文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Repost! Accurate information about the rate of cures and fatalities remained unreleased

2024年09月20日 08時39分24秒 | 全般
The book, written by Ms. Yang Yi, with a desperate effort, reveals that newspapers such as the Asahi Shimbun and TV media such as NHK are not only not reporting the truth but also playing the role of a billboard for the CCP.
The same is probably true of the world's mass media.  
I have already mentioned their mode of operation, but I will discuss it later.

The Dreadful State of Huoshenshan Hospital
In other words, I think the Chinese authorities should seal off the infected zone, as exemplified by Wuhan City, and push infected people into the hospital so that they cannot be seen from the outside. 
Initially, in response to the rapid spread of the infection in Wuhan, the Wuhan authorities built a new hospital in 10 days to deal with the shortage of hospital beds.
That is Huoshenshan Hospital.
However, it needed to be seen whether proper treatment was provided there.
Accurate information about the rate of cures and fatalities remained unreleased. 
It was only a "clinic" in name, with no doctors or nurses. Patients were left to fend for themselves, with no treatment available.
The private rooms were locked outside, and patients could not come and go as they pleased.
Once in, they cannot come out until they are dead.
At the end of March, it reported that 'authorities have ordered hundreds of thousands of body bags from one Taiwanese manufacturer.' 
When people are forcibly taken away simply because they are suspected of being infected, they are not given adequate treatment and are quarantined merely.
The risk of infection in the hospital is high, and even if they tested negative, they could still be infected and develop the disease.
It is apparent 'persecution.' 
According to one theory, part-time jobs were available in Wuhan at the time, late at night and early in the morning.
They would work through the night to remove the bodies of the deceased from the crematorium.
The crematorium is in entire operation 24 hours a day.
There are rumors that if you load the body on the line, it will come out from behind as ashes. 
I've also heard that the remains were turned into ashes without a funeral service because they said, "There is a suspicion of infection now, so we can't give them to you."
Even though there is no possibility of infection with the bones, is it because they think the virus may be attached to the box?
In the early stages, there was still little room for flexibility, and it seemed that the bodies were being handed over to the bereaved families.
However, eventually, there was no more room for flexibility, and in fact, even if they were handed over, it was impossible to tell who they belonged to.
They seemed to be incinerated on an automatic line because there were so many of them.  
Also, not long ago, the people working on the cremations counted the bodies.
Up until a certain point, they could count the number of deaths per day, but the number increased so rapidly that they couldn't get an accurate figure.
Eventually, they couldn't keep up with the 24-hour operation, so they had to deploy more than 40 mobile cremation vehicles, like garbage trucks, to deal with the situation.
They say they can incinerate them in a fraction of the time.
It is just like garbage incineration or animal carcass disposal. 
Also, no one can leave their homes in Wuhan's isolated areas, so if they can't get food, they have no choice but to starve to death.
At first, it was announced that there was enough food even with the Wuhan blockade, but the reality was that it wouldn't be spread out at all. 
In the end, those trapped in the quarantined areas of Wuhan had no choice but to die of disease or starve to death.
No one would know what was happening if an entire family were infected.
Even if someone close to them complained that they couldn't be contacted, there was no way to confirm it because the authorities wouldn't act.

2024/9/19 in Himegi


