文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The response to the hijacking is too lenient.

2024年09月18日 13時50分09秒 | 全般
The following article is from an editorial in the Sankei Shimbun on September 16th, titled "The response to the hijacking is too lenient."
The word "hijack" reminded me of the search obstruction repeated with incredible persistence in this column from June 2011 to the present day.
It is an undeniable fact that China and the Korean Peninsula are countries of "bottomless evil" and "plausible lies."
As I have already mentioned, the circumstances surrounding my appearance in this column in July 2010 are as follows.
At the end of August 2010, the criminal appeared with two other people at our building. 
It was during his bail period after he was arrested for defrauding a particular bank of 150 million yen!
As mentioned, six months later, our company was also defrauded of a large sum of money, almost the same amount as the bank.
In 2011, after defrauding our company of a large sum of money, this man brazenly boasted online that "it is worse to be deceived than to deceive."
In recent years, I have also come to realize that it is no exaggeration to say that this is a familiar feeling among people who are "bottomless evil" and "plausible lies."

Like you all, I am proud of and attached to my real name. I have already explained how I appeared in this column as Akutagawa Kenji.

"Hijacking" and "Impersonation"
" This is something that would never happen to the Japanese, but the time has come for the Japanese people to know that people with "bottomless evil" and "plausible lies" in their DNA, or people who have this DNA, can work such evil deeds without a second thought.
As I have already mentioned, shortly after I appeared on the scene on July 16th, 2010, I received a considerable number of followers on Twitter, which is linked to this column, from all over the world.
As I have already mentioned, my Twitter account was hijacked several times when I was about to reach 10,000 followers.
As mentioned, I became so fed up with it all that I stopped using Twitter for a few years.
In 2011 or 2012, this criminal first impersonated me on Twitter using my pen name, Akutagawa Kenji.
He created IDs such as Akutagawa+Kenji@masaya and used them to impersonate me.
It was when I was suffering from a severe illness and in hospital for a long time.
One of our employees immediately requested that Twitter delete the account, but as is well known, Twitter does not act against criminals in Japan.
After that, this time on Facebook, he finally created an Akutagawa Kenji ID and completely impersonated me.
It said that this criminal was a father of two at this point, commuting between Tokyo and Osaka, etc., and that it was probably his lifestyle at the time. 
I also requested that Facebook delete it, but they responded like Twitter.
Once it got to this point, nothing more could be done.
I was attached to that pen name then, but I changed it with a heavy heart.
For several years after I started writing, I wrote under Akutagawa Kenji daily, so deleting all those posts was challenging.
I still need to finish.
They tend to "show themselves at the scene of the crime" or "flaunt their deeds."
Sometimes, the chapters I wrote under the name of Akutagawa Kenji appear in the top 10 real-time search results.
Each time this happens, I delete Akutagawa Kenji from the chapters for those dates and times, either by myself or by asking a friend to do it.
When I decided to write this article, I made up my mind.
I decided to recruit part-time help for this task in a later edition of this column.
After all, out of over 200,000 chapters, over 160,000 have been blocked from search results, which is a terrible situation.

I tried to think about what this man was trying to gain by pretending to be Akutagawa Kenji on Facebook.
One thing came to mind immediately.
When this man was having full-body plastic surgery and wearing a bandage over his face, I encountered a particular scene at Grand Front Osaka.
For some reason, I was walking from the concourse in front of Osaka Station to enter Grand Front when a small but beautiful-looking Russian woman walked past me quickly.
I looked at the man, wondering why. 
The woman was exchanging a hug with a man with a bandage on his face who was waiting at the entrance to Grand Front.
The man's distinctive villainous eyes were looking at me. 
I thought, "What if it's him?" but I was already late for my appointment, so I just walked by.
The followers from all over the world were men and women of all ages at once.
I even received a passionate message from a beautiful German woman.
Many of the readers of this column are intelligent and beautiful women.
It is probably why this man is pretending to be Akutagawa Kenji on Facebook.
What's more, this man knows that I hardly use Facebook.
It's an annoying story.
Because, as you know, I am still single.
As one of my best friends from school said, "There is nothing more unbelievable than the fact that you used to be a real estate agent,"
most of my classmates didn't know that I had been suffering from domestic misfortune and that my path to higher education had ended as soon as I became a third-year high school student.
After that, I was unaccounted for for a long time in the alum directory of my old school, so most of my classmates didn't know what happened to me after that.
The exact opposite of the life I had been promised was a life of hardship.
Moreover, my beloved alma mater remained where boys and girls were educated separately until recently.
I had almost no contact with girls or women of my age when I was in high school.
For someone like me, who has so few female friends that it seems unbelievable to most people, the fact that I was deprived of the opportunity to meet wonderful women through this column is a huge loss.
In this respect, too, this man is truly unforgivable.

I am an "eternal 19-year-old" that I and the people around me both acknowledge.
I think that it is only natural that my life ended in the spring of my third year of high school and has remained there ever since.
My acquaintances and friends have occasionally heard me talk about "the only mistake I made in my life of obscurity."
"If I had lived a life with the fame of Picasso, there is no way I would have stayed single, which is something I never even hoped for.
Picasso married a much younger woman for the third time in his 90s. I would have done the same."
No one argued with me.
"I still don't want to end my life without ever having been married even once. I came onto the world's stage rather late. If I hadn't been the victim of this kind of hijacking and identity theft, I would have met the woman of my dreams and married her. Many women in the world, not to mention in France, think that age differences don't matter when it comes to love."
I have decided to use this column to inform women around the world about this case at a later date.
To prevent this unbelievable villain from interfering with searches and to prevent him from committing such crimes again by filing a criminal complaint against him, I created an official website for this column in both Japanese and English a few years ago at considerable expense, raising funds for the court case through crowdfunding.
However, as a novice in PC technology, I have yet to learn how to add things like Patreon.
So, after using it for a little while, I left it alone.
The other day, I was surprised when I tried to start it up again.
That's because I had received over 100 comments.
Moreover, a sincere comment said, "I want to donate, but why aren't there any tags?"
At a later date, we will be looking for someone with the skills to paste things like Patreon, etc., on this column as a part-time job.
This criminal cannot be left alone any longer.
We will win 100% of the case. This man is a serious criminal, so his sentence will be severe.
He will never be able to commit such a crime again.
At the same time, this will also be an opportunity to eradicate the incorrigible criminals who lurk on the internet.
It costs a lot to win a case in a Japanese court.
I have decided to gather the necessary funds from all over the world to send this criminal to prison.

The response to the hijacking is too lenient
NHK's "anti-Japanese broadcasts"
NHK has announced disciplinary action, including the resignation of the director in charge of international broadcasting, following an investigation into a problematic comment made by a Chinese staff member on the radio's international broadcasts.
The comment was a vitriolic remark about the Senkaku Islands in Okinawa Prefecture, referring to them as "Chinese territory" during a broadcast.
Chairman Nobuo Inaba apologized at a press conference, saying, "It could be called a takeover of the broadcast. It's a dire situation."
Even so, the punishment and response, including his own, are lenient.
The curtain should only be drawn on this case by clarifying the motives, etc.
There were also anti-Japanese comments such as "Don't forget the Nanking Massacre. Don't forget the comfort women."
The male staff member was 48 years old and was contracted by an NHK-affiliated organization.
What cannot be overlooked is that, as the investigation report points out, there were "signs beforehand," but they were not dealt with.
Just before the broadcast, he had a problem, and he complained and shouted about the broadcast script. 
He was also said to have expressed his concerns about the reaction of the Chinese authorities.
While the truth of this incident needs to be investigated, we should also be wary of pressure from the relevant government, incitement to crime, and coercion against citizens of autocratic countries.
There was also a lack of crisis management during the incident.
There are systems to deal with problematic comments, such as reducing the microphone's volume, but these were not used.
They also could not immediately correct the broadcast or explain it to viewers and the public, and they stated that they had not been "thorough enough."
It is not worthy of the name of a public broadcaster.
They stated that there were no instances of male staff making unscripted comments in broadcasts over the past three months, but there is no record of this before that time, so it is unknown.
They said they would verify other staff and language programs, but this should be thorough. 
The role of international broadcasting in transmitting accurate information about Japan and protecting the national interest is enormous.
Chairman Inaba said, "There should have been a heightened sense of crisis, but there was a lack of tension in international radio broadcasting."
He will voluntarily return half of his remuneration for one month, but this is not a matter that can be settled by having the director in charge take the fall.
The bloating of the organization, including related organizations, and the failure of organizational governance have been issues that have been questioned throughout NHK.
NHK has filed a lawsuit against male staff members seeking compensation for defamation and other charges.
To clarify the situation, it is also essential to file a criminal complaint for "hijacking."

2024/9/13 in Miyajima


