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現在の車両の理解に、お勧めの動画です / This video is recommended for understanding the current vehicle

2025-02-06 17:00:55 | オートバイの未来

Apart from EVs, car manufacturing is undergoing major changes. Here are some videos that will help you understand these changes correctly and spend your life with cars and motorcycles happily and safely forever.

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この「SDV」の特徴や重要性について、トヨタと日産、ホンダの エンジニアの方々が、とても分かり易く解説したトークセッションがアーカイブ動画として公開されており、現在の車づくりの進め方がよくわかる内容になっています。

同時に、現在、増え続けている、インターネットと繋がった車(コネクティッド カー)が社会の中で果たす大きな役割についても話は及んでいますので、併せて、これからの自動車やオートバイに関心のある方に、視聴される事を強くお勧めします。



Today's car manufacturing is dominated by software development, and we are now in an era where software has a significant impact on the performance, characteristics, and safety of vehicles. It is generally referred to as "SDV", but it has already begun to be adopted not only in automobiles but also in motorcycles.

An archived video of a talk session in which engineers from Toyota, Nissan, and Honda explained the characteristics and importance of SDV in a very easy-to-understand manner has been released, and it is a content that clearly understands the current way of car manufacturing.

At the same time, we are also talking about the important role that connected cars play in society, which are currently increasing, so we strongly recommend that those who are interested in automobiles and motorcycles in the future watch it.


ページ中の画像は クリエイティブ・コモンズ 表示 - 非営利 - 改変禁止 4.0 国際 ライセンスの下に提供されています
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