Yoichi Takahashi (Kaetsu University)
You'll know what's right and what's not
Citizens can judge by looking closely at parliamentary deliberations
LDP: Submission of bill
CDP & JCP: Watered down
JIP & DPFP: cautiously
quoted tweet
Ruhi Abiru
Ironically, while the Liberal Democratic Party rushed forward, the DPFP and JIP began questioning whether this bill was necessary. twitter.com/tamakiyuichiro…
Yoichi Takahashi (Kaetsu University)
Expect interesting developments.
Liberal Democratic Party: Approve > CDP & JCP, JIP & DPFP: Oppose, so normally, it would be approved but rejected due to rebellion from the adoption by the Liberal Democratic Party.
Prime Minister Kishida called for the dissolution of the general election, saying that he wanted to question the people's faith.
If the dissolution of the postal service in 2005 comes again, it will be pretty exciting.