he was to the world.
 Even in Japan, he boasted overwhelming popularity, with an unprecedented six consecutive victories in national elections, the longest-running administration in history, and 71% of respondents who "appreciated" him when he left office. Attesting to this is the endless line of people offering flowers, and the tearful cries of "Abe-san" and "Thank you very much" from young people in the funeral procession. 
  However, he hates Mr. Abe's political beliefs and says, "Abe is at fault." On the other hand, the cursing of "Abegar" never stopped, and it reminded me of the abnormal nature of Morikake, who continued to make a fuss for years without evidence, saying, "My suspicions have deepened."
  The "Abega" group, which is centered on anti-Japan Japanese, is made up of a variety of forces, including foreigners living in Japan, extreme left activists, and radical leftists. The Asahi Shimbun, which inspires them, also “struggled”. However, the vulgarity of his character had reached the point where it was unacceptable for journalism, so I would like to introduce it.
  The day after the assassination, July 9th, the evening edition of "Sogen Particles" made me think, "Are you already here?" <There is a lot of praise and praise for the policy of "Abe No. 1." What will happen to the verification of the expanded “speculative politics”> 
 This became a signal of slander against the deceased. In the July 13th morning edition of Tensei Jingo, ``Shinjuku Gyoen can be seen on the west side. He invited a large number of local supporters on the stage of the "Cherry Blossom Viewing Party" and invited criticism. Regarding the Moritomo-Kake issue, the opportunity to hear an explanation from him was lost forever.” 
 People who know the circumstances may wonder if Mr. Abe himself has forgotten the days when Mr. Abe himself testified so much in the Diet and the side who pursued him did not produce any evidence, and only manipulated his impression. In the morning edition of July 15th, in response to the decision to hold a state funeral, an article titled "Unusual State Funeral, Consideration for Party Members, Fully State-Funded, Prime Minister Emphasizes Legitimacy" was published. Among them is Gakushuin University professor Naoto Nonaka, who said, "Former Prime Minister Abe's diplomatic achievements are not as good as I expected, and I am dissatisfied with his performance, but regardless of the content of his work, his tenure as prime minister is long. It is true that it was the longest in history.It may be permissible to hold a 'national funeral' and show all manners."
  I sense a decisive gap between the Asahi's intentions and the evaluation of the international community in the words "diplomatic results were not as good as I expected", "I am dissatisfied with the performance of my work", and "I don't care about the content of my work". right. However, compared to the 'Asahi Senryu', which started on this day and desecrates the deceased, it is still nothing.
  By the way, "Nishiki Soradai", the winner of Asahi Senryu, is Mr. Wataru Kurita, a former Asahi Shimbun reporter. Mr. Kurita is a famous Asahi reporter who has written Tenseijingo more than 2,000 times. You can tell Asahi's character by looking at what kind of senryu the person chose.
  First, the date of July 15th is as follows.
・Mitsutsuki Masaru and Sou floating with gunshots 
・Will all the bullets be buried in the darkness? 
・The turbidity of the person who leaves is silently shut down 
・This will strengthen the security of hecklers again.

 This senryu was also selected for the morning edition of July 16th. 
・A country where a suspected person has a state funeral 
・“Democracy” that is being used and annoyed 
・Delivery to a field where taxes are still used after death 
・How far will the speculation continue until his other world? 
・Does a state funeral mean that the country is closing? 
・ It seems that there was no motive or terrorism 
・Ahh, this is how history is made 

 Mr. Kurita, the elector, wrote in the commentary of the haiku, "118 false statements in the Diet." I am aware that some opposition parties and Abegars are proclaiming, ``Abe has made false statements to the Diet 118 times.'' However, it may be far-fetched, it may be an error on the part of the interpreter, and it is not authorized at all. However, Mr. Kurita concluded that Mr. Abe made false statements "118 times." Can the bereaved family forgive Mr. Kurita's defamation? You should fight.
  "It's only natural that thoughts and beliefs differ in the free world." However, at a time when the people and the world are mourning the victims of terrorism and the people who died without aspirations, I don't think any media should exist anymore. . To be honest, I would like to ask the people involved in the Asahi about how they feel to look down on the deceased. If you feel even a little remorse, put down the signboard of the newspaper company and devote yourself to the "real estate agent".


