文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

But the next song, like Smashing Pumpkins, was also perfect.

2023年08月24日 00時06分01秒 | 全般

The following is a memorandum of understanding.

I was once (a long time ago) one of the most significant movie buffs—especially Hollywood movies of the time.
I watched most of the movies worth watching at Tsutaya, the video rental store.
Of course, I never entered the realm of a geek like Tarantino.
It was before I reached the prime of my business life when I paid over 17 billion yen in taxes to the Japanese government in just ten years at the height of my career.
After that, I watched movies on WOWOW instead of renting them at Tsutaya.
I also watched the Grammy Awards every year without fail.
As I mentioned above, I had grown tired of Hollywood movies after a certain point.
After Hollywood started flirting with China, movies cannot be called movies.
They are not even good enough to be called "movies."
Watching them is a waste of life, a waste of precious time.
Yet, for some reason, there were nights recently when I wanted to watch a movie.
For some reason, I couldn't find the movie I wanted to watch on Prime Video, so I had no choice but to subscribe to Netflix.
I selected a category that I could watch in 4K.
The first movie I watched was "Night Action."
It was a disaster.
This movie is calculating and slyly made.
It is a dangerous film because this is the only film that wastes time.
It is no exaggeration to say that the film is empty.
It is the epitome of a film that is a flirtation with China.
Many of the principal actors are Chinese Americans.
The worst part of the film is that the black mother of one of the characters is asked to say a line here and there meant to putrefy the United States, such as, "In a country that does not value the individual at all..." It is an anti-American film in the extreme.
In the extreme, this anti-American film self-deprecates and humiliates the United States.

I discovered "White House Down" on WOWOW's program list today.
It was a refreshing movie.
The Rolling Stones that first came on in the ending roll was good, though,
But the next song, like Smashing Pumpkins, was also perfect.
I immediately searched for it.

White House Down - Chevy Knights (Mickey & Mallory) - Soundtrack OST HD


