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路面清掃日記『アスファルトを破壊する草』 / Road Ckeaning Diary "Pavement Destroyed by Grass"

2024-11-09 22:30:53 | 路面清掃活動


On November 7, 2024, we conducted a cleanup activity at Ako City's Traffic Park. There is not much cleaning work left on the main road in the center, but we have finally started work on the outer road, which is the most time-consuming part.



『 草はアスファルトを破壊する / Grass Destroys Asphalt 』


One of the things I learned after starting the traffic park cleanup is the power of plants. I was particularly surprised when I learned that grass roots erode and destroy asphalt.

恐らく、草の根が出す酸・根酸によって、アスファルトが溶かされるのでしょう。その量は僅かだとしても、数十年もの年月をかけて破壊してしまうのだと思います。公園は年に数回は草刈りの手入れがされていますが、公園の草の多くは “地下茎” で繁殖するので、地中に根が残っている限りは死なず、直ぐに新しく葉を伸ばして、アスファルトが破壊された跡が至る所にあります。

The asphalt is probably being dissolved by the acid released by the grass roots. Even if the amount is small, it will take decades to destroy it. The park is mowed several times a year, but most of the grass in the park reproduces by "underground stems", so it will not die as long as its roots remain underground, and new leaves will quickly grow, and there are traces of destroyed asphalt everywhere.


『 土が先か、草が先か / Which comes first, the soil or the grass? 』

そして、交通公園の外周を走る外周路では、公園の外から草たちが公園の中へと群れを成して侵略しています。それも、必ず “土” の台地も伴って繁殖しています。恐らく、最初は路面表面を横に伸びる草たちが侵入して、その草たちの助けを借りて、埃や砂、土たちが路面上に溜まり、溜まった土をベースにして草たちが増えるサイクルを繰り返したのでしょう。そんな所でも、当然、定期的に草刈りは行なわれた筈ですが、土の除去は行なわないので、数十年の時の経過で、外周路は外から侵略する草と土に覆われて、被害の大きな所で 40㎝ 以上も外周路が狭くなっているのです。しかも、その土の下ではアスファルトへの浸食は続いているので、路面も被害を受け続けているのです。

And on the outer road that runs around the perimeter of the traffic park, grass is invading the park in groups from outside. It always grows with the soil. Probably, the grass growing horizontally on the road surface invaded first, and with the help of the grass, dust, sand, and soil accumulated on the road surface, and the grass grew on the accumulated soil, repeating the cycle. Even in such places, the grass should have been mowed regularly, of course, but the soil was not removed, so over the course of several decades, the outer road was covered with grass and soil invading from outside, and in the most damaged areas, the outer road has narrowed by more than 40 cm. Moreover, the asphalt continues to erode under the soil, so the road surface continues to be damaged. 



どちらにして、外周路では、土と草、そして草の根の除去に特に手間が掛かます。今回は、僅か 16㎡ ほどの清掃でしたが、4時間余りの作業となりました。しかし、ここが戦いの最前線です。しっかりと対処をすれば、当分の間は侵略を止められるので、来年の春には、より多くの人が安心して利用できる公園になるでしょう。

Either way, it is particularly difficult to remove the soil, grass, and grass roots on the outer road. This time, we only cleaned about 16 square meters, but it took more than four hours to work. However, this is the front line of the battle. If we take appropriate measures, we can stop the invasion for the time being, and by next spring, more people will be able to use the park safely.
But there's more to come.


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