文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

"I see. Then try it without Japan." Japanese companies must withdraw from China altogether

2023年04月28日 00時43分34秒 | 全般

The following is from a tweet by Ryusho Kadota, which I just discovered.
Kadota Ryusho
There is only one way to oppose China, which is an enemy of the whole world.
"I see. Then try it without Japan." Japanese companies must withdraw from China altogether.
Failure to do so would be disastrous in an emergency in Taiwan, as Japanese nationals would be taken hostage and used as bargaining chips.
As long as Japan supports the Chinese Communist Party, "nothing will change," It is time for the government and the people to keep this in mind.

Tweet quotes
Ryusho Kadota
The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress passed an amendment to the "Anti-Spying Law.
The definition of espionage has been expanded to include the provision, theft, or purchase of "literature, data, materials, or goods related to national security or interests.
In short, "anything goes.
The danger of being caught with just a book or a sample is dangerous. Japanese companies must withdraw from the market altogether," said Mr. Sekihei.
I don't understand business owners who cling to China even in this situation.



