文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

There are no fools more sinful than them.

2022年09月18日 11時41分13秒 | 全般

The following is a chapter I sent out on July 25, 2010, but it is not showing up in Bing searches.
Since there seems to be a problem with the CLS, I am re-submitting it after correcting paragraphs and deleting or adding sentences.
The original title of this article is "I hope that King Enma will not miss those who chorused in August 1992.
In my previous article, "Japan Can Become a Financial Superpower Right Now," I wrote that the 500 trillion yen is interest for the U.S., making Japan a big country, and so on.
I was talking with an acquaintance a few days ago and was so angry that my hair stood on end.
What my lifelong best friends since I entered the workforce and I knew, of course. 
It was only natural that Kiichi Miyazawa said it at the LDP's Karuizawa seminar in August 1992.
At this time, the fake elites in the government office, the mass media, Keidanren, and the bank itself, which was a mass of ugly egoism, crushed Miyazawa.
They kept a taboo on injecting public funds into financial institutions until the situation became so out of control that it became a national problem.
They are probably enjoying the happiness of themselves and their families far beyond their annual income of 10 million yen, but they will never be able to cross the River of Truth.
The nation knows that the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) has been on a showtime show, denouncing the wasteful spending of 100 billion yen, or at the most, 1 billion yen of taxpayers' money.
I am sure some project reviewers joined in the chorus of righteousness at that time.
They need to put their ears to the grindstone and listen carefully.
They need to listen very carefully to the fact that up to 500 trillion yen of national wealth, at least 100 trillion yen, was lost during this foolish "lost 20 years".

Thank goodness they are a non-religious country.
If they were Christian, they would have no gate to heaven.
If they believe in Jizo Bodhisattva, they are sentient beings who will not be able to pass away to Paradise and will surely fall into hell.
In the Jizo Bodhisattva faith, it is said that King Yama can judge the dead meticulously because he sees the condition of people in detail.

Because of their egoism, countless people have committed suicide, and those who were cut off from the path they should have taken continue to this day.

What is most unforgivable is that their constant phrase, "for the sake of the children," is now hurting those children.
As a result of their chorus, one out of every seven people in Japan is now a poor person. In Osaka, one out of every 20 children grows up in a family of welfare recipients.

I have lived a dreadful life, devoting most of my life to a country ruled by fools like them, working only two days a year in some years and paying over 17 billion yen in taxes!

If I follow the lines of a novel by Le Clésio, it would not be enough to use all sorts of insults against them.

It is because they are the fools among fools who have lost several hundred trillion yen of national wealth in just the past 20 years.

We don't have a second to waste in front of these even more foolish assholes, making a spectacle of themselves.
Get to work on my proposal tomorrow, immediately.

The U.S. is so disgusted with them that they have almost given up on them.
This inward-looking low-life can't be helped. 
Even though it is a communist dictatorship, China has a much better worldview.

*I hit the nail on the head with this observation.
But as you know, the U.S. realized that making China grow presumptuous was a disaster of epic proportions.
Their domination of Japan until August 2014 misled the U.S. about Japan and China. 
I keep thinking.
There are no fools more sinful than them.*

Japan's prime minister should promptly stand next to the U.S. president at G8 and G20 meetings as a super economic superpower hegemony with a stock market that is overwhelmingly larger than any other country, parallel to that of the U.S. 
It is because that is where Japan stands.
So far, they have been standing on the edge, as if they have no place to stand.
Japan is not a country of such a place.



