1 | Eventually, it is normal for about three times to travel freely over planning, |
2 | and illegal passenger almost disappeared at the time of ‘official mediation’ ‘requisition’ |
3 | ‘Forced repatriation of illegal passenger’ - this is the real situation. |
4 | Especially agents of China and the Korean Peninsula belonging to each committee of the UN are |
5 | we judged that migrant workers flowing in disorder cannot be stopped, strengthening control |
6 | 真珠湾まであと2か月を切ったころ、ソルゲ事件の片割れの尾崎秀実が警視庁に捕まった。 |
7 | there was a case of impersonating identity and pretending to be a person to be mobilized |
8 | in sync with their 'abysmal evil' and 'plausible lies', knowing their own evil and shame |
9 | the recruitment plan by ‘recruitment’ ends in failure.So ‘official mediation’ began |
10 | Anti-Japanese Japanese who burned ‘requisition worker’ ruling |
12 | People from all over the world know this the truth in this translation, it must know the foolishness |
13 | As for any, the mobilization place was a deadline contract in 2 years generally in the private |
14 | There are cases where there were twice as many applicants as the number of recruiters |
15 | then from 1942 to September 1944 the Governor General of Korea assigned a mobilization number |
16 | it is clear that it is written in the Korean newspaper article at that time. |
17 | In other words, Korean workers was eager to work at the mainland. |
18 | the Japanese mainland became extremely labor shortage, wages were soaring |
19 | The number reached by 440,000, about 3 times to 150,000 of 'the recruitment'. |
20 | It was voluntarily coming, not compulsory entrainment etc. |
21 | ‘Recruitment’ conducted by private enterprises from Korea in 1939 to 1941, |
22 | In response, Japan crack downed and illegal passengers were repatriated to home country |
23 | passenger with the injustice to falsify circumstances |
24 | it is clear that it is written in the Korean newspaper article at that time. |
25 | In other words, all four plaintiffs were workers who came to Japan in response to recruitment |
26 | and many Japanese men were absent due to the military draft, |
27 | 世界中の人たちは私の、この翻訳で、真実を知って、反日プロパガンダに工作されている愚かさを知らなければならない。 |
28 | トップページ |
29 | 世界中の人たちは私の、この翻訳で、真実を知って、反日プロパガンダに工作されている愚かさを知らなければならない。 |
30 | 特に国連の各委員会に所属している中国や朝鮮半島のエージェント達は彼らの「底知れぬ悪」と「まことしやかな嘘」に同調している自らの悪を知って |
31 | There are records that about 16,000 people have been sent back. |
32 | George Harrison - True Love |
34 | 以下は昨日の検索数ベスト50である。 |
35 | George Harrison - Any Road |
36 | George Harrison - Faster |
37 | As you said, there was no enforceability. |
38 | George Harrison - Devil's Radio (Live) |
39 | They had freedom to refuse unless they agreed. |
40 | George Harrison - Stuck Inside A Cloud |
41 | an era when building a house with 5,000 yen, so 25,000 yen is a huge amount of money |
42 | George Harrison - Between The Devil & The Deep Blue Sea |
43 | from the peaceful farm village like a slave by force taking him is a complete figment |
44 | George Harrison - Soft-Hearted Hana - Lyrics |
45 | Boston Globe paper to some extent is said to be the first-rate paper in the United States |
46 | George Harrison - Blow Away - Lyrics |
47 | George Harrison - Dark Sweet Lady - Lyrics |
48 | George Harrison - Never Get Over You - Lyrics |
50 | 「マギーズ・ファーム」 ボブ・ディラン。 訳詞…片桐ユヅルさん 中山容さん。 |
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