That little leaf button
Is flowering in February
It makes the land colourful
"大地"ってチト大袈裟っすけどね。今の時期、パンジー、ミニ白ギク(不知名前ッス) と並んでアチコチで見掛けますね。花のよーで花でなく、でも何とも言えない可愛いらしさ(まるいから?)、ありますね。写真で見ると三つのミニ葉牡丹の上の方にピコっと出ている三つのムラサキの、葉?は何でしょう? オマケ? 別の種類のミニ葉牡丹? 何でしょーか?
I call it "the land", it would be exaggerated. Nowadays, we can see many pansies, little ( spray ) ( white ) chrysanthemums and little leaf buttons ( also leaf buttons ). It's not flower but looks like flower, it's rounded, lovely. In the picture, you can find three violet leaves over three little leaf buttons. What are they? Are they belong to the three?? Or the other kind of ones??
That little leaf button
Is flowering in February
It makes the land colourful
"大地"ってチト大袈裟っすけどね。今の時期、パンジー、ミニ白ギク(不知名前ッス) と並んでアチコチで見掛けますね。花のよーで花でなく、でも何とも言えない可愛いらしさ(まるいから?)、ありますね。写真で見ると三つのミニ葉牡丹の上の方にピコっと出ている三つのムラサキの、葉?は何でしょう? オマケ? 別の種類のミニ葉牡丹? 何でしょーか?
I call it "the land", it would be exaggerated. Nowadays, we can see many pansies, little ( spray ) ( white ) chrysanthemums and little leaf buttons ( also leaf buttons ). It's not flower but looks like flower, it's rounded, lovely. In the picture, you can find three violet leaves over three little leaf buttons. What are they? Are they belong to the three?? Or the other kind of ones??