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The time of Japan, the time of the world

Repost! 'Unfounded criticism' means that I am surprised that you insist so much.

2024年09月14日 21時41分46秒 | 全般
'Unfounded criticism' means that I am surprised that you insist so much.
Comfort women, the Yoshida Report...the cardinal sin of anti-Japanese reporting that has not gone away
Sound Argument Monthly, October 2014
Journalist Yoshiko Sakurai
Journalist Kadota Ryusho
Rui Abiru, Editor, Sankei Shimbun Political Science Department
It is true that not only the people of Japan but also people worldwide, especially those involved in the UN, need to know.
It is a truth that Hillary Clinton especially needs to know.
An enormous amount of well-founded criticism is "unfounded criticism"...
Mr. Sugiura, who has just come up for discussion, wrote the following on his front page.
'There has been unfounded criticism in some circles and on the Internet that the comfort women issue is a fabrication by the Asahi Shimbun.'
There is enough evidence and reason to believe it is unfounded. Nevertheless, the Asahi wrote as if they were the victims. 
They wrote that they would retract the article about Mr. Yoshida Seiji, but they wrote it in small print on the inside page and nothing on the front page. 
There is no headline. 
They seemed to want to cover up the story from the beginning.
Unfounded criticism is not directed at Asahi but at the Japanese. 
Statues of comfort women have been erected around the world, and condemnation resolutions are being discussed in parliaments worldwide.
I wondered how the Asahi Shimbun would answer here, but on the contrary, it became defiant.
'Unfounded criticism' means I am surprised you insist so much. 
It is precisely the problem that the Asahi Shimbun fabricated, first of all, being moved forcibly and, secondly, linking the Women's Volunteer Corps and the comfort women, two very different things. 
The fact that the Women's Volunteer Corps women were moved forcibly is shocking to the world, and the Asahi Shimbun was the flag bearer.
If you imagine the reality of 'Volunteer Corps = Comfort Women,' this is tremendous.
The Japanese military forcibly took girls who may or may not have graduated from elementary school to young women in their early 20s and turned them into " military comfort women," according to the Asahi newspaper.
Writing about this would enrage South Korean public opinion.
It would be strange for the Koreans not to be angry, and it's natural for them to/ be angry. 
It was severely damaged between Japan and South Korea, which could have been better.  
In that sense, Asahi also needs to apologize to the Korean people.
Asahi admitted to conflating comfort women and Volunteer Corps but wrote that this was unreasonable and that little research was done at the time. But that's not right.
You could ask your parents or grandparents, "What was the Volunteer Corps?" 
If you ask, it's the kind of thing you can easily find out.
It's common sense because this is already at the level of a common reason for the female volunteer corps.
This article continues.

2024/9/13 in Miyajima


