文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The birds I photographed at Daikakuji Temple, along with the music of Gould and Seiji Ozawa

2025年01月18日 10時00分11秒 | 全般

There aren't many people who would go all the way from Osaka to Daikakuji Temple in Arashiyama, Kyoto, and then come back without taking a single photo of Daikakuji Temple or Arashiyama, but only of the birds at Daikakuji Temple.
How much of an aura of love for wild birds I must have been giving off at the time.
The wild birds would look down on me, and when I whistled like a Japanese bush warbler, they would appear, whether at Tenryu-ji or Nakanoshima Park.
At the same time as not giving off an aura of love for wild birds, I also don't have the minimum telephoto lens I need to take photos of them, so I don't think I'll be taking pictures of wild birds like this in the future.

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