オサンポ take a walk - スーパーマリオ super mario bros.

2015年02月18日 | 日記

Mario is standing
In the cold wind
At the flowerpot

植木鉢の中でマリオ。よく見る植木をデコする長い串の付いていて、土に挿して飾って楽しむクマちゃん、とかの仲間では無さそう。道の落としモノを拾って置いたのかしら? という風情。マリオは何をしているところなんすかね。「行くぞ~」的な?
I found that Mario in the flowerpot. We could see some small decorations in flowerpots which have long sticks at the bottom of them then we can stick into the soil. I don't think that Mario is not like them. Someone would have picked up it then put on it. Anyway, what is Mario doing? He might say, "Let's go"(?).
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