現在の世界全体での感染状況をまとめると、 先週と同様に、インドを除けば、世界全体の感染状況は 2月初旬のレベルまで減少しています。
インドを除く全世界での新規感染者数は、直近の一週間平均で、約 37万人/日 となり、前週の 約 40万人/日 より減少しており、4月初旬に 約 50万人/日 を超えて以降、全世界の感染は抑制方向へと順調に進んでいます。
また、その国の人口を考慮しないで、新規感染者数だけでは 医療への負担レベル や 人々の不安度は計る事はできません。 人口あたりの新規感染者数を 国別・日別でまとめた、別表【感染密度】一覧表を参照ください。
New infection case transition table by country and day
As the media reports, India, which has a population of over 1.3 billion, has a large number of new infections, so it is not a good situation to wait and see.But reporting on the whole world in India is wrong.
The number of new infections worldwide, excluding India, has averaged about 370,000 per day for the last week. This number is down from about 400,000 per day two weeks ago, and the global outbreak has been well under control since it exceeded 500,000 per day in early April.
The level of burden on medical care is not taken into consideration the population of the country, but rather than the population of the country. You can't measure people's anxiety. Please refer to the appended table of the number of new infections per population by country and day.
If you look at this [Infectious Density] list, it is easy to determine that India is not the most serious situation in the world.
なお、情報出典元の OCHA とは「国際連合人道問題調査事務所」の事です
Source:#OCHA ( https://www.unocha.org/ )
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