文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The time has come for Google to prosecute this criminal.

2022年11月03日 15時08分25秒 | 全般

Except for about three years, around 2018, when this criminal was in prison, criminal activity has continued from June 2011 to today.
It is search sabotage that has been carried out in various ways.
It is carried out daily, specializing in the following modus operandi.
Google Inc. should be able to see the modus operandi under which this criminal activity occurs.
It is the chapter I sent out earlier.
It should say that it was natural in terms of content, but I immediately encountered search interference.

Google should clearly see how this criminal act is carried out.
You should also instantly know the IP address of the man who continues this criminal activity.
The time has come for Google to prosecute this criminal.
Google must immediately investigate and banish evil from the Internet.
That is the task of Google, which has become one of the world's largest companies on the Internet.




