文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Close this high school and deport Chinese international students!! ️

2023年04月24日 23時23分51秒 | 全般

The following is from a tweet by 🇯🇵Kome 🏴‍☠️@Tsuboshi77, which we just discovered.
🇯🇵Kome 🏴‍☠️

Chinese people gather and bully Japanese people💢

This is what happens when you call an international student from mainland China💢

Close this high school and deport Chinese international students!! ️

The following is from a tweet by Shoetsu of Rural Life, which we just discovered.
Ministry of Education,
Why don't you cancel the accreditation of Nissho Gakuen High School, an agency of the evil Xi Jinping's Chinese Communist Party?
The Ministry of Education was the organization where pervert Kihei Maekawa was the Administrative Vice Minister,

Quote tweet
April 23.
Nissho Gakuen Kyushu International High School 

Chinese students bullied Japanese students.
Multiple students bullied Japanese students.
They hit and kicked Japanese students. 

It is a Coed school, 90% Chinese. They've taken over the school.






