

アメリカの音楽の底の深さ〜Rosie Floresいいね〜

2017-07-24 18:30:20 | 音楽
Los Texmaniacs, Ashley MacIsaac and Tal Wilkenfeld Jamming ... 2016 Vancouver Island Musicfest

上の動画を見て欲しい、基本的にはカントリーあるいはブルーグラスだけど、ギターのソロはロック。おまけに私の好きなタル・ウィルケンフェルドのベースソロもある。彼女はジャズやロックで活躍するミュージシャンだ。お姉さまもいい感じのギターソロをしている。タイトルに出てくるお姉さまRosie Floresを検索をしてみた。
Rosie Flores
June 23, 2017
Hot Town, Summer in the City (Austin)
The first day of summer was in full swing. Lots going on in town with my Wednesday night residency at the Continental Gallery singing some of favorite songs with The Blue Moon Jazz Quartet (8:30pm) featuring Jim Stringer on guitar, T Jarrod Bonta on piano and Larry Eisenberg on upright bass. I’d say the summer […]

Rosie Flores - Wikipedia
Rosie Flores (born September 10, 1950 in San Antonio, Texas) is a rockabilly and country music artist. Her music blends rockabilly, honky tonk, jazz, and Western swing along with traditional influences from her Tex-Mex heritage. She currently resides in Austin, Texas, where August 31 was declared Rosie Flores Day by the Austin City Council in 2006.[1]

Rosie Flores "Little, But I'm Loud"

Rosie Flores - "Rock Your Baby"

Wanda Jacksonと共演もしている。
Wanda Jackson and Rosie Flores... Rockin Little Angel 2009

Cutest FEMALE Guitar Players from around the WORLD! Amazing!