The following is from Chinese-American conservative activist Shih Van Fleet and interviewer Toshiyuki Hayakawa, who appeared in WiLL, a monthly magazine published on the 26th under the title, LGBT Activism: The Spirits Behind Marx & Mao Zedong.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but for people worldwide.
LGBT ideology is a milestone in the Cultural Revolution in Japan.
It was in June 2021 that Shih Van Fleet, a Chinese-born woman who had been just an ordinary housewife, came to the attention of the entire United States.
At a public hearing held by the Board of Education of Loudoun County in the southern state of Virginia, she compared the rapidly leftward tilt of the United States to China during Mao Zedong's Cultural Revolution.
She claimed that the United States is now undergoing "an American version of the Chinese Cultural Revolution."
The video of Shi making this impassioned speech spread across the U.S., and he appeared on Fox News.
Since then, Shi has continued to sound the alarm on Twitter and other media about the dangers of cultural Marxism undermining American society, and she is scheduled to publish a book in October of this year.
Ms. Shih, who actually lived through a communist society, is persuasive in her remarks and is particularly sympathetic to conservatives who are worried about the future of the United States.
We interviewed Ms. Shi online to find out what the Cultural Revolution in the U.S. is like and why the U.S. is imposing its LGBT ideology on Japan.
The Dark Ages are Coming
I was born in 1959 and was in the first grade when the Cultural Revolution began in 1966.
It lasted for about ten years until Mao Zedong died in 1976.
Most universities were closed during the Cultural Revolution, so after graduating from high school, I was sent to a rural area for three years to be reeducated by peasants.
When Deng Xiaoping came to power in 1978, universities reopened, and I studied English at university.
In 1986, I was able to attend graduate school in the U.S. and have lived in the U.S. ever since.
I married an American and became a U.S. citizen.
In 2021 at a school board meeting in the county where I live, I complained that what was happening in the United States was the second coming of the Chinese Cultural Revolution.
But as I talked to people, I found that most Americans knew nothing about communism.
When it comes to the Chinese Cultural Revolution, few people know about it.
A lack of historical knowledge prevents Americans from recognizing what is happening now.
I have been aware that the U.S. was slowly moving in the wrong direction for years, but I turned a blind eye.
I learned that if I wanted to save my life in China, I should not meddle in politics.
But the turning point came in 2020.
I saw that the Cultural Revolution by the Marxists was not just a sign but a full-blown manifestation, and I decided that I could no longer remain silent.
So I made these statements to the school board.
But I had no idea the video would spread across the United States.
When asked to appear on FOX News, I was terrified of exposing myself to the world.
But I did it because I thought this was not about me but the world's future.
If the U.S. were to fall, the free world would also fall, ushering in a dark age in which authoritarianism would be the norm.
Whites vs. Non-Whites
First, let me explain the Chinese Cultural Revolution.
The "Great Leap Forward" policy initiated by Mao Zedong in 1958 was a catastrophe that led to a famine that starved up to 50 million people to death.
Mao himself acknowledged the failure, and Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping stepped up to power to rebuild the economy.
However, as a dictator, Mao could not forgive the fact that he had been cast aside.
He started the Cultural Revolution to regain power from his Chinese Communist Party.
In other words, it was a power struggle.
Mao had another goal.
He wanted to destroy all remnants of Chinese civilization and replace them with Maoism.
Former U.S. President Obama once claimed that he would "fundamentally transform the United States," but Mao had "fundamentally transformed China."
So how did Mao do it?
He could have used the military, but that would have looked like a coup d'etat.
So he used the youth.
They mobilized all the brainwashed young people from junior high school to university.
They became the "Red Guards" and did what Mao wanted, destroying everything in China.
They used violence to eliminate those in power, and up to 20 million people died in the process.
The Cultural Revolution is characterized by fragmentation.
To make a revolution, one must use Marxist tactics to divide the people and create enemies.
It is what Mao did.
But in fact, this is also happening in the United States.
What Mao used to divide the people was "class."
He labeled landowners and wealthy farmers as the "black" class and treated them as villains while calling revolutionary comrades and peasants the "red" class, creating a "black vs. red" confrontation.
However, in a developed country like the United States, one cannot divide the people by class.
In capitalism, everyone is allowed to create wealth through hard work and talent.
So how do we divide the people in the United States?
The easiest way is to use "race."
Put blacks and whites at odds with each other.
However, blacks represent only 13% of the U.S. population.
Blacks alone are not enough; we need to broaden it.
A new term that has recently emerged is "BIPOC."
It stands for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color and refers to all races other than White.
The racial conflict in the United States is no longer White versus Black.
It is white versus non-white.
Identity Used
Yet, more is needed to divide the United States.
Identity is being used for this purpose.
It has created conflicts of male vs. female, heterosexual vs. homosexual, and more recently, healthy people oppress obese people, and non-disabled people oppress disabled people.
The newest of the endlessly expanding identities is "trans."
It is not just "transgender" people who self-identify as a different gender.
There are also "transracial" and "trans-age," in which people identify as different races or ages.
A white person might refer to themselves as black, or an adult might refer to their age as six.
In other words, "trans" is the latest tool to increase the number of people oppressed by their identities endlessly.
In Marxist terms, the proletariat is the oppressed, but like rats, it creates new identities, creating the proletariat.
So who is the bourgeoisie?
It is the middle-class, Christian, heterosexual white male.
They are the modern bourgeoisie and its enemies.
That is how we are being divided.
They are the ones who have to fight each other and overthrow the country's foundations, as Mao Zedong did, to bring about a revolution.
They want permanent power.
Mao Zedong tried to erase all that was Asian and traditional under the slogan "break the four old ways," which means destroying old ideas, culture, customs, manners, and practices.
In the United States, too, there is a growing movement to erase all that is American and traditional and replace the founding principles with Marxist ideology through a "cancel culture."
The Red Guards have destroyed Buddhist statues in temples and pulled down statues of the Virgin Mary in Catholic churches.
In Tibet, they stormed the holiest temple in Lhasa and destroyed many priceless religious artifacts.
The same thing is happening in the United States.
In 2020, a black man named George Floyd was assaulted and killed by a white police officer in Minnesota, leading to riots and looting across the United States.
Radical activists from Black Lives Matter (BLM) and the far-left group Antifa vandalized statues of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and other significant American historical figures in various locations.
They even targeted white and black abolitionist Frederick Douglass for destruction.
The destruction of everything is truly a Cultural Revolution.
Radical activists recently staged violent protests against the U.S. Supreme Court's reversal of Roe v. Waite, which granted women the right to abortion.
They even stormed the homes of Supreme Court justices and threatened them.
How could they continue such vandalism?
It is because the Democratic political organization is behind it.
Because the Democrats control the prosecutors and the courts, they can be arrested and released immediately without punishment.
It is the same structure as when the Red Guards killed people, and no one could stop them because Mao Zedong was behind it.
BLM activists were hostile to the police and campaigned to "eliminate the police budget," but the first thing the Red Guards did was also to dismantle the police who policed them.
The street behind the White House was renamed "Black Lives Matter Plaza," but the Red Guards were also responsible for renaming roads and facilities.
The busiest shopping street in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, where I lived, was renamed "Anti-Imperialist Street."
In China at that time, it was fashionable even to change one's name to show that one was a comrade of Mao Zedong.
My name was written in Chinese characters as "Xi," which meant Western imperialism.
Therefore, as a child, I wanted to change my name to "East," meaning China.
However, my parents told me I should not change it because it was taken from Xi'an, where I was born.
Many people around me changed their names to mean Red Guards or Revolutionaries.
Taken together, I can say with certainty that what is happening now in the United States is a replay of the Chinese Cultural Revolution.
So what is the purpose of the revolution?
It is power.
Just as Mao Zedong started the Cultural Revolution in search of absolute power, the left in the U.S. is similarly searching for permanent control.
This article continues.