Serious readers know how I first appeared on the Internet as "Turntable of Civilization" in July 2010.
Shortly after my appearance, I realized that "the world does not know Japan.
It knows only the anti-Japanese propaganda of China and South Korea (the Korean peninsula), the only two anti-Japanese nations in the world.
In other words, the world knew little truth about Japan.
It continued to believe the outright lies spread to the world by the above two countries and the anti-Japanese Japanese organizations, Asahi, Mainichi, Tokyo newspapers, Kyodo News, NHK, and other TV stations, to be true.
In the U.S., anti-Japanese Americans, brainwashed by South Korean propaganda, were widespread.
Many had studied at Yonsei University in South Korea, where the anti-Japanese Asahi Shimbun had an employee development program to learn abroad.
The New York Times and the Washington Post were the strongholds of these people, along with Alexis Dudden and others who claimed to be professors at the university.
These two newspapers published anti-Japanese articles, each heavily featuring anti-Japanese Japanese and anti-Japanese foreigners of Japanese descent.
I even thought, "There is no point in transmitting the truth only in Japanese."
At that time, I learned of the existence of various translation software.
Finally, I found google translate.
Google is a company made up of Stanford University graduates, equivalent to the University of Tokyo or Kyoto University in Japan.
The origin of the word "English" is Latin, as are the words "Italian," "French," "Spanish," "Portuguese," "German," and so on.
If English were perfect, these languages would translate perfectly.
Google Translate at the time was only marginally usable, as I expected.
However, I continue sending this column to the world almost daily.
I am one of the best translators in the world when it comes to using google translate from Japanese to English and from English to other languages.
You know that the performance has improved dramatically over time.
Of course, as serious readers know, this column began to receive an avalanche of followers worldwide.
I wanted as many people as possible to know about this column, so I started sending it simultaneously from three different sites: Goo, Ameba, and FC2.
I continue to publish this column free of charge.
Sending out from three sites was a lot of work, so I used only two, Goo and Ameba.
Until 2019, on the Goo, I had an average of about 30,000 searches and 3,000 visitors daily.
However, one day around 2019, when a criminal, whom readers know well, was released from prison after completing a three-year or so prison term finalized in a case of defrauding a specific bank of a large sum of money, he suddenly started another crime of search obstruction.
This offender has been committing incredible search obstruction on Google since June 1, 2011.
In 2012, I filed a criminal complaint against him. When the police department officially accepted the complaint as a criminal case of obstruction of business, etc., and began investigating, he confessed to the interrogation that he was responsible for all the crimes.
His modus operandi was to create hundreds of IDs at each blog management company, and to create countless body of material that was merely a chapter of this column posted without permission.
At the time, there were over 20 million searches for the turntable of civilization.
It went on and on, in good order of content, in various languages, for about 70 pages.
Then, one day, suddenly, the above unintelligible blog, titled "driving service" or "secretarial service," filled pages 1 through 10 of the search page for the turntable of civilization.
The number of searches was plummeting; it was a mess.
Around 2019, after the offender was released from prison, he started wreaking havoc on Goo and Ameba search results.
As for Ameba, I felt they would not get away with it, so I let it go.
Naturally, the primary source of information is on Goo.
Since NTT Resonant, a subsidiary of NTT, was the operator, they would likely do something about it in time.
However, long ago, the "Appeal Opportunity has Arrived" column stopped appearing on both my smartphone and my PC.
No matter how often I talked to NTT Resonant, it could not get anywhere.
Apple was very accommodating.
Ultimately, the problem was not with Apple but NTT Resonant, the application provider.
I informed NTT Resonant, but they did not solve the problem.
I decided to leave this alone as well.
On 5/29, Ameba began unannounced work to eliminate unauthorized access to manipulate the increase or decrease of search results.
For a short time, many users were unable to log in.
All of the above would improve.
As it turned out, soon after, the search results on Goo started to return to normal.
From July 2010 to today, I have been sending messages in many languages daily.
Even when it was midnight in Japan, there were still visitors, so the graph of searches continued in a band-like fashion.
Suddenly, around 2019, the graph took on an incredible, toothless shape.
Since then, until recently, it has remained that way.
I even called NTT Resonant several times, but there was no improvement.
From 5/30 until early this morning, it was approaching its original shape and number of searches.
But this morning, suddenly, the criminal had been altered back to a toothless shape.
The criminal will drastically reduce the number of searches.
Finally, when I took a picture of the search results, attached it, and tried to send it out, to my surprise, an appealing opportunity had arrived, and its submission field had appeared!
NTT Resonant may have followed Ameba's lead and gone in unannounced to eliminate unauthorized access that intentionally increased or decreased searches.
It was too little too late, but is this the first time that NTT has taken action worthy of its name?
For now, I will not attach the photos of the documents but will present you with a series of the best pictures I have ever seen.
Please take a look.

June 10, 2023, in Osaka