文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

215 sheets of photographs in amount to have taken the photograph in 2013/5/17

2013年05月29日 22時38分41秒 | 日記
215 sheets of photographs in amount to have taken the photograph in 2013/5/17 became a wonderful work really.

This day, the weather was fairness as the forecast.
It thought that it wanted to complete the maximum of Arashiyama, Saga-no in May this year and Akutagawa headed.
For example, Rakushi-sha, this became the maximum which Akutagawa took so far.
Rakushisha is the villa of Kyorai Mukai (1651-1704) who is one of Matsuo Basho's 10 leading disciples.
The person who has to have visited this place should have been captivated by the atmosphere beyond description in this place.
It should have felt the difficulty of taking by copying the atmosphere of this place into the photograph at the same time, too.
This day, Akutagawa took all of these places instant as if the god dwelt just like.
It thinks Arashityama, Sagano only however, that it surely will be because it became the garden of Akutagawa to visit 50 times the year.

It is in the midwinter that Daikaku-ji, Akutagawa went to this place first.
It went to take spearflower.
As much as paid no attention in the pond therefore, to do this wonderful
It isn't exaggerated even if it says that Osawa's pond, the presentation one from these ancient times are the only place which leaves the view as ancient.
Akutagawa goes to Daikaku-ji, too, tens of times already.
This day, Akutagawa were perfectly with Daikaku-ji and Osawanoike heart to heart communicationed.
It became the work which isn't exaggerated even if it said the miracle of 2013/5/17.
It became the work to sacrifice a maximum praise to the technology group of SONY which made an obvious maximum.

Today we published please subscribe to this photo book, all of these pictures are good for your heart.

Please subscribe to"The Turntable of Civilization".vol1

Will the Asahi carry the article of the preceding chapter?

2013年05月29日 18時26分38秒 | 日記
It ended medical examination in the hospital and it read the book which was introduced when dining with the close friend and it was more surprised.
The title of the book is “The Japanese cannot understand Chinese and Korean by all means ".
The author is Kou Bunyu.
【 Author-affiliation 】
Ko Bun'yu

1938, coming from Taiwan
The visiting Japan in 1964
The Waseda University department of commercial science graduation, Meiji University graduate school Western country economic history learning gets the master's degree
" Ruin of China " ( Taiwan and the vanguard publisher ) have a person public response and it wins 巫 Fuku civilization criticism prize in 1994, a Taiwan P.E.N. Club Prize.
It is " the inheritance " ( SEISHUN PUBLISHING ) " of the Japanese whom the Japanese don't know ", the near contemporary history centering lecture series of Kou Bunyu at the main book.
Why do the Japanese continue to be respected from the world?
“Japanese who are acclaimed from the world ““The Japanese to have made the world cry "" Why are the Japanese different from the Chinese, the Korean to being this much?
(Above, Tokuma Shoten Publishing Co., Ltd.)
The multitude and so on

It is still different so much!
The Chinese to understand Japanese by all means and the Korean that it isn't possible understand
The publishing office
Inc. Tokuma Shoten Publishing Co., Ltd.
It was the book of the author but it was proving Akutagawa's article by 100 %.
The people all over the world with intellect had better subscribe to all of Akutagawa's " The turntable of Civilization " right now.
By the way
Akutagawa read this book and thought of it short.
Will Asahi carry the article of the preceding chapter?
It went home, it examined and it saw Asahi but it is found nowhere.
As the subscriber for many years, it stuck to the gloomy thought.
It examined the evening paper in boiling, yesterday and today just in case but it is not.
To have become gloomy feelings real is needless to say.
Under present condition, even though, it was in page 8 if examining this paper again while thinking of such a thing which is equal to the criminal act to the too cruel subscriber for many years and seeing it but it was no longer the contents as it calls an article and the small bamboo grass as it is possible calls.
To the stop of two part data counterfeiting nuclear power plants
Korea The country
The Nuclear Safety Commission in Korea announced that it found that the part that the result of the safety test was counterfeited at the 28th, two operating nuclear power plants and one of the maintenance statuses was used and that it exchanged.
Two which are operating with this stop operation on the 29th.
The Korean government is regarding as driving about whether it is 4 - 6 months to the exchange of the part and the safety-check.
There are 23 nuclear power plants in Korea but if three of the problems cannot operate in the summertime where much demand occurs, it is inevitable to fall into an electricity shortage.
It supposes that the 産業通商資源省 " worsens fairly in August, becoming a direct situation from June " and it plans to release the synthetic measure which included brownout and so on on the 31st.
The one with the time which to look for this article, too, took plainly was as above-mentioned but Akutagawa became actually gloomy feelings.
Of the report of TV-Asahi last night however, newspaper however, the Asahi is because it was doing a strange thing from the other day.
But it was doing the form as if to be a big scoop but the Ministry of International Trade and Industry said participation, equal to the document creation at the nuclear power plant
In every country where, in Asahi, as for country's participating about the thing about the energy problems having to do with the root in the country, doesn't it understand a consequential thing, too?
When Ken Sakamura tries to accomplish a TRON revolution, does the U.S. hang pressure on Japan strongly for Bill Gates and don't you know that it crushed this, too?
Saying it should have known Asahi earliest, Akutagawa thinks of this event in Korea.
To the extent that Akutagawa felt, saying the enumeration of the country where however, proper what the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry accomplished to make evade eyes from this thing
The level of the economy is the level of the kindergartner to the style which Tatsuru Uchida commented on.
The politics level and the diplomacy which is a kindergartner are the level of the kindergartner.
In such a situation, the anti-Japanese education of Korea and China cannot be investigated.
It is, and it lends and in your being style, Korea and China don't become a friend forever.
In Asahi, doesn't only the reading column concentrate boiling power?
Doesn't it stop reducing the strength of a nation of Japan of making a country be wrong any more already?
Stop telling Japan by the Department of Politics and Economics former student in Waseda University which is just a small number only already and reel telling.
This “the pretence " is too horrible.
It is a kindergartner.
But now, Akutagawa says nothing if a Korean is investigated


2013年05月29日 17時09分22秒 | 日記

黄 文雄(コウ ブンユウ)
1938年、台湾生まれ1964年来日 早稲田大学商学部卒業、明治大学大学院西洋
経済史学修士。「中国の没落」 (台湾・前衛出版社)が人反響を呼び、評論家活動
へ 1994年巫福文明評論賞、台湾ペンクラブ賞受賞。
主な著書に「日本人が知らない日本人の遺産」 (青春出版社), 黄文雄の近現代
これほどまで違うのか」 (以上、徳間書店)など多数。

発行所 株式会社徳間書店









韓 国

韓国政府は、部品の交換や安全確認には4~6ヵ月かかるとみている。韓国には23基の原発があるが、問題の3基が需要の多い夏場に稼働できなければ電力不足に陥るのは必至だ。産業通商資源省は「6月から非常状況になり、8月にはかなり深刻化する」としており、31日に節電などを含めた総合的な対策を発表する予定だ。 (ソウル)









韓国、原発2基停止へ 性能確認書類に偽造

2013年05月29日 16時47分57秒 | 日記









性能確認書類に偽造 夏に電力不足



韓国政府は、夏場の電力需要がピークに達する8月第2週に200万キロワットの供給不足が予想される 「類例のない電力難」になると国民に節電を求めている。
朴 槿惠(パク・クネ)大統領は28日の閣議で 「電力需給がひどく憂慮される」と述べ、原因究明と責任追及を指示した。


建設中の2基に使用されたケーブルの性能も調べている。ケーブル交換には最低4ヵ月かかる見通し。 ‘




2013年05月29日 16時28分11秒 | 日記
John Hamre 50年生まれ。ジョンズ・ホプキンス大博士。クリントン政権で国防次官、国防副長官。00年より現職



最後の彼からのエール。   文中黒字化と強調は芥川。 




2013年05月29日 16時26分05秒 | 日記
John Hamre 50年生まれ。ジョンズ・ホプキンス大博士。クリントン政権で国防次官、国防副長官。00年より現職


民間企業は無限の賠償責任を負うことはできない。それでは会社は破産し、国民はより不安定な電力供給と高い電力料金という形で、ツケを払うことになるだろう包括的な損害賠償スキームでは、原発事業者が 「第1賠償者」として相応の金銭的負担を引き受けるものとし、それを超える大災害の場合には政府が特例として残りの賠償責任を引き受ける形にするのがよいだろう。



2013年05月29日 16時24分14秒 | 日記
John Hamre 50年生まれ。ジョンズ・ホプキンス大博士。クリントン政権で国防次官、国防副長官。00年より現職




2013年05月29日 16時22分23秒 | 日記
John Hamre 50年生まれ。ジョンズ・ホプキンス大博士。クリントン政権で国防次官、国防副長官。00年より現職

…前章続き。   文中黒字化と強調は芥川。



2013年05月29日 16時18分17秒 | 日記
エネルギー資源乏しい日本の脱原発は誤り 日本が撤退しても新興国の原発推進は不変 民間企業の無限賠償責任の回避へ法整備を

John Hamre 50年生まれ。ジョンズ・ホプキンス大博士。クリントン政権で国防次官、国防副長官。00年より現職






is proving a thing with the right of 100 % as much as becoming unpleasant

2013年05月29日 12時23分10秒 | 日記
That a lot of readers were reading a chapter about Suga Chizu became opportunity, finished including a preceding chapter and Akutagawa headed for the hospital because of the general check-up.
It is reading Nikkei today in the waiting time and it is when approaching page 6.
Actually, it was surprised.
It should say that Akutagawa has a god.
Whether or not not to be seemed a reader, too, of it so?
Akutagawa is proving a thing with the right of 100 % as much as becoming unpleasant about this article about the chapter which was written in 2011/8/5/6, too, by chance.

from the Nikkei 2013/5/29,6 page.(* The following is Akutagawa.)

To stop of Korea, two nuclear power plants
It counterfeits to the confirming performance document.
It is an electricity shortage in the summer.
【 Seoul = the cooperation 】
It announced that it confirmed that the Nuclear Safety Commission in Korea was the 28th, Korea, and that the part that the document which shows the result of the confirming performance test in the safety device at six nuclear power plants in amount during operation and construction, and so on, was counterfeited was used and that the part was the defective product which doesn't function sufficiently to the emergency.
Therefore, it decided to strike a said comittee and so on and to make two during operation stop by the evening on the 29th.
There are 23 nuclear power plants in Korea but 10 pieces of operation stop including eight which are stopping already by the service and so on.
As for the Korean government, the short supply of 2,000,000 receptacles is expected to the 2nd week in August when the electricity demand in the summertime reaches a peak It demands brownout from the people when becoming “the electric power difficulty which doesn't have a similar instance ".
The Park Geun Hye president stated “that it was very anxious for the electric power supply and demand “by the cabinet meeting on the 28th and indicated cause investigation and a responsibility search.
Wolseong Nuclear Power Plant which the machine of the number of 1 of new Kori Nuclear Power Plant 1- 4 and southeastern area Gyeongju in Minabe Pusan suburbs have six the machine of No. 1, 2
It sends a signal to operate a cooling unit at the time of the accident-generation In “the cab cable ", the document of the confirming performance test was a counterfeited product.
Finding that the cable is a defective product at four in amount of the 1 number machines during check stop, the new Wolseong citadel 2 number machines during permission examination of the operation in addition to the Kori Nuclear Power Plant2 number machine and the new Wolseong citadel 1 number machine which is operating by the analysis of the safe committee and so on
It is examining the performance of the cable which was used for two to be constructing, too.
Doing 4 months of minimum or the prospect in cable exchange to drive
Korea makes a plan by which it puts an effort into the nuclear power plant business, and it constructs a nuclear reactor H base newly by 2024 and exports 80 by 30.
In " the Korean waterpower atomic energy " to manage a domestic nuclear power plant on the one hand, the corruption case concerning the article delivery happens in succession.
The fact which was used at the nuclear power plant which is operating with a counterfeit and a secondhand part unjustly delivered last year about 1, too, and the disgraceful affair that accident concealment is detected successive, and so on, continue.

*Masayoshi Son who visited Korea in 2011 and said to the president that was seeing everything of the things such as " Japan is bad for the nuclear power plant but the nuclear power plant is right in your country " minutely about hospitalized Akutagawa in those days.
He places the mass media in Japan in the conversation with the president in a country in how basis and should

the writer knows the power of the will which is shown when facing the toughness

2013年05月29日 09時01分49秒 | 日記
The proposal from " the genuine intellect "
The John Hamre U.S. strategy Institute of International Affairs head of an office
John Hamre
Born in 50
The Johns Hopkins university doctor
It is Deputy Secretary of Defense, Deputy Secretary of Defense at Clinton administration.
It is an appointment from 00.
The following was a yell to Japan people from him, but Akutagawa read this and tears flowed!
In the injection to the best women's college in the U.S. which is as the doctor by the human being whom D of the close friend heaped the first-class brain of the world like him on in the dear daughter by making the classmate who is previously mentioned in, it is an other people's affairs but it takes:-) pride.
It thinks proudly as the Japanese.

The preamble abbreviation
To do the becoming in the text of the black and the emphasis are Akutagawa.

To realize these proposal takes in its own way time for it.
U.S. however, 3 or it overcame by retrieving the trust that the atomic industry can operate a nuclear reactor safely and efficiently behind the Three Mile Island nuclear accident in the several.
Now, the power company in the U.S. is operating a nuke with the reliability which is the safest in the world and is the highest ( then, the profitability is the highest ).
The same thing forms in Japan, too, and it should do.

Japan gets injured now to the heart.
As for it, only the misfortune in Fukushima is not cause.
However, it is because this traged happens to the end of the business conditions flounder which reaches in 15 and the politician is unrolling the ruinous power contention of the self on it.
Now, Japan is reaching hard time.
However, the writer knows the power of the will which is shown when facing the toughness which was kept in the people in Japan and then adversity well.
There is a way that it should advance.

The proposal from " the genuine intellect "

2013年05月29日 08時57分15秒 | 日記
The proposal from " the genuine intellect "
The John Hamre U.S. strategy Institute of International Affairs head of an office
John Hamre
Born in 50
The Johns Hopkins university doctor
It is Deputy Secretary of Defense, Deputy Secretary of Defense at Clinton administration.
It is an appointment from 00.
The preamble abbreviation
The preamble abbreviation
The private enterprise can not assume infinite liability indemnity.
Then, the company goes bankrupt and the people will pay a bill in the form of the high power rates with the more unstable supply of electric power.
The omission
Japan doesn't renounce atomic energy and should aim at a champion in the world in the aspect of the safety at the nuclear power plant to the 4th.
It livens the scope to aim for the world to be first-class by the safe driving of the nuclear power plant in the country and the reputation to the excelling technology must be recovered.
The fact to draft the plan to employ an excellent university grade in the agency and the independently-owned research institute in addition to the establishment of the new research course and the research center in the university, the distribution of the government budget to the safety system and the reactor design research and so on will become necessary.
...Hereinafter, it continues.

" The genuine intellect " It is in the counter-electrode of "self‐aggrandizement" .

2013年05月29日 08時45分18秒 | 日記
The international surveillance system was necessary for commercial nuclear energy development in the country which is scarce about the accountability but both Japan and United States resigned from the nuclear power generation.
" The genuine intellect " It is in the counter-electrode of "self‐aggrandizement" .
From the Nikkei 8/5.29 page
The prolapse nuclear power plant in Japan which is scarce about the energy resource is a mistake Even if Japan withdraws; the nuclear power plant promotion by the developing country is invariable Of the developing legislation to the avoidance of the infinite liability indemnity of the private enterprise.
The John Hamre U.S. strategy Institute of International Affairs head of an office
John Hamre
Born in 50
The Johns Hopkins university doctor
It is Deputy Secretary of Defense, Deputy Secretary of Defense at Clinton administration.
It is an appointment from 00.
The preamble abbreviation
The international surveillance system was necessary for commercial nuclear energy development in the country which is scarce about the accountability but both Japan and United States resigned from the nuclear power generation.
The preamble abbreviation
It is in Japan and the U.S. that it played a role taking the lead in IAEA.
Japan and the U.S made an effort for IAEA's being able to surely control the country which starts the reckless and irresponsible atomic energy use.
The omission
The international surveillance system is necessary for commercial nuclear energy development in the country which is scarce about the accountability but if both Japan and United States resign from the nuclear power generation, the country of which the mechanism which was so can be taken the lead in by forming it has passed away.
Japan and the U.S. will much become unsecure more from now if both Japan and United States evacuate nuclear power generation and become the situation that the various countries not to draw to the safe thought in Japan and the U.S take the management responsibility of the atomic system.
The omission
However, it will connect with the situation that it is difficult to be yes and to have big risk in the long run when seeing a prolapse nuclear power plant with the long eyes and making Japan safer.

Hereinafter, it continues.

Saying the one which these words mean made 20 of pasts, 30 in Japan,

2013年05月29日 08時17分26秒 | 日記
When writing"the timetable of the galaxy train"the truth becomes clearer.

act of ostensible kindness done in one's own interest
ostensibly for sb's good
as if one meant well toward sb
under colour of kindness
under pretense of aiding another (aggrandisement, pretence)

Saying the one which these words mean made 20 of pasts, 30 in Japan, Akutagawa referred.
The reason why the mass media in Japan were hopeless
The persons who found out these mass media to be favorable to its and our country
The people who took it neatly

" The genuine intellect "It is in the counter-electrode of "self‐aggrandizement"
From the Nikkei 2011/8/5.29 page

The prolapse nuclear power plant in Japan which is scarce about the energy resource is a mistake Even if Japan withdraws, the nuclear power plant promotion by the developing country is invariable Of the developing legislation to the avoidance of the infinite liability indemnity of the private enterprise.
The John Hamre U.S. strategy Institute of International Affairs head of an office
John Hamre
Born in 50
The Johns Hopkins university doctor
It is Deputy Secretary of Defense, Deputy Secretary of Defense at Clinton administration.
It is an appointment from 00.
The preamble abbreviation
However, as above-mentioned, it is a big mistake.
China doesn't have the intention of its resigning from the nuclear power generation.
Then, needless to say, Japan is in the downwind side at the nuclear reactor in China once more.
India, too, is the intention which doesn't stop nuclear power generation and Korea, South Africa, Brazil, Pakistan, Iran, too, are so.
Even if Japan breaks off, a lot of countries in the world will promote nuclear power generation.
However, who will play the role to set the global standard which is sound about the construction and the operation of the nuclear power plant?
Also, does it supervise commercial nuclear power industry in the world and who will play the role which prevents the act of of the hand blushing manufacturing a nuclear weapon to the cloak that makes wearer invisible?

...Hereinafter, it continues.