文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

In Japan, on the other hand, religion was disciplined, and it did not cause messiness.

2024年07月12日 19時06分15秒 | 全般

Nobunaga was great... No one else deserves the Nobel Prize in Literature more than Masayuki Takayama.
December 8, 2022

Nobunaga was a great man.
Yahweh, the God of Judaism, created the heavens, earth, and everything else, including human beings.
He also created the Baal God and many other gods and had to order the Jewish people not to worship other gods.
The people obeyed but were told, "Recklessly do not speak My name."
They were told not to say, "God, help me," or to ask God for help.
They also hated LGBT people, and the city of Sodom was burned to the ground.
In this respect, Japanese gods are different. 
They are devoted to their people.
If there is a calamity, God purifies it and casts it into the river. 
The river god passes it to the God of the sea, and finally, the God of the bottom of the water buries it.
The river god had a bit of an appearance in "Spirited Away."
Ise Jingu Shrine, Suwa Taisha Shrine, and Toyokawa Inari Shrine, which worship such gods, are built on the Median Tectonic Line. 
This central fault line runs through the Japanese archipelago.
They are there to quell earthquakes and volcanic eruptions caused by the fault line.
Japanese deities, however, dislike impurity. 
In particular, they hate death. 
That is why funerals are never held in shrines.
The people were so annoyed that they gave leave of absence to their servants who were about to die, and many of them died on the road. 
Akutagawa's "Rashomon" describes a Kyoto city filled with such corpses.
A monk at a temple took notice of the devastation.
When Buddha entered nirvana, he told his disciples not to hold funerals, but they decided not to listen to him and began to take care of the dead.
The monks organized the funerals and sold the names of precepts, stupas, and tombstones. 
They made a killing.
As more money was made and the number of believers who seriously believed in the Higan increased, the priests became increasingly presumptuous. 
Armed monks ravaged the capital, and the monk corps intervened in political disputes to influence politics.
Around this time, Emperor Shirakawa lamented, "It is the flow of the Kamogawa River and the armed monks that are not at one's will."
The Ikkō-shū monks had finally gained control of Kaga, and Nobunaga took action against those who abused their religious beliefs.
He defeated Ishiyama-Temple, the head temple of the Ikkō-shū, and took the Enryaku-ji Temple of the Tendai sect on Mount Hiei.
The Shinchō Kōki describes him as having slaughtered everyone, including women and children.
His behavior was such that Lewis Freud condemned it as "the work of the devil.
However, historical writer Shiono Nanayo has a different assessment.
After Nobunaga, the priests learned to know their place and stopped meddling in politics.
Kirishitan, another foreign religion, preached the love of God and engaged in the slave trade.
When Hideyoshi preached to the Jesuit Coelho to be an actual human being, he rebelled, spoke against the Kirishitan lords, and plotted to defeat Hideyoshi.
Both Ieyasu and Iemitsu disliked such politics and even killed women and children in the Shimabara Rebellion.
It was the moment when Japanese Christians knew their place.
Under the Five Public Notices, the Meiji government also strictly forbade the proselytizing of evil ways, including Kirishitan.
There was no progress for Christians outside the sea. 
In the U.S., they had used enslaved Black people until three years before, and when the ban was lifted, they now bought Coolie. 
In Japan, on the other hand, religion was disciplined, and it did not cause messiness.
But after the war, along came the idiot MacArthur. 
This foolish general, who was beaten by the Japanese army and even fled before the enemy, did not know the source of the strength of the Japanese military, "righteousness."
He thought it was the faith in the Japanese gods and imposed the GHQ Constitution, which declared Shintoism as an evil religion.
As a result, we were condemned to worship the monument to the loyal souls and to visit Yasukuni Shrine. Still, in reaction, we were allowed to do whatever we wanted, whether it was Buddhism, Christianity, or any other religion.
Aum killed three members of a lawyer's family and murdered eight people in Nagano, but even police investigations were blocked on the grounds of freedom of religion.
The Soka Gakkai meddled in politics, which Nobunaga did not allow, and Sun Myung Moon forced Japanese people to pay money for atonement, partly because the Asahi Shimbun newspaper supported him in his comfort women lies, and he forced Japanese women to become Korean sex slaves.
In the wake of Sun Myung Moon's irreverence, the Diet has, for the first time, taken a scalpel to pagan religions other than Shintoism, a horse from a gourd, or rather, its evil.
Foreign religions do not suit the Japanese.
Japanese gods are the best.


2024/7/8 in Akashi


