文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Xi Jinping's Brain Hunt: The Thousand Man Plan

2024年09月18日 23時50分51秒 | 全般
The trigger was the arrest of a prominent scientist named Harvard University professor
The following is from an article by Rui Sasaki, vice chairman of the Sankei Shimbun editorial board, published in the monthly magazine Hanada, entitled 'Xi Jinping's Brain Hunt: The Thousand Man Plan.'
The article is a must-read not only for Japanese citizens but also for people worldwide.
How are newspapers such as Asahi Shimbun and T.V. media such as NHK controlled by China?
Japanese people should be shocked.
But the same is true for media around the world.

Harvard professor arrested
The mysterious-sounding phrase "Thousand Talents Plan" is again attracting attention in Japan and the United States. 
The trigger was the arrest of a prominent scientist named Harvard University professor involved in a university in Wuhan, China.
In January of this year, he was arrested and indicted by the U.S. Department of Justice on charges of violating U.S. law by having a secret relationship with China.
Wuhan is the source of the new coronavirus. What is the connection between this professor and the coronavirus disaster? 
Before I discuss the details of this story, I would like to briefly explain the Thousand Talents Plan. 
The Thousand Talents Plan is a national project that gathers the world's top-level researchers, including Nobel laureates, on a scale of 1,000 and invites them to China with unbeatable treatment.
In other words, it is a plan to quickly obtain intellectual property centered on the most advanced technologies from the United States and other countries.
In the 1990s, the Chinese government actively encouraged Chinese researchers who were studying abroad to return to their home countries as a national policy to speed up the acquisition of advanced technology. 
They were called "sea turtles" because they drifted across the ocean to return to their home countries.
The name "sea turtles" comes from the similarity between the Chinese words "Haigu" and "Haigu-i," meaning "return from abroad." 
After 2008, when the Beijing Olympics were held, Xi began to invite foreign researchers other than Chinese, mainly from the United States, as part of the " Thousand Talents Plan."
There are now, it is said, nearly 200 invitation programs, such as the "Thousand Talents Plan," which focuses on these foreign researchers and is also called the "Ten Thousand Talents Plan." 
However, this plan, which the Chinese Communist Party supports, began to stumble.
It was around 2018. 
There were arrests of Chinese researchers by the U.S. investigative authorities and dismissals by U.S. universities and research institutions. 
It led to the disappearance of the four words "Thousand Talents Plan" from public documents in China, as they were no longer mentioned prominently.
It is believed that the Xi Jinping administration, impatient with U.S. pressure, ordered the "Thousand Talents Plan" to be removed from the party and government circulars. 
However, the plan itself has only gone underground, and because the number of researchers participating in the project has continued, it is safe to assume that it has accelerated.
In the United States, the proof is that the U.S. Congress and the Justice Department are wary of a dangerous plan that threatens security.
This article continues.

2024/9/13 in Miyajima


