The purpose of creating this document is, first, to add it to the documents when proposing to hold safe driving courses at "Traffic Park" to the traffic division of the jurisdiction police station, the traffic safety department of the city hall, as well as to educational institutions and businesses that use mopeds. As a result of the road surface cleaning by GRA, the main areas of "Traffic Park" have now been cleaned, and by next spring, the dangerous sections of the outer road will be cleaned, so it is expected that the environment will be safe to hold courses during the spring Traffic Safety Week. Therefore, in preparation for next spring's season, we will visit each department and business in December and make proposals using this document.
In addition, we will also post it on the official website as a "publicity document" that can be viewed and downloaded, to appeal to more people and further expand our activities in the future.
Please look forward to GRA's future activities and give us your suggestions.

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