文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It is also a condition for achieving energy dominance with the United States

2022年07月03日 17時37分58秒 | 全般
The following is from an article by Taishi Sugiyama, published in the current issue of the monthly magazine "Seiron" titled "Deoxygenation Single-Step is Suicide.
This paper also proves that he is one of the leading researchers and public speakers in the postwar world.
At the same time, the paper proves beyond measure how stupid and low-brow all the political parties and bureaucrats in Japan were when the Asahi Shimbun newspaper controlled them until 2014.
They and the world media have been wielding pseudo-moralism and political correctness.
This paper proves how foolish it is and what consequences it will have for the nation and the world.
It is a must-read not only for Japanese citizens but for people around the world.
The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
Establish Energy Dominance
Michael R. Pompeo, a U.S. Republican and former Secretary of State in the Trump administration, published an op-ed from the Hudson Institute, a U.S. think tank, titled "The War in Ukraine Reveals Why the World Needs US Energy Dominance.
"Encouraged by climate activists, the Biden administration has pursued a policy of hostility toward U.S. oil, natural gas, coal, and nuclear power. Without it, the U.S. and Europe would be in a much better strategic position to deter Putin's war in Ukraine. Instead, Europe has relied on Russian energy supplies to create vulnerabilities. But essentially, it should have been the U.S. that should have supplied it.
We must unleash the power of U.S. energy. We must redouble our efforts to export clean energy, such as natural gas and clean coal, to our allies in Europe and the Indo-Pacific region. We, Republicans, will win big in the fall midterm elections to overturn his environmentally obsessed energy policies and restore the energy dominance of the United States." 
What powerful words.
Mr. Pombeo positions energy as the logistics of the nation's economy.
Countries that neglect logistics will lose.
It should have been an important lesson from World War II for Japan. 
The U.S. Republican Party will likely change the world after the midterm elections in the fall and the next presidential election.
Japan should anticipate the relationship with the U.S. and distance itself from the Biden administration's still single-minded decarbonization energy policy. 
What should we do specifically?
Japan cannot achieve energy dominance by itself because it lacks resources.
But it can achieve energy dominance in the Asia-Pacific region with the United States.
As Pompeo points out, this means making the best use of natural gas, coal-fired power, nuclear power, etc., domestically and cooperating with friendly countries' resource development and thermal power generation projects.
It can utilize Japan's superior thermal power generation technology at this time. 
If Japan and the U.S. do not take the helm in energy dominance now, they will be overthrown by China. 
In response to the energy crisis following the war in Ukraine, China has decided to increase its coal production capacity by 300 million tons per year.
It alone is nearly double Japan's annual coal consumption.
China also plans to increase its nuclear power generation capacity to 75 million kilowatts in 25 years and is in the process of approving construction with an eye toward 120 to 150 million kilowatts in 30 years.
It is a scale that will overtake France and the United States.
If China establishes a stable supply of cheap electricity while Japan and the U.S. are left with only vulnerable, expensive, decarbonized electricity, will we be able to compete? 
In Japan, the government's policy of dismantling and weakening the major electric utilities in the name of electricity deregulation while at the same time ensuring a stable supply through various systems have failed, resulting in power shortages.
A strong, integrated, and responsible electric utility is needed to realize stable supply from a long-term, strategic perspective.
It is also a condition for achieving energy dominance with the United States. 
It would be suicidal for Japan alone to stick to the decarbonization path that Western countries are now essentially abandoning.


