文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

the person all over the world will be more surprised.

2013年07月01日 23時58分31秒 | 日記
Because even Akutagawa was surprised about this article, the person all over the world will be more surprised.
It is from serialization special story " the corporation in 200 " of 2013/7/1, the Nikkei.

Station on the way where the Ako 47 man who made a raid on Kira mansion and achieved a satisfaction heads for Sengakuji
When hanging over Sumidagawa, when coming near Eitai-bashi, Odaka Gengo of one of the master less samurais met the companion of Haikai accidentally.
The name is Takeguchi Sakubei at Matsuo Basho's primary follower, the acquaintance through Kikaku Takarai.
It was the place to do the ridgepole-raising ceremony of the enlarging of a shop by running the brewing industry of the miso.
Odaka with the ability which was as the haiku poet contributed to expand companionship into the master of ceremonial tea, too, for Kira Kouzukenosuke to find out the day of the attending tea and to decide the day of the raid about whether or not it is Oishi Kuranosuke.

Takeguchi shows them in the shop, appreciates a trouble and says that it entertained the liquor and the meal which got ready for the ridgepole-raising ceremony.

This shop to have been announcing that is " being a Chikuma” of Tokyo" being Chikima Miso Inc. “still and continues.
It founded in 1688 (the Genroku first year) and it is in the first that it provided the Ako warriors the temporariness of the rest.
The present Takeguchi Sakubei president is equivalent to the 17th era.

As for Takeguchi house, the present Mie Prefecture Matsusaka City comes.
There is a house respectively still.
The whole took a place name from the name because it was said to that it does Chikuma village.
At first, it ran a lacquer ware shop by Nihonbashi and next, the advance to Edo began miso brewing.
Moreover, Takeguchi house proceeds with the diversification with the rice shop, the time ship jobber, the exchanger.
In the Edo period, it says “that the time ship jobber was” (Takeguchi president) “2 main posts of the business with the exchanger ".
As shown in the home town, Takeguchi house is one of the produced Ise merchants in the successful man as well as the Omi merchant and so on.
In the sharpness of the rational business and the economic sense, an Ise merchant is known.
Mitsui Takatoshi who founded the kimono shop, Echigoya which developed into Mitsui group, too, comes from Isematsu Saka.

It resigned from the custom to send goods to, boiling an order in the taking and going to the house of the visitor, it lowered a cost by the counter sales, and it reduced and it increased a customer.
It seems that it is because it judged that it stood to reason that it had a lot of business in case of Takeguchi house, too.
First, it is possible to reduce risk by the diversification.
Because the distribution of the management resource can be flexibly changed, it connects with the effective use with capital, too.
The rice becomes the raw materials of the miso and the rice shop and the miso brewing industry are in the complementary relationship.
The employee was Isematsu Saka and employed a young clerk the year.
It seems that it is popular because to master the ability of the reading and writing.

The personnel management, too, was rational.
It decided to adopt, whether to see service record and so on only in the step for 3 - 7 years and whether or not to charter it continuously.

It caught the method to result in Ise once in together the person who continues an employment and the breaking person, and to take moreover only the person to employ in the continuation to Edo and to return.
There is a proverb, “to return to one's hometown in glory ", but an excellent textile “to have resulted putting on truly to all the members ". ( Takeguchi president ) ,
However, when breaking off an employment, it showed the very person and to their parents gratitude and consideration.
Much of the business stopped in the disturbance of Bakumatsu and the restoration but a miso brewing industry was left.

The omit the last part

Especially, the severity of the economic critic and so on is flagrant.

2013年07月01日 21時58分16秒 | 日記
That Akutagawa referred many times about the severity of the mass media in Japan is as it knows.
Especially, the severity of the economic critic and so on is flagrant.
It has never seen the reconsideration of making the deflation which was continued in 20.
Nakatani Iwao was saying that the economy never became good with the regulation reform by the news today.
It raised the actual state and it was reconsidering that it was a regulation reformer formerly deeply but it has never seen was almost to the others.

There was a completely consequential article of the absurd view of the tribe who is biting a meal in the mass media in Japan which is, being contrary in “the global opinion “of the Nikkei 4 page today.

It is strange about why it isn't possible to say such a very consequential article to the critics in Japan.

It is as thinking whether or not a pipe isn't heaped from the troubled country about completing vigorously with Japan.

The following article is because it is a very consequential thing.
The translation and * is Akutagawa.

“Japan, the scale expansion of the relaxation, too”

1 % of real interest rates which were seen by the that price connecting is done government bonds in Japan from the election of the House of Representatives at the end to the middle of May last year when Liberal Democratic Party achieved a great victory fell.
This is because the expectation inflation rate of the people rose.
The quantitative relaxation works through the decline of the real interest rate.
Recently, the real interest rate transfers to the rise and the question to the quantitative relaxation seems to occur in the market, but the Bank of Japan pulls a feeling and should wrestle with the quantitative relaxation measure.

Haruhiko Kuroda governor of the Bank of Japan should not catch the technique " to wait slowly later because it did to do already ".
In the quantitative relaxation of the scale with which degree, in the necessity, it understands no one.
Because this is an optimal size, the flexibility not to say that it doesn't move by and it makes a scale big as occasion demands and for it to reduce is necessary.

There is that the Bank of Japan should do three of doing.
The 1st is to accelerate the government bond purchase which is planned to suppress the big change of the government bond yield of the name.
Raise the ratio of the purchase of (ETF) of the price index of stocks related investment trust of being listed that the economic effect is bigger than the government bonds by the property purchase in the 2nd.
The 3rd is to expand the scale of the quantitative relaxation until the government bond market interweaves 2 % of expectation inflation rates.
If the bond market seems not to interweave 2 % of expectation inflation rates in the future, too, it is necessary to expand more.

If the bond market seems not to interweave 2 % of expectation inflation rates in the future, too, it is necessary to expand more.

The bond market should increase until sufficiently and it notices.
Of course, are sometimes mistaken by the bond market, too.
The expectation inflation rate may become high too much.
The market should reduce the scale of the quantitative relaxation if beginning to be anxious for it.
It is not in the scale of the quantitative relaxation, that it is 2 % of inflation rates that are important.
The loss of the central bank who occurs in future with government bond purchase is not an important problem.
The quantitative relaxation of the Bank of Japan is because it connects with the solution of the financial problem in Japan if seeing with the long eyes.

Japan doesn't have to be anxious for the hyperinflation, too.
It returns to usual monetary policy if the inflation rate rises and it should do an interest rate increase.

It spoke with the people in the nearly 20 year Bank of Japan from U.S. Treasury, the U.S. Federal Reserve Board (FRB) times.
They were anxious for the inflation but I said " that it was fortunate if the inflation occurred ".
It should tighten up finance if prices rise and the strong growth returns.
There is not a thing as it becomes the inflation of two digits.
There is a person who is anxious for the government debt crisis like Greece, too, but Japan is different from Greece.
Greece cannot decide a monetary policy only in the own country at the member of the euro zone which European Central Bank (ECB) manages.
There was not chicanery taxation ability, too, in the figure of the government debt.
There is independent Bank of Japan in Japan and there is not a problem in the taxation ability of the government, too.
There is not borrowing of in foreign money, too.
As for being important, it taxes neatly and the debt default (the default) is the fact not to be.
The U.S., too, is the same and the Greek -type crisis doesn't come to the country like the U.S. and Japan.

* Akutagawa approves of his article by 100 %.
Moreover, it is convinced of true what crossed his article about the answer which Akutagawa wrote in "The Turntable of Civilization" and the answer which was written for the other day, Abe prime minister.
Therefore, Akutagawa's "The Turntable of Civilization" is terrible.

Joseph Gagnon The U.S. Peterson international economy laboratory
The advanced researcher
The origin FRB monetary policy bureau deputy chief
It assists crisis compatible as the staff of the Bernanke chairman immediately after Riemann crisis.
It is incumbent from September, 09.
53 years old

America - I Need You

2013年07月01日 19時07分19秒 | 日記
It got to want to listen to their Ventula Highway suddenly and it searched YouTube.
It attempted to listen to this music which was in the side.
The fact of what!
Tens of years later, it encountered this music.
It was such feelings which encountered a favorite sweetheart tens of years later.
The lyrics in some part are because they were youth itself of the writer.

America - I Need You

Because it, too, is a thing in the very selfish ignominious idea, it is more.

2013年07月01日 13時13分37秒 | 日記
The people who have the genuine intellect which exists in the world should have known in reading recent Akutagawa's sentences by them and the perfection of them.
The people who didn't have a feeling knows that it doesn't have genuine intellect and have no choice but to have the tracing of intellect apply for them.
At the same time, the people who didn't have a feeling should know that there is not a qualification which tells the world in the 21st century, too.

Why did"the turntable of civilization"go around to Japan?
Of the providence of the god however, saying being, Akutagawa wrote it.

This time, Akutagawa thought.
10, doesn't it have Xi Jinping?
Don't the sooner or later, the crisis come about the president in Korea, too?

They are because it is profaning a god.
Because it, too, is a thing in the very selfish ignominious idea, it is more.

Is it not the logic of the honest human being?

2013年07月01日 11時52分20秒 | 日記
It doesn't inform.

Xi Jinping
If thinking that you are an eminent major power in the world in the own country, before answering thoughtless words of the politician like the preceding chapter that it does the fact " to let's think promptly " and so on, it should be sometimes necessary to accomplish.

Yesterday, two days ago, the writer went to Manpuku-ji in Kyoto which could not be visited because there was not time.
This temple derives from Ingen which was a noted priest in China.
隱元隆 (1592-1673) was a Chinese Buddhist monk, poet, and calligrapher. He is most known for founding the Obaku school of Zen Buddhism in Japan. Ingen's name in Chinese was Yinyuan Longqi.
But write later about this thing, too
It isn't exaggerated in China and Korea even if it says that the Buddhism had been obsolete.
It will be the one which continues for a long time after beginning but Confucius's being born soon.
But China denied all of these religions basically in the communism
However, Confucius's influence should be even now left.
That Korea is Confucianism state is needless to say.
Is Confucianism the teaching with miserable low level which taught only to make one family valuable?
As for the society, isn't that the world is the get-together of a stranger, too, letting you know?
Is it telling to be permitted to forget the favor which was received from the others?

Only in the relationship with her father, the human being who tries to attempt international politics emitted thoughtless words.
But you were reported to have said to such devoid of reason word that it does the fact " to examine promptly " and so on

You should build the monument “to be the one which was made by the noble help from Japan people “promptly in Beijing, at Shanghai airport and the subway station.

Is it not the logic of the honest human being?