
I was watching out
By Azure-winged Magpies
頭の上から「ギャギィ」みたいな声が聞こえてきて、何処から? と首をグルグルとさせて発見。電信柱のてっぺん付近に3羽のオナガ(だと思うのですが)がいました。この「ギィー」みたいな声音は警戒しているときに出す鳴き声とか。とか。ニンゲンはみんな敵だすな。

I heard something like "Gee, gya---" when I was walking, I tried to find "that sounds" where it came from, I guessed it might have been a bird, finally I found three Azure-winged Magpies on the top of a telegraph pole. I discovered that I was watching out. Oh my. It would be a natural idea that they think humans are enemy. I agree.
*I'm not sure if my English grammars' are correct.

I was watching out
By Azure-winged Magpies
頭の上から「ギャギィ」みたいな声が聞こえてきて、何処から? と首をグルグルとさせて発見。電信柱のてっぺん付近に3羽のオナガ(だと思うのですが)がいました。この「ギィー」みたいな声音は警戒しているときに出す鳴き声とか。とか。ニンゲンはみんな敵だすな。

I heard something like "Gee, gya---" when I was walking, I tried to find "that sounds" where it came from, I guessed it might have been a bird, finally I found three Azure-winged Magpies on the top of a telegraph pole. I discovered that I was watching out. Oh my. It would be a natural idea that they think humans are enemy. I agree.
*I'm not sure if my English grammars' are correct.