文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

He bowed to the above NPOs, seemingly unaware of their nefarious purposes.

2023年02月17日 22時10分51秒 | 全般

I was astonished to see the images of Kishida (I dare to call him that) reported on the NHK news, but I was horrified.
The only ray of hope, or perhaps the last bit of samurai compassion left in him, is that these are just his first-class actions to fool the big, stupid media.

At this moment, Xi Jinping's invasion of Taiwan and the Senkaku Islands could happen anytime.
It is evident to even the most elementary school-aged minds what kind of people these NPOs and others are who are calling for the LGBT bill, etc.
The reality of these people is perfectly revealed on the Internet, day after day, by Mr. Himasoraakane, who has emerged as one of the greatest saviors of Japan in the postwar era.
When the majority of people who use the Internet, that is, men and women of all ages and sexes in Japan, are aware of it.

The Japanese society, which has maintained the world's highest civilization since ancient times, is being divided and dismantled by the anti-Japanese among the Chinese, Koreans from the Korean Peninsula, and zainichi Koreans pretending to be Japanese. In contrast, the Japanese Prime Minister, Mr. Kishida, seems utterly unaware of their evil intentions.
He bowed to the above NPOs, seemingly unaware of their nefarious purposes.

Eitaro Ogawa has been a cheerleader for Kishida.
I knew he was not a graduate of Osaka University for show and that he must have some profound ideas.
Ogawa, if Kishida is foolish enough to postpone the Constitutional Reform Council meeting at this time because the Rikken is absent, and if he is stupid enough to pass an LGBT bill filled with the evil intentions of these leftist pedophiles, then he should immediately step down as prime minister of Japan.
If you have the brains of an Osaka University graduate, you should know that Kishida has no choice but to step down as Prime Minister of Japan immediately.
In today's video of Kishida, you should know that the Kochikai is not a mainstream conservative group but just a group of stupid populist politicians or even a group of traitors, if we may call them that.

It is even more unforgivable because the video was taken just as I thought his chronic sinusitis surgery would improve his lack of brain power and enable him to make the right decisions.
I hope this was Kishida's first-class incarnation against the mass media.
Ogawa, if that was not his incarnation, then he is left by the scruff of the neck to be the prime minister of the great nation of Japan.
If he passes the most despicable and vicious bill in history, Kishida must step down immediately after his kindergarten rhetoric of nuclear abolition in Hiroshima.
If you fail to hand him over, we, the majority of the LDP-supporting public, will only hand him and the Kochikai over.

Kochikai should leave the LDP and merge with the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) if it is going to pass such a bill that is not only foolish but also seeks to divide and dismantle Japanese society.
It would make the political situation in Japan much easier to understand.
They are the LDP, a group of trustworthy conservative politicians, and the Kochikai and Rikken Democrats, a group of politicians whose parent organizations are the Kochikai and Rikken Democrats, which have joined with a group of populist politicians who believe in pseudo-moralists and political correctness.


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