オサンポ take a walk - 花二つ two flowers

2015年04月29日 | 日記

White and yellow
They have the same colours
But different

奥の方は姫女苑(ヒメジョオン)もしくは春紫菀(ハルジオン)、手前は園芸種のキク科の何かでしょーか? 自転車屋の入り口の端っこのタイヤの捨て置かれた脇ッチョで競演(共演)していました。同じよーな色を使っていてもデザインや個性が違うとこんなにも違っテ見える。ニンゲンも同じ? 同じよーな色と形をしていても個体個体で皆違う。ふぅ。「みんなちがってみんないい」(by 金子みすゞ) だとは思いますが、その違いがあまりにも大きくて時々疲れることありまへんか? ふぅ。
I think that at the back would be Erigeron annuus or Philadelphia fleabane, the front would be something garden spices of thistle family. They were next to the used bicycle tires at the entrance of bicycle shop. They are different types of flowers and also look difference, even they use similar colours. Humans as well? We have the same shape and similar colours but each person is different from the others. Some poem says "difference is good". But when it is big, I feel tired a bit with it. How about you?
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