文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

You are disrespecting Japanese traditions and values, making discriminatory statements about Japan

2023年06月20日 11時50分05秒 | 全般

Kaori Arimoto
Japan's railroad system is superior to any other in the world because of the efforts of our predecessors.
It is not something that can be achieved overnight.
You are disrespecting Japanese traditions and values, making discriminatory statements about Japan being "in the process of evolution," and leading an attempt to destroy Japanese society from the bottom up.
It is deplorable.

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U.S. Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel.
On-time, clean, and efficient.
Odakyu line is headed to the Zama Camp of the U.S. Army in Japan.
The next stop is Sobudaimae Station. 



