文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The following is a sequel in the chapter one ahead.

2013年07月24日 10時03分01秒 | 日記
The following is a sequel in the chapter one ahead.
(from the weekly Shincho)

It extracts oil from filthy water.

On the other hand, it is with “ant family “that it says to exceed 1,000,000 to the country.
The dwelling is a part person at the condominium in the city suburbs.
The instance which lives with equal to or more than 40 youngsters moving a shoulder to 3DK each other was newsworthy.
Only On the bed which space for one was given to in the bearing a close resemblance and the crowding way which can shine in nest " of the " ant surely
Most of them are a grade in the top-notch school such as Bejing University.
The place of employment isn't found out, and does byte of the handbill distribution and the tutor and earn enough to keep body and soul together.
The rent is 1000 yen in a month.
According to above-mentioned Tomisaka
Such with things going the way they are, it's going to be difficult for living in poverty
, They dye a hand gradually work“that is black".
It is by the first stage that it sells an illegal copied product and there is a tribe who handles the oil which is recently called " trough oil " of the cooking oil of the marketing with equal to or less than 1/10 prices, too.
This is the one to have extracted oil from the filthy water of the sewage at the hotel and so on, separating and sells in the dark market.
However, if there are a room and bedding to bear rain and dew and coldness, it is still good.
Of the great cities such as Beijing however, it says that the number of the beggars who wander a downtown isn't fair.
Of the area where the skyscraper ranges however, the resident officer of Beijing residence is begging aged laziness which grovels to on the road and does money, being heartless to tell.
It finds the mite which is called " of which young husband and wife and the one with a child, too, were conspicuous in the busy shopping area and "it wanted to return to the hometown but lost a purse and is called 5 pieces of Renminbi, 10 Renminbi".
There is a person to spread a paper bag by subway and to turn around the one passenger singleness, too.

The correspondent said more “the bottom of the wintry sky, when the child naked saw the figure which is begging by on the road, I, too, found nothing to say indeed.”
It says that there is a systematically using the children who bought for the black market in the loose local city of the control begging tribe, too.
As for the atmosphere in the developing city, too, the poverty of the most bottom peeps if turning over 1 skin.

Это - маленькая колонна в Asahi этом утре.

2013年07月24日 10時00分15秒 | 日記
Это - маленькая колонна в Asahi этом утре.
Akutagawa искренний читатель должен знать что имеется пример который доказывает право Akutagawa статью соответственно, также, 100%.

Но настоящая Осака-shi мэр одобрил план ниже kindergartner cheerfully, говоря он обратился к исполнению впереди телевидения и бы сделал стадион футбола в месте который Бог уехал впереди Oosaka станция который бизнес участок который представляет Японию, и так далее.
На Осаку городская концепция с руководителем не знать что ресурс управления в Осаке где, Akutagawa чувствует сомнение.

Конкуренция гостиницы "Это - жизнь в Осаке".
"Величественная передняя парта Oosaka строится и личность который приедет однажды к Осаке кажется увеличиваться".
Кавасаки Toru президент (
63) в Королевской Гостинице который удается Rihga Королевская Гостиница в Осаке, Nakanoshima чувствует таким образом.
В Величественной передней Осаке Umeda север ярд, это practiced с иностранным капиталом компаньон первоклассная гостиница "Intercontinental Осака Гостиницы", также, но это в состоянии желанный, говоря посетитель из иностранных увеличений стран и всех Oosaka effervescence".
Фактически, оговорки в этим летом называются благоприятный путь который превышает в прошлом году.
Особенно, потому, что посетитель в Корее и Тайване, Южная Восточная Азия видимое, это - идея который кладет власть в продажах.

É uma coluna pequena no Asahi esta manhã.

2013年07月24日 09時59分27秒 | 日記
É uma coluna pequena no Asahi esta manhã.
O leitor sincero de Akutagawa deveria saber que há um exemplo que está provando o direito do artigo de Akutagawa respectivamente, também, antes das 100%.

Mas o prefeito de Osaka-shi presente aprovou o plano alegremente debaixo do kindergartner, enquanto dizendo que ele aplicou ao desempenho em frente à televisão e faria um estádio de futebol no lugar que o Deus partiu em frente a estação de Oosaka que é a zona comercial que representa o Japão, e assim por diante.
Pela Osaka cidade concepção com a cabeça não saber que o recurso de administração em Osaka é onde, Akutagawa sente uma dúvida.

A competição de hotel "é vida em Osaka ".
Escrivaninha dianteira principal" Oosaka é construído e a pessoa que virá uma vez a Osaka parece estar aumentando ".
Kawasaki Toru o presidente (63) em Hotel Real que administra Rihga Hotel Real em Osaka, sente Nakanoshima assim.
Se especializou com afiliado de capital estrangeiro hotel de primeira classe Hotel Intercontinental" Osaka em Osaka dianteiro Principal da Umeda norte jarda, ", também, mas é um acolhimento, enquanto dizendo " a visita dos países estrangeiros aumenta e a efervescência de Oosaka inteiro ".
De fato, são chamadas reservas por este verão o modo favorável que excede ano passado.
Especialmente, porque a visita na Coréia e Taiwan, a South Oriente Ásia é conspícua, é a idéia que põe poder nas vendas.

Es una columna pequeña en el Asahi esta mañana.

2013年07月24日 09時57分43秒 | 日記
Es una columna pequeña en el Asahi esta mañana.
El lector sincero de Akutagawa debe saber que hay un ejemplo que está demostrando el derecho del artículo de Akutagawa respectivamente también, por 100 %.

Pero el Alcalde de Osaka - shi actual aprobaba el plan debajo del kindergartner alegremente, diciendo que era aplicable a la interpretación en frente de la televisión y haría un estadio del fútbol en el lugar que el Dios dejó en frente de estación de Oosaka que era la zona comercial que representa Japón, etcétera.
Por la concepción de ciudad de Osaka con la cabeza para no saber que el recurso de dirección en Osaka es dónde, Akutagawa siente una duda.

La competición de hotel "Es la vida en Osaka".
"Grand Oosaka de recepción es construido y la persona que vendrá una vez a Osaka seem estar aumentando".
Presidente de Kawasaki Toru (63) en Royal Hotel que dirigen a Rihga Royal Hotel en Osaka, Nakanoshima se siente a saber.
En Osaka primera imponente del jardín de norte de Umeda, practicó con hotel de primera clase de la filial de capital extranjero "Osaka del Hotel Intercontinental ", demasiado, pero es una bienvenida, diciendo" la visita de los aumentos de países extranjeros y la efervescencia de whole Oosaka".
En realidad, las reservaciones en este verano son llamadas la manera favorable que sobrepasa el año pasado.
Especialmente, porque la visita en Corea y Taiwán, el Asia Oriental de sur es conspicua, es la idea cuál poner el poder en las ventas.

È una piccola colonna nell'Asahi questa mattina.

2013年07月24日 09時56分59秒 | 日記
È una piccola colonna nell'Asahi questa mattina.
Il lettore sincero di Akutagawa dovrebbe sapere che c'è un esempio che sta provando rispettivamente il diritto dell'articolo di Akutagawa, anche entro 100%.

Ma il sindaco di Osaka-shi presente approvò allegramente il piano sotto il kindergartner, mentre dire lui si riferì allo spettacolo di fronte alla televisione e farebbe un stadio di calcio nel luogo che il Dio lasciò di fronte ad Oosaka collochi che è il distretto di affari che rappresenta il Giappone, e così su.
Dall'Osaka la concezione urbana con la testa per non sapere che la risorsa di gestione in Osaka è dove, Akutagawa sente un dubbio.

La competizione di albergo "è la vita in Osaka ".
"Grande scrivania anteriore Oosaka è costruito e la persona che verrà una volta ad Osaka sembra stia aumentando ".
Kawasaki Toru il presidente (63) in Albergo Reale che maneggia Rihga Albergo Reale in Osaka, Nakanoshima sente così.
Praticò con capitale straniero albergo di prima categoria ed affiliato "Albergo Intercontinentale Osaka in Grande Osaka anteriore del recinto di nord di Umeda, ", anche, ma è un benvenuto, dicendo " il visitatore dai paesi stranieri aumenta e l'effervescenza di Oosaka intero ".
Davvero, prenotazioni in questa estate state chiamate il modo favorevole che eccede l'anno scorso.
Specialmente, perché il visitatore in Corea e Taiwan, la South Oriente Asia è evidente, è l'idea che mette il potere nelle vendite.

Es ist diesen Morgen eine kleine Säule im Asahi.

2013年07月24日 09時56分01秒 | 日記
Es ist diesen Morgen eine kleine Säule im Asahi.
Akutagawa's aufrichtiger Leser sollte wissen, dass es ein Beispiel gibt, das das Recht von Akutagawa's Artikel auch beziehungsweise um 100% beweist.

Aber der gegenwärtige Osaka-shi-Bürgermeister billigte den Plan fröhlich unter dem kindergartner und sagte, dass er sich vor dem Fernsehen zur Aufführung bewarb und ein Fußballstadion in der Stelle machen würde, das der Gott vor Oosaka-Station verließ, die das Geschäftsgebiet ist, das Japan darstellt, und so weiter.
Neben der Osaka-Stadt Vorstellung mit dem Kopf, der nicht wusste, dass das Managementmittel in Osaka dort ist, wo, Akutagawa empfindet einen Zweifel.

Die Hotelkonkurrenz "Es ist Leben in Osaka ".
"Großartiger Frontschreibtisch Oosaka wird gebaut, und die Person, die einmal zu Osaka kommen wird, scheint zuzunehmen, ".
Kawasaki Toru-Präsident (63, in Royal Hotel, das in Osaka mit Rihga Royal Hotel fertigwird, Nakanoshima fühlt sich so.
In Großartiger Front Osaka des Umeda-Nordens Hof, es übte mit fremdem Kapital, gliedern Sie erstklassigem Hotel "Interkontinentales Hotel Osaka an ", auch, aber es ist ein Willkommen, Sprichwort " der Besucher von den fremden Ländern Zunahmen und ganzen Oosaka's Sprudeln ".
Eigentlich werden Bedenken in diesem Sommer der günstige Weg angerufen, der letztes Jahr übersteigt.
Besonders, weil der Besucher in Korea und Taiwan, der Süden Ostasien ist auffallend, es ist die Idee, die Macht in die Verkäufe setzt.

C'est une petite colonne dans l'Asahi ce matin.

2013年07月24日 09時54分51秒 | 日記
C'est une petite colonne dans l'Asahi ce matin.
Le lecteur sincère d'Akutagawa devrait savoir qu'il y a un exemple qui prouve respectivement le droit de l'article d'Akutagawa, aussi, par 100%.

Mais le maire Osaka-shi présent a approuvé gaiement le plan au-dessous du kindergartner, en disant il a appliqué à la performance devant la télévision et ferait un stade du football dans la place que le Dieu a laissé devant poste Oosaka qui est le district de l'affaire qui représente le Japon, et ainsi de suite.
Par la conception de ville Osaka avec la tête ne pas savoir que la ressource de la gestion dans Osaka est où, Akutagawa sent un doute.

La compétition d'hôtel "C'est vie dans Osaka ".
Le "grand bureau de réception Oosaka est construit et la personne qui viendra une fois à Osaka paraît augmenter ".
Kawasaki Toru président (63) dans Hôtel Royal qui dirige Rihga Hôtel Royal dans Osaka, Nakanoshima sent donc.
Dans Grand Osaka de devant de l'Umeda jardin nord, il a pratiqué avec filiale du capital étrangère hôtel de premier ordre "Hôtel Intercontinental Osaka ", aussi, mais c'est un accueil, en disant " le visiteur des pays étrangers augmente et l'effervescence d'Oosaka entier ".
Réellement, les réservations en cet été sont appelées le chemin favorable qui dépasse l'année dernière.
Surtout, parce que le visiteur en Corée et Taiwan, la South Est Asie est visible, c'est l'idée qui met le pouvoir dans les ventes.

It is a small column in the Asahi this morning.

2013年07月24日 09時53分19秒 | 日記
It is a small column in the Asahi this morning.
Akutagawa's sincere reader should know that there is an example which is proving the right of Akutagawa's article respectively, too, by 100 %.

But the present Osaka-shi mayor approved of the plan below the kindergartner cheerfully, saying he applied to the performance in front of the television and would make a soccer stadium in the place which the God left in front of Oosaka station which is the business district which represents Japan, and so on.
By the Osaka city conception with the head not to know that the management resource in Osaka is where, Akutagawa feels a doubt.

The hotel competition “It is life in Osaka ".
“Grand front desk Oosaka is built and the person that will come once to Osaka seems to be increasing ".
Kawasaki Toru president (63) in Royal Hotel which manages Rihga Royal Hotel in Osaka, Nakanoshima feels thus.
In Grand front Osaka of the Umeda north yard, it practiced with foreign capital affiliate first-class hotel “Intercontinental Hotel Osaka ", too, but it is a welcome, saying " the visitor from the foreign countries increases and whole Oosaka's effervescence ".
Actually, reservations in this summer are called the favorable way which exceeds last year.
Especially, because the visitor in Korea and Taiwan, the South East Asia is conspicuous, it is the idea which puts power in the sales.

I introduce in the meaning to say that it is true intellect of.

2013年07月24日 00時29分49秒 | 日記
The weekly magazine that weekly Shincho is published from Inc. Shinchosha which is a major publishing company in Japan
The latest circulation is 567,848.
It is the circulation of 2nd of Japan following the other day, introduced weekly BUNSHUN..
As for the feature article which crosses page 6 about China of this week's issue of this weekly magazine, all over the world, too, will be the article which it should know.

This article is proving the right of the conclusion to have gotten the fieldwork which covers all Ministries in China with Tadao Umesao who is the big anthropologist whom Japan produced which Akutagawa referred to many times living in the few years, China by accomplishing it.

Of course, I don't introduce to argue China.
Because Japan in the neighboring country, too, doesn't know, as for the world, Japan and the world should recognize the actual state of China which doesn't have a reason for knowing as the fact neatly beforehand.
I introduce in the meaning to say that it is true intellect of.

The living standard of“the mouse family”which lives at the underground thrum at the skyscraper
Out of the Chinese people who count 1,300,000,000, eyes are made about 500,000 even if the wealthy classes rarely estimate mainly an urban area.
If calculating backward, 1,299,500,000 citizens of the remainder are suffering from the poverty with a country as much as 2nd of the GDP world being with not seeming.
The power to be surprised at is that “the mouse family " lives in the underground at the gorgeous skyscraper.
“The mouse family " is the common name which means the laborer of the low wages which came from the district to the great city to the working away from home.
By the soaring of the rent, they who cannot live in the proper room are doing underground at the building mainly in the roost boiling.
The being of the rent among 1 of 6 mats to pay the administrator per month is done about 3000 yen, and it places 3 of being compulsory two berths there and that seven 3 generations live in with each parents, child with husband and wife is proper.
As for the meal, the instant noodles are of primary concern and of course, the lavatory cooperates because there is not a window, too, and there is not a place which washes in the cooking, too.
Rather, the case which dragged electricity selfishly, boiled it in the instrument putting of the public restroom and was planted has been reported, too.
It is literally compelled to live brown rat just like.
The great part of them works at the building site.
The contract for salary not to be absolutely paid until the construction ends in China
It is common for the trader to abscond after the building is complete and to earn a salary and to damage, too.
(Spot newspaperman)
Only at this time, the government, too, says that the pork sometimes pays to the laborer.
However, it is not the consideration when helping a weak person.
There is estimated to be equal to or more than 1,000,000 mouse family in Beijing city.
For their riot not to occur, the government official distributes little money and is doing a gas drainage only.
“The fear that the capital destroys at mouse rebellion ", too, is because it is.
Hereinafter, it continues.