なんとかなるもんだよZUYAさん! ( Hey, ZUYA. You Can Do It! ) 

『なんてこったいZUYAさん!!』をVersion Up.“崖っぷちブルーズマン”ZUYA(ずうや)の悲喜交々を綴る。

The Storm Is Gone... 嵐は去って...

2014年03月30日 | English

Yeah, the storm is gone earlier than I expected.

So I went out and walked around the neighborhood.

The area is well-known as the home of cherry blossom “Somei Yoshino”.

Whenever spring comes here, it makes me feel happy.

I love the people who live in this town, Komagome.

Also restaurants, food stores, folwer shops and anything.

Just one thing,

I'm sorry that I have no Canadian friends here.

お春さま、いらっしゃいませ... - with English Version - 

2014年03月30日 | English

3月28日早朝 駒込・染井神社








Dear Mr.(or Ms.) Spring

Welcome to Komagome Tokyo, Japan.

We've been longing for you.

Though you've just got here, it's Thunder storm today.

I also had a plan to watch Cherry blossom today.

Yeah, I know. It's sucks!

Please stick around and Don't go away!

これぞ正に“春”! This is just “Spring”!

こんなところにも~  Pretty, eh?

染井神社周辺にて around Somei shrine in Komagome