オサンポ take a walk - 猫の日 the cat day

2015年02月23日 | 日記

In the cat day
I met a cat
The cat was watching me

昨日の2月22日は「猫の日」だったんだとか。オサンポ中にオサンポ猫に会えましたが、車の陰からコチラを伺い見るダケで、気を許してはもらえませんでした。 何が「猫の日」だい。と言ってみましたが、2/22が猫の鳴き声「ニャン」との語呂合わせから来てるんでショなんてニンゲンの都合が猫に通じるワケないじゃないですか。そ~ニャン?
It was 22nd of Feb yesterday. As for Japanese, 2/22 can be pronounced in the other way, it would be similar to cat's meow. So that some association decided that it has been the cat day. I met a cat during walk yesterday. I love to see cats and happy to be friends with them. But the cat was unfriendly I was a bit disappointed and after I knew it was the cat day so that cats must have done something to us like being friendly. However, OK, that is just at our side we call 2/22 is the cat day. They don't cake about our constitution. Yes. Nothing fault with the cat. Me-ow.
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