山内 圭のブログ(Kiyoshi Yamauchi's Blog)



2022-12-25 18:38:19 | 日記

griefer(s) (グリーファー), griefing (グリーフィング)
The world of gaming has a term for people who disrupt others just to annoy them: griefers. Several people I spoke to in the metaverse said griefers were a constant problem on its social platforms.
Around 50, 000 people visit VRChat’s virtual clubs and spaces each day, according to a spokesman, “We have a dedicated team that focuses solely on user safety and security,” he added, and visitors can mute or block others to protect themselves from griefing. (Parmy Olson, “It’s awkward being a woman in the metaverse” (The Japan News, Dec. 18, 2021) (from Bloomberg Opinion, December 16, 2021 | 10:12 am)

新語紹介 "griefer", "griefing" - 山内 圭のブログ(Kiyoshi Yamauchi's Blog)

crime tourist(s) (旅回り犯罪者、犯罪旅行者), crime tourism(旅回り犯罪、犯罪旅行)
The investigators didn’t know who the burglars were, but they had spent months painstakingly following a trail of digital breadcrumbs across the country to this nondescript motel off Interstate 395.
Authorities call them “crime tourists.”
Crime tourism has been around since at least the 1990s, but it has recently seen a major expansion. (The Japan News, January 18, 2022 )
(The Washington Post, January 11, 2022)
新語紹介:crime tourists (「犯罪旅行者」または「旅回り犯罪者」) / crime tourism(「犯罪旅行」または「旅回り犯罪」) - 山内 圭のブログ(Kiyoshi Yamauchi's Blog)

Nekonomics (ネコノミクス)
In 2022, the economic effect of “Nekonomics,” or cat economics, is expected to reach almost 2 trillion.
Kansai University Professor Emeritus Katsuhiko Miyamoto pegged the Nekonomics economic effect of cats in 2022 at \1.97 trillion, estimating expenses related to keeping a cat, as well as related areas such as cat cafes, photo albums and travel to see cats.
("Kitty cat industry sees mega surge”, The Japan News, March 1, 2022)

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