文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

They are a giant in the 20th century.

2013年07月02日 23時56分19秒 | 日記
It thought when listening to Argerich at the classic cafe in Sendai which was putting a wonderful speaker when young.
It finds her sound in the 1 first sounds.
Tonight, it was looking for Quando me'n vo’ in YouTube.
The live broadcasting of the recent singer appeared but there was not that the writer seemed to want to listen.
Then, Maria Callas's one appeared if being.
With the first singing letting-out, she was different completely.
Maria Callas is terrible.
Together with the deep emotion of the first part of a song of Pavarotti in the other day to have been moved
They are a giant in the 20th century.

Maria Callas - Quando me'n vo' - 1958

The providence of the god always works.

2013年07月02日 21時29分58秒 | 日記
For example, the person who never listens to such music during the lifetime is miserable.
After thinking, there were floating people immediately so.
It is at being needless to say that George Harrison passed a gate in the heaven.
It is in being consequential that the human beings who are in the dictatorship and the fascism even if it is completed in the 21st century are damned.
The human beings support this and it by them elect will fall to the deeper hell.
For the anxiety of being and the fear, it knocks down a lie, it steals the one of the person, it distorts a fact and all persons who disturb Peace in this world fall to the deep hell.
The providence of the god always works.
The most selfish human being, the selfish countries fall to always hellishly.

George Harrison - Marwa Blues

Hankyu is one of the most high quality corporations in Japan at the same time as…

2013年07月02日 21時18分06秒 | 日記
Hankyu is one of the most high quality corporations in Japan at the same time as it is the corporation which represents Kansai.
Hankyu Department Stores where they did an addition and betterment newly will be one of the highest peaks in Japan in today.
There is a quintessence in Japan which has hundreds of years and a continuing corporation innumerably.
There was Tully's Coffee in the floor very casually.
Therefore, it listened while drinking coffee.

George Harrison & Friends - Awaiting On You All [Live] [High Quality]

The news of the use stop of face book

2013年07月02日 16時00分31秒 | 日記
There was proposal that had better register for face book, too, from recently, some person and it registered in akutagawa kenji.
As for that my pen name is Akutagawa Kenji, the reader is as it knows.
The other day, suddenly, it was possible to use and it passed away.
As for the reader from the first, the devil like the knowing seems to have accomplished a pinprick to face book when I register in the allonym.

It stops the use of face book because such complication makes it useless completely and it is wasteful.
Because the people of the reader all over the world with intellect were reading your, my blog, please read just as it is at the goo, amoeba, and FC2 site of three and in them twitters of them.

The word of Akutagawa Kenji(芥川賢治) who was born for the 21st century can whenever meet in all persons all over the world, being various if clicking below each.
For Peace and the steadiness in the world in the 21st century, it is an absolute necessity.
the turntable of civilization(文明のターンテーブル)the turntable of civilization(文明のターンテーブル)the turntable of civilization(文明のターンテーブル)

Tadao Umesao who was the anthropologist who isn't bad even if it sometimes excels Jared Diamond

2013年07月02日 10時10分03秒 | 日記
Tadao Umesao who was the anthropologist who isn't bad even if it sometimes excels Jared Mason Diamond crossed to be during life, a few years and lived in China and there was a field work.
He did all Ministries in the field work in most of China.
Of the leader in the successive Communist Party of China however, there will are not such a person.
By the thing to have been made to go to 1 district of somewhere when at most was Cultural Revolution
It was the one that the conclusion to have gotten all the Ministries by doing them in the fieldwork while the brain who is the owner of the rare keen insight of the kind crossed a few years and lived in China is “a plausible false country ".
People himself in China should be silently nodded at by this conclusion.

Mampuku-ji From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2013年07月02日 09時40分10秒 | 日記
Ōbaku-san Manpuku-ji (黄檗山萬福寺, temple Manpuku sur le mont Ōbaku?) est un temple situé à Uji, Kyoto. C'est le temple de tête de l'école du bouddhisme zen japonaise Ōbaku, école à laquelle sont rattachés quelque 460 temples au Japon. Il tient son nom du temple Wanfu à Fujian en Chine. La montagne est également nommée d'après le mont Huangbo où est situé le temple chinois.

Le temple est fondé en 1661 par le moine chinois Yinyuan Longqi (en) (Ingen, 1592–1673) et son disciple Mu-an (de).
En 1664, le contrôle du temple passe aux mains de Muyan, après que de nombreux moines chinois se furent succédé comme prêtres en chef. Seuls le quatorzième prêtre et ses successeurs sont japonais.
21 mai 1673 (Enpō 1, 5e jour du 4e mois) : Yinyuan (Ingen) meurt au temple1.

Les structures du temple sont construites dans le style de la Chine Ming.
La disposition des bâtiments suit également le style architectural de la dynastie Ming et représente l'image d'un dragon.

Gyoban (en) (poisson en bois)
Le temple dispose d'un poisson de bois.

La maison du trésor du temple contient une collection complète de textes sacrés bouddhistes achevée en 1678 et comprenant environ 60.000 blocs d'impression encore utilisés. La production des blocs d'impression a été financée par les dons recueillis à travers le pays pendant de nombreuses années.
La principale statue du temple représente Gautama Buddha assis.
Le temple contient également des sculptures du sculpteur chinois connu sous le nom de Han Do-sei et des balustrades en treillis.

Der Ōbaku-san Mampuku-ji (jap. 黄檗山萬福寺) ist der Haupttempel der japanischen Ōbaku-Zen-Schule, der in Japan etwa 460 Tempel angehören.
Der Tempel wurde 1661 durch den chinesischen Mönch Yinyuan Longqi (chinesisch 隱元隆 Yǐnyuán lóngqí; jap. Ingen Ryūki; 1592–1673) und dessen Schüler Muyan gegründet und ist in Uji, in der Nähe von Kyōto gelegen.
In Erinnerung an seinen chinesischen Stammtempel, den Wan-fu-si (萬福寺 Wàn-fú-sì) am Berg Huang-bo (黄檗山 Huáng-bò shān) in Fujian gab Meister Ingen dem neuen Tempel den gleichen Namen (auf Japanisch) „Mampuku-ji“ und nannte den Hügel „Ōbaku-san“ zu Ehren des chinesischen Chan Meisters Huangbo Xiyun aus dem 9. Jahrhundert. Meister Huangbo Xiyun (jap. Obaku) war der Lehrer von Linji (jap. Rinzai) gewesen, und Ingen wollte dieses Prestige für die Erneuerung sowohl des japanischen Rinzai, wie auch des Sōtō-Zen nutzen.
Der Tempel ist im chinesischen Stil der Ming-Dynastie gebaut. Erst ab dem vierzehnten Abt ging der Tempel von der Hand chinesischer Mönchen in die von japanischen Mönchen über.



2013年07月02日 09時35分37秒 | 日記

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ōbaku-san Manpuku-ji (黄檗山萬福寺 Manpuku Temple on Mt. Ōbaku?) is a temple located in Uji, Kyoto. It is the head temple of the Japanese Ōbaku Zen sect, named after Wanfu Temple in Fujian, China. The mountain is likewise named after Mount Huangbo, where the Chinese temple is situated.

The temple was founded in 1661 by the Chinese monk Yinyuan Longqi (Ingen) and his disciple Muyan.

In 1664 control of the temple passed to Muyan, after many Chinese monks followed as head priests. Only the fourteenth priest and his successors are Japanese.

May 21, 1673 (Enpō 1, 5th day of the 4th month): Yinyuan (Ingen) dies here

The temple structures were constructed in Chinese Ming style.

The arrangement of buildings also follows Ming Dynasty architectural style, representing an image of a dragon.
Gyoban (fish board)
The temple features an exemplary gyoban (fish board, used to toll the hours).
The temple treasure house contains a complete collection of Buddhist scriptures completed in 1678 and comprising approximately 60,000 printing blocks, which are still in use. The production of the printing blocks was funded by donations collected throughout the country for many years.

The temple's main statue is a seated Gautama Buddha.

Sculptures by the Chinese sculptor known as Han Do-sei and latticed balustrades can also be seen.

The world opens eyes tightly and should read this article.

2013年07月02日 07時20分37秒 | 日記
It is the sequel of the preceding chapter.
The world opens eyes tightly and should read this article.

It is because it is the thing which is 100 times as valuable as to read Haruki Murakami's novel.
In Asia, the true friendship and Heiwa are to the thing except the thing that you read this article, opening eyes tightly because it doesn't visit.

As for the thing, it publishes the most important paper shortly in the 21st century.
Now, it writes down beforehand the true truth which can be said only to Akutagawa by the party.

“It is in China that it doesn't recognize that it isn't staring at the history in the own country and it is in Korea.”

the sequel of the preceding chapter

At present, the Chikuma miso sells various miso such as “miso with kelp for making soup" which can have used the letting-out of Kombu, health-conscious” carrying but being miso “which used ginger.
“The sweet miso “to have used malt (growing) richly in it and to have made have sweetness is one which continues from the Edo period.

Chikuma miso composes a group at the Chikuma food (Tokyo Koto-ku) of the marketing division, in Chikuma (the same) which puts an effort into the Internet sale, and so on.
Takeguchi president and each of the Inc. persons in charge discuss and think of the efficiency distribution by the manpower goods and capital.
The clerks who manage each business with the head of a family in the Edo period, too, narrowed down sense to the rational utilization of the management resource.
It inherits the tradition of the group management still.

(The editorial member of the committee Mizuno Yuuji )

The tradition of the Chikuma miso Ise merchant
Chikuma person whom the Ako warriors called in at became a showplace in Edo.
Now, the monument which is called “the place of the forty-seven loyal retainers rest " is built there.

The Chikuma miso appears on the kabuki, too.
The words, “the miso honey buzzard resembles and limits ", appear in “4,000 pieces of koban Umeba” of Kawatake Mokuami who pictures the thief who tore Kinzo in Edo-jo.
Place | of the rest of the " did it sponsor and “whether or not” not to have had mention a name " (Takeguchi president) Ako warriors