オサンポ walk - 植物plant: さくら花びら&タンポポ sakura flowers’s petals & a dandelion

2020年04月09日 | 日記
Many Sakura flowers’s petals
Falling on the ground 
They meet a dandelion


Even these Sakura flowers’s petals fall on the ground, they make us enjoy seeing them. It’s good to see ... them with other flowers, such as this dandelion, and so on.
Well, about this Coronavirus problems, we’ve been really worried and everyone’s got involved in the problems. When I see the natures in my neighborhood, I like to see them, I noticed that they are just they are. Just because, they don’t care about humans(?). We, human beings are probably nothing... Some scientist said that a remote cause of the virus would be our lively actions for the economy... that would give the earth damages. I feel sorry and we should properly understand, it is a quid pro quo or, and caution from natures. 
But anyway, right now, we need to get some supports for our lives, as soon as possible. I am doing, to pray for ... the problems will be soon solved ...and to take care of myself...

 *I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.

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