文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The CDP/Communist Party has many members who waste time deliberating uselessly and

2023年03月04日 23時05分13秒 | 全般

The following is from a tweet by Kohyu Nishimura that I just discovered.
Such ridiculous noise is created because of a shallow Diet member named #Konishi Hiroyuki, who is a rare idiotic man and was even called "enemy of the people" by voters to his face.
The CDP/Communist Party has many members who waste time deliberating uselessly and throwing money away from the taxpayers.
The prominent #Tsujimoto Kiyomi and the vicious #Sugio Hideya are no better than rats.

Quoted tweets
Chiaki Tokai
Former PM's aide Isozaki
"I never met or called Ms. Takaichi. The period when I met with MIC officials and when Minister Takaichi listened to their explanation is entirely different and should be considered unrelated.

The media should take up the voices of those involved!

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