

☆Eu correrei dentro de 5hours a proxim a maratona cheia?

2011-06-10 12:37:10 | social
●Will I run within 5hours at next full marathon?
For sure!

At last group lesson, there was the sort of verbal exchange with my partner.

But I don’t know I could do that!
This is the story of my struggling for marathon.

I was not a runner up until a few years ago.
In the past, I of course could not run the full marathon, but I also couldn’t run only 2 km.

Let’s explain what changed my jogging life.
One summer day in 2009, I found the information of Tokyo marathon in 2010 on the website.

Despite the Tokyo marathon started in 2007, I have not been interested in it.

But I had metabolic syndrome and I had to get some physical activity.
So the time I thought about it, I checked the application of Tokyo marathon in 2010.

“I try to apply for the marathon.”
In fact, I did not know that the participants in the Tokyo marathon was highly competitive.
It is almost ten times, isn’t it?

And when it maybe in September or October in 2009, I received the e-mail from the organizer of Tokyo marathon.
It said “You are chosen as a participant of Tokyo marathon in 2010!”

So it is really beginner’s luck!
I’m sorry for all applicants who were not be chosen for the marathon.

I was annoyed, because I had not run over 1km then.
I was afraid that I was unable to run the full marathon in about four months.
Our family questioned if I could finish the full marathon.

But I did not have time to dwell on, and anyway I started to run.
First I ran 1km, second 2km, next 5km, I gradually increased the running distance.

But l stopped running by 20km before Tokyo marathon in 2010.
So I did not know the world beyond 20 km at full marathon.

At the Tokyo marathon in 2010, I could really run to 20km after 4 months of hard work.
But !
Over 20km point which was almost in Ginza, I could not run and I was compelled to walk remaining distance.

At last I finished the Tokyo marathon as best I could.
Then I thought that I was good at brisk walking.

By the way, my time of the Tokyo marathon in 2010 is 5hours and 37minites.

I’m sorry for giving long-winded explanation, but that is the reason why I want to run within 5hours at next full marathon.

If I could run every distance of full marathon, not walk, I could finish within 5hours!

But is it easy for me, do you think?

Just then, I was chosen the runner of Osaka marathon in 2011, which is held the first anniversary run!

Sorry for every runner who want to run the Osaka marathon but can’t.

That is also bigginer's luck!

I work hard from now on, and I will definitely achieve the object.

☆Ha muitos comediantes interessantes n o Japao.

2011-06-10 08:46:30 | social

宮川さんも大変だな・・・今日一日 この一発顔芸ばかり・・・




どこか ふーん と感心したのは
やはりテレビに出てくる いわゆる一流芸人たち  の親たち
寿司屋やったあとに石屋やって・・・また何屋 やって・・・とか




要するに自分の気持ち、やる気だな と思わされた次第です。

それは、友達の一言 とか、
こんなテレビへの感覚 とか


There are many interesting comedians in Japan.


2011-06-10 02:38:33 | social
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こんな時に限って英会話のお題が stress! で、least happy が the death of spouse だという話になってしまった・・・ 思い出させられて、また涙。
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