But the seeds of idiotic scholars are endless. For example, Waseda University's Kenichi Goto wrote a lie about Japanese troops killing 50,000 islanders in East Timor.
He was delighted by the Asahi, but he was shunned like a brute by his neighbors.
It is the chapter I sent out on 08/17/2019.
The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
The foolish illusion that being in the Asahi Shimbun is first class
In the past, foolish scholars believed they were top-notch if they appeared in the Asahi Shimbun.
One such scholar was Akira Fujiwara, a professor at Hitotsubashi University, who the Asahi Shimbun once approached with an offer to write an article for them.
Fujiwara is also a scholarly petty.
Poison gas was first used in World War I during trench warfare.
It was made heavier than air, crawled on the ground, and flowed into trenches to kill.
He thought it wouldn't be much of a story if it rose into the sky, but he couldn't afford to spoil Asahi's good mood.
Professor Fujiwara talked and said, "Hi, this is poison gas.
When we thought no one would challenge Asahi, Mizuho Ishikawa of Sankei Shimbun exposed the lie.
The public accused Fujiwara of being a lying professor, and he disappeared from the scene.
However, the seeds of idiotic scholars are endless.
Waseda University's Kenichi Goto wrote a lie about the Japanese killing 50,000 islanders in East Timor.
He was lauded by the Asahi but was shunned like a brute by his neighbors.
Asuka Jyusen, a professor at Tohoku University, wrote in the Asahi Shimbun as an attendual.
"China is an honor student of emission regulations. Japan is also an apprentice."
As soon as he wrote that, the PM2.5 scandal broke out, exposing his lie, and his name, Asuka, which looks legitimate, is a fake.
He was exposed as a Chinese who had changed his name to a Japanese one.
Now there is a flood of complaints to the Ministry of Education asking why they would allow such a lying gaijin to be a university professor.
Yet there are still scholars who want to write for Asahi, and now Eiji Oguma seems to have taken the place of Akira Fujiwara.
He collects and comments on the words of unheard scholars who have complied with Asahi, a faction that keeps the Constitution. ("The reason why it has not been revised" dated April 27, 2019)
Kenneth McElwain lies with a straight face about why the Constitution has gone 70 years without being amended, saying, "The flexibility to 'provide for this by law' has kept us from amending the Constitution."
What nonsense.
The Constitution was not changed because there was no referendum law to decide whether to approve or disapprove of the Constitution.
Abe created it, and it went into effect only seven years ago.
Ordinary Japanese would never like a Constitution MacArthur created on his own under the guise of "I am deeply pleased" (imperial edict) with His Majesty.
In response, Kimura Sota said, "There is nothing wrong with the content of the current Constitution. The only thing that can be attributed to it is that it was forced upon us."
He holds up the Constitution in such a way that it is a beggar's knees that says we have to live on the backs of other countries.
This sophist is said to be a graduate of Yasuo Hasebe's seminar.
I can understand why.
And then, Oguma brought up constitutionalism.
It is the Asahi Shimbun's favorite argument, which goes back to the original meaning of the Chinese character for "Constitution," which means "law that corrects (ken) the law.
However, Japanese people have never been concerned with the original meaning of kanji characters, for example, the character for "people" in the Japanese word for democracy.
The primary meaning is "People" who crushed "Ichi" in the pupil of "Gèn," which means eyes and made them blind.
In other words, people mean "a stupid group who can't see anything."
The Japanese coined the term don't care about that, with the intention of the general public, democracy.
It seems that the Chinese people saw the word and thought it was "mob politics," but they've become accustomed to the Japanese, and the Chinese imitate the Japanese.
Nowadays, 75% of the words used by the Shina people are in Japanese, and Junko Miyawaki says, "Shina now belongs to the Japanese cultural sphere."
In these times, the character for "ken" in the Constitution reads "correct the law."
I wondered who else besides the Asahi Shimbun would believe such nonsense. Still, It told me that an Irishman, the Kenneth mentioned above, is the only one who believes and promotes it.
If you enter the Japanese cultural sphere, you had better learn about the culture.
Oguma, if you continue to browbeat Asahi and talk nonsense, you will end up following in the footsteps of Akira Fujiwara.
*The Japanese people who, like me, subscribed to the Asahi Shimbun until August 2014 and watched the flagship news program of TV Asahi, a subsidiary of Asahi, "News Station," which was hosted by the highly paid and highly paid Ichiro Furutachi, without the slightest doubt.
Everyone is biting their navels, feeling regretful and annoyed.
Furutachi praised the man mentioned above, Sota Kimura as if he were the best in the constitutional law community and had him as a regular commentator.
The same was true of Eiji Oguma.
NHK, which paid Furutachi such a high fee to host such an unimportant program, expressed the same ideology as that of TV Asahi.
Japan is giving them the treatment of a state-run broadcaster. Japan gives its employees the highest annual salaries in Japan. However, the time has long come when we must abandon such a Japan.
He was delighted by the Asahi, but he was shunned like a brute by his neighbors.
It is the chapter I sent out on 08/17/2019.
The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
The foolish illusion that being in the Asahi Shimbun is first class
In the past, foolish scholars believed they were top-notch if they appeared in the Asahi Shimbun.
One such scholar was Akira Fujiwara, a professor at Hitotsubashi University, who the Asahi Shimbun once approached with an offer to write an article for them.
Fujiwara is also a scholarly petty.
Poison gas was first used in World War I during trench warfare.
It was made heavier than air, crawled on the ground, and flowed into trenches to kill.
He thought it wouldn't be much of a story if it rose into the sky, but he couldn't afford to spoil Asahi's good mood.
Professor Fujiwara talked and said, "Hi, this is poison gas.
When we thought no one would challenge Asahi, Mizuho Ishikawa of Sankei Shimbun exposed the lie.
The public accused Fujiwara of being a lying professor, and he disappeared from the scene.
However, the seeds of idiotic scholars are endless.
Waseda University's Kenichi Goto wrote a lie about the Japanese killing 50,000 islanders in East Timor.
He was lauded by the Asahi but was shunned like a brute by his neighbors.
Asuka Jyusen, a professor at Tohoku University, wrote in the Asahi Shimbun as an attendual.
"China is an honor student of emission regulations. Japan is also an apprentice."
As soon as he wrote that, the PM2.5 scandal broke out, exposing his lie, and his name, Asuka, which looks legitimate, is a fake.
He was exposed as a Chinese who had changed his name to a Japanese one.
Now there is a flood of complaints to the Ministry of Education asking why they would allow such a lying gaijin to be a university professor.
Yet there are still scholars who want to write for Asahi, and now Eiji Oguma seems to have taken the place of Akira Fujiwara.
He collects and comments on the words of unheard scholars who have complied with Asahi, a faction that keeps the Constitution. ("The reason why it has not been revised" dated April 27, 2019)
Kenneth McElwain lies with a straight face about why the Constitution has gone 70 years without being amended, saying, "The flexibility to 'provide for this by law' has kept us from amending the Constitution."
What nonsense.
The Constitution was not changed because there was no referendum law to decide whether to approve or disapprove of the Constitution.
Abe created it, and it went into effect only seven years ago.
Ordinary Japanese would never like a Constitution MacArthur created on his own under the guise of "I am deeply pleased" (imperial edict) with His Majesty.
In response, Kimura Sota said, "There is nothing wrong with the content of the current Constitution. The only thing that can be attributed to it is that it was forced upon us."
He holds up the Constitution in such a way that it is a beggar's knees that says we have to live on the backs of other countries.
This sophist is said to be a graduate of Yasuo Hasebe's seminar.
I can understand why.
And then, Oguma brought up constitutionalism.
It is the Asahi Shimbun's favorite argument, which goes back to the original meaning of the Chinese character for "Constitution," which means "law that corrects (ken) the law.
However, Japanese people have never been concerned with the original meaning of kanji characters, for example, the character for "people" in the Japanese word for democracy.
The primary meaning is "People" who crushed "Ichi" in the pupil of "Gèn," which means eyes and made them blind.
In other words, people mean "a stupid group who can't see anything."
The Japanese coined the term don't care about that, with the intention of the general public, democracy.
It seems that the Chinese people saw the word and thought it was "mob politics," but they've become accustomed to the Japanese, and the Chinese imitate the Japanese.
Nowadays, 75% of the words used by the Shina people are in Japanese, and Junko Miyawaki says, "Shina now belongs to the Japanese cultural sphere."
In these times, the character for "ken" in the Constitution reads "correct the law."
I wondered who else besides the Asahi Shimbun would believe such nonsense. Still, It told me that an Irishman, the Kenneth mentioned above, is the only one who believes and promotes it.
If you enter the Japanese cultural sphere, you had better learn about the culture.
Oguma, if you continue to browbeat Asahi and talk nonsense, you will end up following in the footsteps of Akira Fujiwara.
*The Japanese people who, like me, subscribed to the Asahi Shimbun until August 2014 and watched the flagship news program of TV Asahi, a subsidiary of Asahi, "News Station," which was hosted by the highly paid and highly paid Ichiro Furutachi, without the slightest doubt.
Everyone is biting their navels, feeling regretful and annoyed.
Furutachi praised the man mentioned above, Sota Kimura as if he were the best in the constitutional law community and had him as a regular commentator.
The same was true of Eiji Oguma.
NHK, which paid Furutachi such a high fee to host such an unimportant program, expressed the same ideology as that of TV Asahi.
Japan is giving them the treatment of a state-run broadcaster. Japan gives its employees the highest annual salaries in Japan. However, the time has long come when we must abandon such a Japan.
The following is from the latest book by Masayuki Takayama, the one and only journalist in the postwar world, published on 6/30/2019 by Tokuma Shoten under the title "Korea and the Media Shamelessly Lie."
It is a must-read for all Japanese citizens, and you must head to your nearest bookstore now to subscribe.
It is also a must-read for people all over the world, about which I would like to make it known to the world as much as possible with my poor English skills.
It is Korea, which has EVOLUTIONARY come back to ancient times.
William Arson Grebst, a Swede who was only 18 years old, walked around Korea at the end of the 19th century and wrote a book titled "Tragic Korea.
A Japanese translation of the book is available, but since the translator is a Korean, there are many mistranslations; for example, "These lazy people" is translated as "These optimistic people.
Even so, it cannot disguise the scene of the public execution.
The condemned criminal's hands and feet are tightly bound with ropes, and "a stick is twisted between both legs, and one leg is crushed with full force, and finally there is a dull sound of bones being shattered and crushed. ......" "If he faints, sprinkle water on it to restore it to sanity" It is described how he crushes the other leg, in the same way, then "crushes the bones of the arm, breaks the ribs," and finally "strangles him to death with a silk cord.
The young man expresses his surprise and despair that "such a country still exists on earth" and concludes, "Only the Japanese can make it stop."
The book was published in 1894.
In the same year, an assassin released by Empress Myeongseong shot and killed Kim Ok-gyun, an open-minded person, in Shanghai. His body was sentenced to lingchi in Gyeongseong and then dismembered; his head was exposed in Gyeonggi-do, and his limbs in Gyeongsang-do and Hamgyeong-do.
Kim Ok-gyun studied at Keio University under Fukuzawa Yukichi.
Shibasaburo Kitasato, who established a medical school at Keio, went to Hong Kong to help the plague victims when Kim Ok-gyun's head was exposed.
In just three days, he discovered the plague bacillus, which the European medical community had been chasing with all its eyes since the Black Death of the 14th century, and found that rats carried it.
This episode shows the sad gap between the two countries, which the Sino-Japanese War followed in the same year.
Japan won the war with 30,000 casualties, eliminating Chinese influence from the peninsula and forcing Joseon to recognize its independence.
However, Korea was like Clara in "The Girl from the Alps.
Fearful of being on her own, she clung to Russia and ultimately drove Japan into war with Russia.
Disgusted by Clara's horrifying appearance, Theodore Roosevelt closed all U.S. diplomatic missions, including the U.S. legation, and ordered all diplomats to leave the country.
He closed all U.S. diplomatic missions, including the U.S. legation, and withdrew all diplomats from the country.
The world followed suit.
Let Japan take care of you as Grebst predicted.
It will cost Japan dearly.
It was also Theodore's aim, as he saw Japan as a threat.
Japan would grudgingly accept Japanese rule.
But once accepted, the Japanese would take care of them diligently. They ended that cruel punishment abolished the status system that bound them, and freed the servants.
There was no name for women in this country.
Even Empress Myeongseong means "Queen of the Min clan," not her name.
So they made her create a name, but there was no such tradition.
So they gave many names in Japanese styles, such as Yoshiko or Ikue.
Japan spent nearly 20% of its national budget every year to build a railroad line, a power plant, and lights in former houses in a country without even a cart.
The ancient society, which had been unregenerate and filthy, was reborn as a modern society over a thousand years.
However, the hearts of people did not change.
As soon as Japan was defeated in the last war, they returned to ancient times.
Korean officers came to 11-year-old Yoko's house and took away everything from precious metals to her mother's glasses.
On the way back to Japan, the Japanese were attacked, looted, and slaughtered by the Koreans. Some bodies had their mouths crushed, and gold teeth pulled out.
Japanese women were also attacked in Seoul, where they arrived (Watkins, Yoko, "Bamboo Grove Far Away").
Then, following the massacre of 60,000 people on Jeju Island and the murder of 100,000 people by the Hodo League, the first anti-Japanese line, the Syngman Rhee line, was drawn.
He called the Takeshima area "Uli's Sea" and shot and captured Japanese fishing boats.
Forty-four people were killed, 4,000 were captured, and "20 people were crammed into a 6-tatami-mat jail," just as Grebst had seen a Korean prison.
Anti-Japanese is on a rampage, blowing Asahi Shimbun's fabricated comfort women to the world, picking a fight with the rising sun flag of the Maritime Self-Defense Force vessels, and cursing "Japanese are monkeys" when they look more like them.
Now they are happy to vandalize and defile Japanese shrines and temples.
The U.S. operation to behead Kim Jong-un is inevitable.
Katsuhiro Kuroda, a correspondent of Sankei, points out the lack of a sense of crisis: "A Japanese school, which was supposed to be a shelter for Japanese residents in Japan, has been newly built across the Han River (where the bridge will be dropped).
So what will happen in the event of an attack on Seoul?
For the time being, the Japanese should evacuate along with South Korean citizens to a nearby underground shelter.
Moon Jae-in, who danced and sang like Shoko Asahara in his election campaign, even rejected the approach of a Japanese Self-Defense Force ship to rescue Japanese citizens because it was wearing the flag of the Rising Sun.
It is even more ridiculous to think that the citizens of South Korea, who until yesterday were holding candles to protect the comfort women statue, would allow Japanese nationals into their shelters.
This article continues.
It is a must-read for all Japanese citizens, and you must head to your nearest bookstore now to subscribe.
It is also a must-read for people all over the world, about which I would like to make it known to the world as much as possible with my poor English skills.
It is Korea, which has EVOLUTIONARY come back to ancient times.
William Arson Grebst, a Swede who was only 18 years old, walked around Korea at the end of the 19th century and wrote a book titled "Tragic Korea.
A Japanese translation of the book is available, but since the translator is a Korean, there are many mistranslations; for example, "These lazy people" is translated as "These optimistic people.
Even so, it cannot disguise the scene of the public execution.
The condemned criminal's hands and feet are tightly bound with ropes, and "a stick is twisted between both legs, and one leg is crushed with full force, and finally there is a dull sound of bones being shattered and crushed. ......" "If he faints, sprinkle water on it to restore it to sanity" It is described how he crushes the other leg, in the same way, then "crushes the bones of the arm, breaks the ribs," and finally "strangles him to death with a silk cord.
The young man expresses his surprise and despair that "such a country still exists on earth" and concludes, "Only the Japanese can make it stop."
The book was published in 1894.
In the same year, an assassin released by Empress Myeongseong shot and killed Kim Ok-gyun, an open-minded person, in Shanghai. His body was sentenced to lingchi in Gyeongseong and then dismembered; his head was exposed in Gyeonggi-do, and his limbs in Gyeongsang-do and Hamgyeong-do.
Kim Ok-gyun studied at Keio University under Fukuzawa Yukichi.
Shibasaburo Kitasato, who established a medical school at Keio, went to Hong Kong to help the plague victims when Kim Ok-gyun's head was exposed.
In just three days, he discovered the plague bacillus, which the European medical community had been chasing with all its eyes since the Black Death of the 14th century, and found that rats carried it.
This episode shows the sad gap between the two countries, which the Sino-Japanese War followed in the same year.
Japan won the war with 30,000 casualties, eliminating Chinese influence from the peninsula and forcing Joseon to recognize its independence.
However, Korea was like Clara in "The Girl from the Alps.
Fearful of being on her own, she clung to Russia and ultimately drove Japan into war with Russia.
Disgusted by Clara's horrifying appearance, Theodore Roosevelt closed all U.S. diplomatic missions, including the U.S. legation, and ordered all diplomats to leave the country.
He closed all U.S. diplomatic missions, including the U.S. legation, and withdrew all diplomats from the country.
The world followed suit.
Let Japan take care of you as Grebst predicted.
It will cost Japan dearly.
It was also Theodore's aim, as he saw Japan as a threat.
Japan would grudgingly accept Japanese rule.
But once accepted, the Japanese would take care of them diligently. They ended that cruel punishment abolished the status system that bound them, and freed the servants.
There was no name for women in this country.
Even Empress Myeongseong means "Queen of the Min clan," not her name.
So they made her create a name, but there was no such tradition.
So they gave many names in Japanese styles, such as Yoshiko or Ikue.
Japan spent nearly 20% of its national budget every year to build a railroad line, a power plant, and lights in former houses in a country without even a cart.
The ancient society, which had been unregenerate and filthy, was reborn as a modern society over a thousand years.
However, the hearts of people did not change.
As soon as Japan was defeated in the last war, they returned to ancient times.
Korean officers came to 11-year-old Yoko's house and took away everything from precious metals to her mother's glasses.
On the way back to Japan, the Japanese were attacked, looted, and slaughtered by the Koreans. Some bodies had their mouths crushed, and gold teeth pulled out.
Japanese women were also attacked in Seoul, where they arrived (Watkins, Yoko, "Bamboo Grove Far Away").
Then, following the massacre of 60,000 people on Jeju Island and the murder of 100,000 people by the Hodo League, the first anti-Japanese line, the Syngman Rhee line, was drawn.
He called the Takeshima area "Uli's Sea" and shot and captured Japanese fishing boats.
Forty-four people were killed, 4,000 were captured, and "20 people were crammed into a 6-tatami-mat jail," just as Grebst had seen a Korean prison.
Anti-Japanese is on a rampage, blowing Asahi Shimbun's fabricated comfort women to the world, picking a fight with the rising sun flag of the Maritime Self-Defense Force vessels, and cursing "Japanese are monkeys" when they look more like them.
Now they are happy to vandalize and defile Japanese shrines and temples.
The U.S. operation to behead Kim Jong-un is inevitable.
Katsuhiro Kuroda, a correspondent of Sankei, points out the lack of a sense of crisis: "A Japanese school, which was supposed to be a shelter for Japanese residents in Japan, has been newly built across the Han River (where the bridge will be dropped).
So what will happen in the event of an attack on Seoul?
For the time being, the Japanese should evacuate along with South Korean citizens to a nearby underground shelter.
Moon Jae-in, who danced and sang like Shoko Asahara in his election campaign, even rejected the approach of a Japanese Self-Defense Force ship to rescue Japanese citizens because it was wearing the flag of the Rising Sun.
It is even more ridiculous to think that the citizens of South Korea, who until yesterday were holding candles to protect the comfort women statue, would allow Japanese nationals into their shelters.
This article continues.
TBSが反日的報道をする理由を知っていますか? 元TBS社員の独り言 「うちの局がこんなになってしまった経緯をお話しましょう」
Top 10 real-time searches 2022/7/19, 20:06
【夏の甲子園】酷暑で倒れる球児を尻目に入場料は値上げ、高野連と朝日新聞が“金儲け”に走った理由7/18(月) 全国各地の高校球児が甲子園出場をかけた地方大会がスタート。各地で熱戦が繰り広げられているが、「試合中に足をつる選手が続出しています
7/18(月) 全国各地の高校球児が甲子園出場をかけた地方大会がスタート。各地で熱戦が繰り広げられているが、「試合中に足をつる選手が続出しています。
I was watching watch9 now and thought, "what!".
Yuzuru Hanyu appeared, so I was watching the giants VS Yakult.
In the video, when he won the 2018 National Honor Award, NHK cut the footage of the Prime Minister of Japan handing over.
I checked the search just in case, thinking it should be Mr. Abe.
After all, it was Mr. Abe.
All the people who control the NHK news department and those who appear as casters are anti-Japanese.
And now, while cutting the video of Prime Minister Abe, he is happy to report the reaction of Chinese fans and others.
I watched the results of the Kishida administration's poll on the news at 7 o'clock.
NHK has never asked Prime Minister Kishida the item "I can't trust the Prime Minister's personality" in the first place.
It is a clear fact that NHK continued to ask the question "I can't trust the prime minister's personality" in the first place for more than eight years when Mr. Abe was the prime minister.
It is a clear fact that NHK created the cause of the assassination of former Prime Minister Abe, a rare politician.
Along with the Asahi Shimbun, it is clear that NHK was one of the most significant factors in this assassination; NHK was one of the actual criminals.
Nothing is more unreasonable than it cannot punishing NHK staff while they are alive.
Today, I am convinced that China is working on Japan's SNS on a large scale, as it is in Western countries.
Thanks to Ms. Kumiko Takeuchi's genuine treatise published in the Sankei Shimbun's Seiron, made me decisively convinced.
It is clear that Ms. Takeuchi, an ethologist who studied at Kyoto University, continues to inform the Japanese people of the correct knowledge about the Japanese imperial family.
She continues to work for 120 million people in this matter.
She is, in other words, a "national treasure" that she continues to contribute to Japan for 120 million people.
Western countries and Japan must immediately enact laws that properly regulate SNS.
Registration with SNS requires two points: Limiting participation to real names and clarifying the nationality.
It will impose hefty penalties on SNS operators who violate this.
With that alone, the evil lurking in SNS is almost dissipated.
Above all, it can eliminate the darkening of China's 50 Cent Party.
Far from being a quiet invasion, in SNS, China is invading developed countries violently, trying to divide the national theory of each country.
This article continues.
Yuzuru Hanyu appeared, so I was watching the giants VS Yakult.
In the video, when he won the 2018 National Honor Award, NHK cut the footage of the Prime Minister of Japan handing over.
I checked the search just in case, thinking it should be Mr. Abe.
After all, it was Mr. Abe.
All the people who control the NHK news department and those who appear as casters are anti-Japanese.
And now, while cutting the video of Prime Minister Abe, he is happy to report the reaction of Chinese fans and others.
I watched the results of the Kishida administration's poll on the news at 7 o'clock.
NHK has never asked Prime Minister Kishida the item "I can't trust the Prime Minister's personality" in the first place.
It is a clear fact that NHK continued to ask the question "I can't trust the prime minister's personality" in the first place for more than eight years when Mr. Abe was the prime minister.
It is a clear fact that NHK created the cause of the assassination of former Prime Minister Abe, a rare politician.
Along with the Asahi Shimbun, it is clear that NHK was one of the most significant factors in this assassination; NHK was one of the actual criminals.
Nothing is more unreasonable than it cannot punishing NHK staff while they are alive.
Today, I am convinced that China is working on Japan's SNS on a large scale, as it is in Western countries.
Thanks to Ms. Kumiko Takeuchi's genuine treatise published in the Sankei Shimbun's Seiron, made me decisively convinced.
It is clear that Ms. Takeuchi, an ethologist who studied at Kyoto University, continues to inform the Japanese people of the correct knowledge about the Japanese imperial family.
She continues to work for 120 million people in this matter.
She is, in other words, a "national treasure" that she continues to contribute to Japan for 120 million people.
Western countries and Japan must immediately enact laws that properly regulate SNS.
Registration with SNS requires two points: Limiting participation to real names and clarifying the nationality.
It will impose hefty penalties on SNS operators who violate this.
With that alone, the evil lurking in SNS is almost dissipated.
Above all, it can eliminate the darkening of China's 50 Cent Party.
Far from being a quiet invasion, in SNS, China is invading developed countries violently, trying to divide the national theory of each country.
This article continues.
媚韓派が跋扈し始めた。また同じ轍を踏む日本… https://sankei.com/article/20220719-E6VZDQGKPJKORCD7BEB5SZSINY/
媚韓派が跋扈し始めた。また同じ轍を踏む日本… https://sankei.com/article/20220719-E6VZDQGKPJKORCD7BEB5SZSINY/