文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Do you want to save the death penalty even for such a person pig?

2019年12月21日 17時53分11秒 | 全般

The following is from Mr. Kaji Nobuyuki's serial column 'Livelihood,' which is the beginning of the monthly magazine WiLL released yesterday.
It is a must-read article for all Japanese citizens.
All Japanese citizens who have never subscribed to the above monthly magazines must go to the nearest bookstore to subscribe. Even more, despite paying about 5,000 yen a month for subscribing to the Asahi Shimbun, also though it is packed with real papers that tell you the fact that you could not know at all, the cost is only 900 yen.
The habitual saying of the old man of the world is, 'It was good in the past.'
Most old persons agree to this.
But it was right in the past-is this true?
Crime doesn't disappear both before and now.
It isn't as much as a crime, but there is a bully both before and now.
So what was better in the past than now?
An older man, there was that it pondered for everything one noticing.
It is the order.
There are various types of this order, but let's divide them into the following two examples.
That is, (A) moral order and (B) legal order.
Of these (A) and (B), only (B) has substantially the same contents in any age or society.
It is the essential governing tool for the administration of time.
It is what is called justice.
The judiciary usually does not show up but does not forgive him if it does.
Ordinary people cannot win against its mighty state power.
Therefore, the general public is safe first if they observe the legal order.
However, recently, something outrageous has come out.
It is a young man.
The man got on the Shinkansen and attacked two women entirely unrelated to him with weapons.
When a man who saw it tried to stop, he killed the man with a weapon.
This criminal man, it described summary so at the first trial.
'I killed because I wanted to live in prison.'
Let's calmly see what this criminal thinks and who he is.
First of all, I'm convinced that the trial of my case will not result in death.
First of all, he is convinced that the trial of his case will not result in death.
Where does this come from?
It is the Nagayama standard in a trial.
To get a death sentence, two or more murders are fundamental.
In other words, there is a high probability that a single murder will not result in a death penalty.
That criminal knows it.
So he expects a long life in prison.
Prosecutor's prison sentence also imprisoned for life.
The killer has no working spirit.
Perhaps he didn't last long, no matter where he worked.
On the other hand, in prisons, money is paid for labor, albeit cheap.
Since you live in prison, you don't have to worry about food and rent.
If you get sick, your doctor will see you at a medical facility on site.
Of course, without parental care.
This man is saying so in a trial.
He killed a human being excellent to the end.
The murder victim is an exemplary member of society and has a good personality.
It is painful to think of the left wife and the infant.
Serious remarks as a human
Why was the righteous person killed?
It is unusual whether a mean person such as prison application is allowed to remark unworthy as a human being.
An older man, dare to say, such a vile man, not a human.
It is a person pig.
It needs an immediate death sentence.
So I want to ask an opponent of the death penalty.
Do you want to save the death penalty even for such a person pig?
And I want to ask more.
What is that reason, what being?
It is a word about at that replying.
Don't answer at all with idealism and general theory.
For example, human life is more substantial than anything.
Instead, say in the concrete form you are practicing.
For example, they pick up and rehabilitate those person pigs in their homes.
If you have a belief, you can answer that specifically.
I am convinced that probably not 100% of such individual practices.
A person's life is substantial only in an ordinary snout, and they only say that they are essential and will be announcing the death penalty abolition on that prolongation.
It is called the glib tongue. It is a so-called man of words and no action.
The person pig man would act to show that he was not a normal human being, escape the death penalty, and make various contrivances to get into prison.
The living expenses and medical expenses all depend on taxes.
I just pray that such an immoral man will be punishable.
According to the older man, those who gain profit fraudulently cannot learn because they are also fraudulent.
